Only one month left before my little boy is ONE! Wow!
Calin is constantly learning new things. He is such a boy, and a very silly one.
Things Calin does at 11 months:
- Loves to play peek-a-boo (especially in church with people sitting behind us)
- Started eating lots of different foods. His favorites are gram crackers, watermellon, and corn.
- Loves smoothies! He can never get enough!
- Has picked up even more facial expressions

- Still loves to imitate others - especially the sounds you make, but also actions. Which means he has finally started putting things away. If he sees me putting something somewhere, he will copy me. Even if it's just a ring around his foot :)
{video from my mom's phone - it was 4 min long, so I tried to cut some out}
- One of his favorite activities is to rearrange furniture. He stands and pushes and maneuvers the chairs in the kitchen all over the place. He's been doing this for a while, but he's recently become very good at it! I'll often find the two barstools pushed all the way under our kitchen table into the corner, the computer chair by the kitchen sink, and the other chairs pushed around about 15 feet from where they started.
- Blows kisses! He must make his kisses extra good, cause he holds his hand up to his mouth for a quite a while before he waves it out to you. He's also been really cuddly this month, which I love!!
- Puts his finger to his mouth and says "shhh" (Jordan taught him that) Though most of the time he just makes the noise. He really likes the Raffi "Brush your teeth" song because he thinks they're making that noise so he sings along "shhh shhh shh . . . . "
- Points with his pinky
- Says momma, dad, stop, and hi
- Shakes & nods his head
- Loves Loves Loves to dance!!
{another video from my moms phone}

My mom is flying back to CA today. But we'll be driving down on the 11th so we'll see her again soon. It was fun having her visit though! I'll try to post some pics of our trip to Jackson and the Teton's tomorrow.
I can't believe he's turning 1 next month! It's been great watching him grow and do new things via your blog. He is such a cute baby (soon to be toddler).
Totally cute little guy! Love the noises he makes!
Love that grin he has! One more month, wow how time flies!
Can't believe how much older he is looking! He's such a cutie. I love the picture of his funny face. I think its so funny that he points with his pinky! It's so funny the little things they do!
I love all his facial expressions! So cute! he is just such a good looking kid!
He is soooo cute! He will be such a heartbreaker (for sure!)!!
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