Monday, October 12, 2009


This Sunday was Calin's baby blessing. Jordan's dad flew in Thursday night; Matt, Mickie and Ty got here Friday night; Nate, Kelly, Tanner, and Dallin came up on Saturday. We had so much fun with everyone here! The weather has been so cold, and we weren't able to do too much, but just being all together was a blast! We did go bowling Saturday, and Matt, Mickie, Jordan and Steve watched the BYU game at the REX (movie theater in town).
Calin did so great on Sunday for his blessing! He didn't make a peep while Jordan gave him the blessing, and he was wonderful for pictures afterwards!
Our ward meets in the stake center by the Rexburg temple, so it made a good backdrop for our photos :)
Here's a picture of the guys who stood in the circle for the blessing. Our bishop and friend Scott also were there, but didn't make it for the picture.
Picture of Grandpa Spence with his son's and grandsons (we sure missed Braden this weekend!!)
All of us with our families. I can't believe how well all the kids did for pictures! It looks like a nice sunny day, but it was very very chilly!!
I think it is so fun seeing the cousins together! Tanner is so cute how he just loves his little baby TyTy and baby Calin cousins! He loved holding Calin! Though Calin wasn't too sure about it. He kept smiling, then crying, then he'd smile again, and then cry. In this picture you can really see how Calin has lost almost all his hair. It's growing back, but it's too short and blonde to see in any pictures.
This picture is so funny cause it's totally opposite for both boys! Usually Calin is the one crying and Ty is super chill and happy. But if you watched the video in THIS post then you know how Calin LOVES the mobile in his crib. And when it's on, the can't stop "dancing." So when we put them in there together Calin started dancing, and kept hitting Ty. Ty was not too happy with his little cousin.


Kay said...

What a great day!! Wish we could have joined in too! Thanks for all the wonderful pics though, at least I can see what I was missing out on...:)

Mickie and Matt said...

Way cute pictures! You are right I was suprised too at how well the kids did in the pictures...

Hey I would cry too after getting wacked in the face that many times haha.

Calin will be so much bigger next time we see him! Ty might even be crawling! Sheesh they grow up so fast.

Thanks for having us up it was a fun weekend... and like Matt says "Man, Michaela can cook! The food was SO GOOD!" Thanks for the recipes :)

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

How cute!!! You know, he kind of has your father's smile, Michaela!!

Congrats on a very special day!!

becky and family

Spence Ohana said...

Great photos! Too bad Braden wasn't there. All the kids are so cute!

Will said...

That last picture was awesome. I love the "Whattttt???" face on Calin's face . . .

Kelly Spence said...

Can you send me some of those? They turned out great.

Michaela said...

The Rex - now that's what I call a big screen. I sure enjoyed the family together for such a special day. Great pictures Kyla. Grandpa Spence