Calin is getting so big (I don't think he's as chubby as he looks in the picture though, he still seems pretty tiny. He has his dr apt tuesday so I'll post his stats then). It's hard to tell how much he's growing when we're with him all day every day, but this past week we've noticed he is a lot heavier and his face is looking a lot older to us also. He's grown in to all of his 0-3 month clothes, and out of the nb's. And his blue eyes have sure lightened up a lot!
He's a fun baby! Not too easy, but fun! He loves to play and be entertained! Sure keeps me busy! He loves when we sing fun songs to him and dance around. He loves taking walks and being outside! He also loves sucking on his hands and he's getting pretty good at it. He can almost fit his whole fist in his mouth (I'll try to get a picture soon). He hasn't been to into his swing though, not sure why. Lately he has been very vocal. He's been doing tons of talking! Especially in the mornings! When he first wakes up he is soo happy!! He smiles and giggles and tells us all kinds of stories! He has also been extra fussy this week. Usually only when he's tired though. As long as his extra fussiness comes with extra smiles it's not too bad :) He's still a good sleeper. He wakes up once in the night to eat, then goes right back to sleep. During the day he has still been eating every 2.5-3 hours. He's usually awake 1.5 hrs then sleeps for 1 hr.
A recent discovery:
Calin has a hard time eating when he has tummy issues. So one night after he had been up almost 5 hours without eating or sleeping (yeah it was terrible), at midnight I finally decided to just pump and try a bottle. Well it worked! He took the bottle instantly and fell right asleep after! Later I read that sometimes when babies are having tummy issues they will prefer a bottle. I guess Calin is one of those babies. I wish I would have known about this earlier, but at least I finally know! It's been a big help!
Here is his 2 month picture. I think he looks a little chubby, but I think he's still pretty tiny. He has his 2 month checkup on Tues, so I'll post his stats then.
- And here is a Halloween Sneak Peak -