Friday, October 30, 2009

2 Months

Calin is getting so big (I don't think he's as chubby as he looks in the picture though, he still seems pretty tiny. He has his dr apt tuesday so I'll post his stats then). It's hard to tell how much he's growing when we're with him all day every day, but this past week we've noticed he is a lot heavier and his face is looking a lot older to us also. He's grown in to all of his 0-3 month clothes, and out of the nb's. And his blue eyes have sure lightened up a lot!
He's a fun baby! Not too easy, but fun! He loves to play and be entertained! Sure keeps me busy! He loves when we sing fun songs to him and dance around. He loves taking walks and being outside! He also loves sucking on his hands and he's getting pretty good at it. He can almost fit his whole fist in his mouth (I'll try to get a picture soon). He hasn't been to into his swing though, not sure why. Lately he has been very vocal. He's been doing tons of talking! Especially in the mornings! When he first wakes up he is soo happy!! He smiles and giggles and tells us all kinds of stories! He has also been extra fussy this week. Usually only when he's tired though. As long as his extra fussiness comes with extra smiles it's not too bad :) He's still a good sleeper. He wakes up once in the night to eat, then goes right back to sleep. During the day he has still been eating every 2.5-3 hours. He's usually awake 1.5 hrs then sleeps for 1 hr.
A recent discovery:
Calin has a hard time eating when he has tummy issues. So one night after he had been up almost 5 hours without eating or sleeping (yeah it was terrible), at midnight I finally decided to just pump and try a bottle. Well it worked! He took the bottle instantly and fell right asleep after! Later I read that sometimes when babies are having tummy issues they will prefer a bottle. I guess Calin is one of those babies. I wish I would have known about this earlier, but at least I finally know! It's been a big help!
Here is his 2 month picture. I think he looks a little chubby, but I think he's still pretty tiny. He has his 2 month checkup on Tues, so I'll post his stats then.

- And here is a Halloween Sneak Peak -

Monday, October 26, 2009


I just realized I haven't posted about Jordan's job. He works at the Sports Medicine First Aid Clinic on campus as an athletic trainer. He wasn't able to apply since we were in Jersey for the summer when they usually do interviews, but they needed a replacement for one of the employees who left and instead of interviewing tons of applicants, they asked Jordan if he would be willing to take the job. He loves it! It's perfect for him! He usually only works 8-10 hours a week with is great since he was already so busy with school!
Here he is in action . . .
I have been wanting to darken my hair for years now, but always chicken out. Well, Friday I finally did it! It took about 4 hours (I have super thick hair, it always takes forever) I like the way it turned out! She didn't color the underneath of my hair at all (it was all my natural color, without highlights) and the top color ended up matching perfectly! I was pretty nervous, but I think because it's so close to my natural color it was easy to get used to.
We snapped a few pictures yesterday. Calin looked so cute in the outfit his cousin James handed down to him. Thanks Melissa!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Jordan's Post: Hakuna Matata

So this is my first post in a couple of years because Kyla has been doing so well. However, when it comes to manly things like trecking through the jungle...Dad has to cover the story. Calin has been showing so much strength in his lower back and legs. The other day I came home from school and Kyla told me that Calin had moved himself off of the jungle mat and onto the carpet. Once she got it on video, I just couldn't post this it without a theme song. LION KING!!! Grammy Joni will like this.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Moving & Plates

No, we're not moving, but Calin sure is! He love to move! Unless he is super tired he is moving any way he can manage while awake, he's hardly ever in "chill-mode". Last Friday I put him on his stomach, then turned around for a sec to talk to Jordan - max of 5 seconds - turned back to Calin and he was on his back. I thought there was no way he rolled over by himself, so I rolled him back on his tummy to see if he would do it again, and sure enough he did. He also has figured out how to scoot himself forward. I have to move him back on his mat quite a bit so it takes him longer to get to the carpet. He also likes to shift around in his bed. I'll lay him down in one direction, and he'll wiggle himself perpendicular to how he initially was. He's definitely an active little guy! He has always been really good at holding his head up, but here's a short video so you can see too. If he's calm enough when I first put him down, he'll hold himself up for a couple minutes before he starts wiggling around.
And today I finally got video of him rolling over. Though this was the second rollover (the first one was too fast for me to get my camera) and usually if I put him back on his tummy after he has already rolled over once, he's pretty grumpy (his cry is pretty cute though, in a sad sort of way). He gets a little lazy in the video and stays on his side for a while, but it's the best one I have right now.
Today I finally registered our car in Idaho. California's car registration skyrocketed this year, so we decided to make the switch. I don't know why I didn't do it before! I thought it was going to be WAY more expensive than it was! Only $55 for the whole year! And only $11 to switch the title. Tons better than the $300 or whatever it was that we would have had to pay to California! So goodbye California license plates. Hmmm . . . what do we do with them now? Do we have to send those back? Or hang them on the wall, lol. Ahh, it sure feels nice having our registration finally current again :)
And I forgot to post this picture with the last post, but it's such a sweet one of Calin with dad on his blessing day that I couldn't resist putting it with this post!

Monday, October 12, 2009


This Sunday was Calin's baby blessing. Jordan's dad flew in Thursday night; Matt, Mickie and Ty got here Friday night; Nate, Kelly, Tanner, and Dallin came up on Saturday. We had so much fun with everyone here! The weather has been so cold, and we weren't able to do too much, but just being all together was a blast! We did go bowling Saturday, and Matt, Mickie, Jordan and Steve watched the BYU game at the REX (movie theater in town).
Calin did so great on Sunday for his blessing! He didn't make a peep while Jordan gave him the blessing, and he was wonderful for pictures afterwards!
Our ward meets in the stake center by the Rexburg temple, so it made a good backdrop for our photos :)
Here's a picture of the guys who stood in the circle for the blessing. Our bishop and friend Scott also were there, but didn't make it for the picture.
Picture of Grandpa Spence with his son's and grandsons (we sure missed Braden this weekend!!)
All of us with our families. I can't believe how well all the kids did for pictures! It looks like a nice sunny day, but it was very very chilly!!
I think it is so fun seeing the cousins together! Tanner is so cute how he just loves his little baby TyTy and baby Calin cousins! He loved holding Calin! Though Calin wasn't too sure about it. He kept smiling, then crying, then he'd smile again, and then cry. In this picture you can really see how Calin has lost almost all his hair. It's growing back, but it's too short and blonde to see in any pictures.
This picture is so funny cause it's totally opposite for both boys! Usually Calin is the one crying and Ty is super chill and happy. But if you watched the video in THIS post then you know how Calin LOVES the mobile in his crib. And when it's on, the can't stop "dancing." So when we put them in there together Calin started dancing, and kept hitting Ty. Ty was not too happy with his little cousin.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

If I have a "Baby Jogger" does that mean I have to jog?

I said I would post some pics of our new stroller when it arrived, and it's been a week, so here is our wonderful Baby Jogger . . .
Even though the snowy weather has begun, it hasn't been snowing everyday. Some days are still pretty nice, and we've still been able to go on some walks. We LOVE our new stroller! It's so wonderful! I just don't like the thought of leaving it outside all winter (and there's no way I'm lugging that thing up stairs every time I use it). The weight of it is my only complaint. But it folds up super easily, has an AMAZING canopy, great shocks, tons of great flaps on the canopy that are magnetic, lots of storage . . . we're enjoying it!
Jordan took this pic with his phone on our walk to the grocery store a few days ago.
Jordan has still been studying hard. He wanted to hold Calin and study at the same time so I taught him how to use the wrap. lol. How cute huh?!
And here is one for the Grandmas :)
We're blessing Calin this Sunday in church so Steve (Jordan's dad) is flying in tonight to stay with us for the weekend. Jordan's brothers and their families will also be here. We're excited to see Jordan's family! And Calin will finally get to meet Grandpa Spence!
Here is a little video of Calin over the past couple weeks.

Monday, October 5, 2009

What Happened to Fall?

This weekend was general conference. 4 hours of church on Saturday (6 for the guys) and 4 more on Sunday. This may sound like a lot, and I guess it is, but to listen to apostles of the Lord and other church authorities share important inspiring messages, 8-10 hours twice a year isn't much at all. More would be great! Each time conference comes around I think of how blessed we are to have modern day revelation. And how blessed I am to have the opportunity to listen to it!
Last week I posted a comment about how nice the weather has been, and how I was glad I didn't have to try to squeeze into my jeans yet. Well, what was on the forecast for the next day? Snow! I don't think it actually snowed last Wednesday, but this morning I looked out the window, and what did I see? Snow. It's been snowing all day! I am not ready for the snow just yet! I already missed summer weather with all the rain in Jersey, and now to have fall cut so short?! Well at least the snow is pretty.
Here's a pic I took from my phone (my new phone!!) on my way home from taking Jordan to school this morning to prove it really is happening.
This weekend I finally bought some material to make a baby wrap/carrier (I didn't really have to make it, there is no sewing required, just the need to cut the fabric in half - easy peasy!). I found some fabric super cheap and used a 50% off coupon at Joann's. Since I had to cut it in 1/2 lengthwise it made 2 wraps for only $6! Only $3 each! Good deal huh?! Calin loves it, and I love being able to hold him and have my hands free at the same time! :) I can get so much more done!