Showing posts with label Palin Derangement Syndrome. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Palin Derangement Syndrome. Show all posts

Monday, June 13, 2011

Finally: NYDN Columnist Links Palin to Weiner Scandal

Well, it had to happen at some point. Now have a look at this headline:

The beast inside every male heart: Anthony Weiner and the American man's dangerous sex drive

Now ordinarily, one would think we'll be having a look at the psyche of the disgraced Anthony Weiner, right?

I have absolutely no respect for Sarah Palin, other than for her unimpeachable ability to hunt well, then butcher and dress game on the spot. Her limits are obvious. What we see and hear is what we get: an arrogant lightweight.

But however willfully insipid, vainglorious, self-pitying, manipulative and greedy she might be, we would be shocked if Palin were to join the male-dominated school for sex scandal that continues to teach us lessons we should've learned long ago.
So Palin is an arrogant lightweight who's obviously limited, willfully insipid, vainglorious, self-pitying, manipulative and greedy.

So what does that make Weiner, according to Stanley Crouch? Well, he never says. The name Weiner appears only in the headline. But hey, why mention him when you can take a vile cheap shot at Palin? Seems to me most of that ad hominem attack more aptly suits Weiner.

One wonders whether Crouch has had a look at any of those exploding cigars disguised as Palin emails.

H/T Brendan.

Crouch has long suffered from PDS. There is no cure. But thank goodness he holds Palin such high esteem that he can consciously know she's never do anything stupid like Weiner, even if she is a mendacious, greedy, bubble-headed lightweight.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Something Newsworthy From Palin E-Mails: She Received Insane Death Threats

The beclowned media is poring over 24,000 emails sent or received by Sarah Palin in an exercise that has put the final nail in the coffin of the lamestream media.

But they finally unearthed something newsworthy. There are a lot of deranged people out there who hate Sarah Palin.
Among the emails Sarah Palin fielded while she was on the campaign trail were a batch of vicious threats against her life.

On Sept. 12, 2008, she received a message through the state of Alaska's website that accused her of being racist and suggested that she would have joined the Ku Klux Klan if she were a man.

"She doesn't belong to the NRA to support the right of each citizen to have weapons in an aim of self-defence, but just to support the right of every Southern white citizen to shoot all non-white people legally!" wrote the sender, identified as Dominique Villacrouz. "Sarah Palin MUST BE KILLED!"

On Sept. 17, 2008, Palin received a profanity-laced message from a Juneau resident saying she needed to be "shot from one of the planes that shoot th [sic] the very wolves that you ordered."

A similar message on Sept. 12 from a resident in Antwerp, Belgium, also called for Palin to be shot, saying that "only on that moment justice will be accomplished."

Palin forwarded the messages to her aides without comment.

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

ABC to Palin: Hey, Who's Paying for Your Bus Trip?

ABC News is really unleashing the top talent as they chase Sarah Palin around New York. Their entertainment reporter digs deep for this one.
So, how's Sarah Palin paying for this grand tour anyway?

At the Statue of Liberty today, ABC News asked the former Alaska governor how much her tour has cost so far and how she's paying for it.

"How am I paying for it? SarahPAC," she said, adding that she's traveling in "our own personal motor home that we've had in Alaska."

Palin didn't answer when asked how long she's owned the bus that's adorned with the Constitution and a larger-than-life version of her signature. When asked, twice, how much her "One Nation Tour" has cost four days into the trip, she got visibly irritated.

"Check," she said. "I don't know why in the world you would ask a question like that. I'm just thinking about America and our foundations and our freedoms and our opportunities. Why would you ask something ..."

ABC News pointed out that she often talks about the economy and how much money we're spending.

"What does our economy have to do with how much we're -- I'm not asking you to pay for a penny of this trip," she said.
Schooled again. They never learn.

These idiots could care less we're being spent into oblivion yet demand answers to who's funding a private citizen's bus trip.


Deranged MSNBC Host: Flag on Palin's Bus a Violation of Federal Law or Something

Good grief, these people are insane.

Via The Blaze.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Palin Sued for Causing Traffic or Something

Palin Derangement Syndrome: There is no known cure.
Sarah Palin is being sued for more than $100,000 by an longtime Alaska political activist who said the hockey mom tried to railroad him while she was governor.

Theodore "Chip" Thoma of Juneau alleges Palin launched a campaign "to punish, embarrass, discredit and silence" him after he raised serious concerns about traffic in the neighborhood surrounding the governor's mansion.

Thoma's attorney, James McGowan, said that after Thoma complained about tour bus traffic on the narrow streets around Palin's place, the governor attempted to turn the tables and make it appear as if Thoma were directing "some unsavory and lunatic" campaign against the first family, the Associated Press reports.

The traffic was due, in part, to Palin's sudden national fame after she was picked by Republican Sen. John McCain to be his running mate in his failed bid for president.

Thoma is a 2010 recipient of the Celia Hunter Award for Outstanding Volunteer Contributions presented by the Alaska Conservation Foundation.
This sets up a convenient narrative should Palin enter the 2012 presidential race. All the stories will lead with "Sarah Palin, currently being sued in Alaska, has thrown her hat in the ring..."

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Montana Theater: Hey, Sorry About That Reference to Chopping Off Palin's Head

Just an honest mistake while in the throes of Palin Derangement Syndrome or something.

Safe to say the memo about the new civility and tone didn't make it up to Mantana before this clown stepped in it.
On Sunday night, MCT Community Theatre wrapped up its two-week run of Gilbert and Sullivan's satirical operetta, "The Mikado," with a frolicking performance at its home theater on East Broadway in Missoula.

On Monday morning, MCT executive director Michael McGill set about the hard business of mending all that had gone awry over the weekend, when word spread across the Internet that MCT's production advocated the beheading of former Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin.

What began with a single letter to the editor, published in last Friday's Missoulian, quickly erupted into a nationwide controversy after dozens of political bloggers picked up the thread and ran with it - some adding their own colorful (and inaccurate) amendments to the story.

In the face of it all, McGill had one simple message on Monday.

"In retrospect, we made a mistake," he said. "Anybody that gets singled out in such a way as that, whether it might be (President Barack) Obama or Palin or whomever, it's inappropriate. I take full responsibility for that."
Uh, what's Obama got to do with this? Nobody's been making plays with him being beheaded.
At the center of the controversy was a single couplet, inserted by director Curt Olds into a song sung by the character Ko-Ko, a pacifist executioner. Listing off those people whom he intends to behead, the singer in the Missoula production noted, "That crazy Sarah Palin needs a psychoanalyst / She never would be missed, no she never would be missed." "It's very common practice to amend those lyrics," said McGill. "It's how they were amended in this case that's an issue. There's a lot of misinformation about what happened, but I don't want to shirk our responsibility for what did happen.
Oh, sure, there was misinformation. Sure, play the victim. That should work.
As to the specific criticisms leveled at MCT, he said he was particularly concerned by those that confused the community theater production with the company's activities as a provider of educational children's theater programs.

But he said the best thing he and his company can do at this point is move on and learn from the experience.

"We made a mistake," said McGill. "Oh man, we made a mistake."
Wrapping yourself in hatred was the first mistake. Typical, though, how he shields himself behind the children. What a worm.

Needless to say, the comments section there is overwhelmed with seething, visceral hatred for Palin. We've really got a serious mental health issue in this country. I've never seen such rage and anger by such a large swath of the public toward anyone and it worsens by the day. Psychiatrists and psychoanalysts could make a fortune off this.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

'Follow the Example of President Obama. Now There a Real Leader'

After being accused of murder and mayhem, Sarah Palin defends herself and the media blames her for injecting politics and controversy into the Tucson shootings. Now she plans a Monday interview with Sean Hannity and the new Age of Civility rears its ugly head.
Sarah Palin is scheduled to sit for her first extended interview since the Tucson shooting rampage on Monday night, on the Fox News Channel.

An executive at Fox News Channel said that Ms. Palin would appear on the program of the conservative host Sean Hannity, and that the interview was scheduled to run through several commercial breaks.

The announcement came on Thursday, another day when Ms. Palin was figuring prominently in the discussion surrounding the Tucson shooting rampage, for her video statement about the shootings that she released Wednesday morning to stinging reviews from liberals and even some Republicans.

Ms. Palin is a paid Fox contributor, but she has been laying low on the network in the wake of the shooting. Her agreement to sit for an interview comes as even some Republicans have urged her to put herself out there for questions amid the criticism she is facing.
She's been laying low, as if she were some actual criminal on the lam. She's figured prominently in the discussion, of course, since the New York Times inexplicably decided to prominently inject her into the discussion. Funny how this works. A massive media empire decides to smear you, you defend yourself, and then you are injecting yourself into the story.

Yet now, in the new era of civility, we meet your typical NY Times commenter. I've noticed a nationwide trend since Saturday. Seemingly any new outlet even mentioning Palin is just overloaded with the most venomous comments. Hardly being civil.
If she is in no way responsible for the negative political climate leading up to and surrounding the shootings in Tucson, why do we need an interview with her on the subject?

Going on Fox is not doing an interview. What is Sarah afraid of? Hard questions? The only time this woman comes out from behind her facebook page or twitter is to go on Fox, or something prescripted like Oprah or Barbara Walters. Palin is a lightweight that will never make it in the political world. Everything has to be all Sarah all the time. She is such and egomaniacal suffering from narcissism to the nth degress. She will never make it. She isn't a uniter but a divider. Go home Sarah and stay their. The majority don't want you around.

I don't think that dissenters were blaming Palin for the shooting so much as they were saying, "This is the sad reality of your vulgar rhetoric."

The Tea Party leaders' relative silence in the days following the shooting, like Angle's post-hoc argument yesterday, and Palin's running for the Fox bunker, betrays their awareness that now is not the time for thuggish language (even if their motives are seemingly political rather than deferential).

For all the audiences Palin has access to, she should acknowledge this fact. Instead she runs to Fox to cower behind the First Amendment. This is why Palin will never be president.

To quote Keith Ohlberman..."that woman is an idiot".

Sarah Palin if you felt you had absolutely nothing to do with the vitriol political discourse then why take down the cross-hair on your site or lie and say they were survey marks. I know cross-hairs from survey marks and I am guaranteeing the American People do too in particularly your uninformed base. What you need to do is be a leader and own up to you culpability with regard to your part in the vitriol political discourse. If you cant do that then exit stage right. If you claim to love America you would shut up or at the very least present you views in a civil manner without the violent rhetoric or references. Words are powerful and they have consequences. That's just the fact of the matter. Follow the example of President Obama. Now there a real leader.

Well, after her silly statements of late and her outright insult to Jewish folks, she needs to do something to change her clumsy statements, but alas, this may just extend the problem for her. Besides, whoever thinks that Hannity will give her the opportunity to straighten up her silly statements. He will no doubt go to all lengths to avoid the discussion of her stupid remark just this last week. If this woman runs for the Presidency, I can now see a clip of side by side stupid, uninformed statements and charges on statements she has made. She even includes totally repulsive ideas in her defense of herself. Poor thing! But they are so legion that who can make choices.

My goodness, little Christina Green was buried today. And still this woman wants people to think only of her with word of this impending "interview." There is a disturbing pathology at work here. I'm not a psychologist, but I can say with certainty that this woman has not a scintilla of shame or decency. My fervent hope is that most thinking Americans have calculated that her 15 minutes of infamy have finally and emphatically expired.
Such civility! Just wondering: If the media didn't blood libel her, would these people feel the same way? Probably, since Palin Derangement Syndrome is obviously incurable, but how much has the angry rhetoric of the left contributed to the psychosis?

More civility over at Mediaite.
Sarah, you narcissistic wate of time, we’re bored with you. You have nothing to offer but a pretty face and a nice ass for Hannity to kiss. Good. Bye.

Yeah. Only 21 Palin threads on Mediaite this week and it’s Thursday already. She’s all played out, huh?

She is now. That bizarre video yesterday sunk her for good. In order to move beyond the far-right dumbass base that worships the trailer trash ground she walks on, she needs to reach moderate Dems and Independents. Trust me, mate, none of us will EVER forget that “blood libel, dueling pistols, poor poor pitiful me” drivel yeterday. Better sign that TLC contract,’ve got a lot of camping with Jane Gosselin in your future.

Age of Healing Begins: 'Begging for Civility Out of Teabaggers is Like Trying to Convince a Treeful of Chimpanzees to Stop Masturbating'

Palin in their sights

Looks like Obama's got his work cut out for him.
Palin is the monstrous love child of Lee Atwater and Karl Rove, and she long ago crossed the line between hateful rhetoric and incitement to violence. Palin was warned again and again that her violent imagery was getting dangerous, that she was stoking the flames of the fringes with language that insinuated a coup d'état was necessary. Pundits, politicians, and even the intended target of this weekend's attack all tried to warn her.
Amazing how people can blow up something relatively innocuous yet remain blind to their own side's hatred and animosity toward anyone on the right. And seriously, is there an expiration date on injecting Lee Atwater into the conversation?
But just because Sarah Palin should go away, that doesn't mean she will go away. And begging for civility out of teabaggers is like trying to convince a treeful of chimpanzees to stop masturbating. In many ways, it's up to the media to stop swooning over everything the extreme right wing says or does—we have to stop helping the people who are cranking up the crazy—which, ultimately, means it's up to all of us to stop needlessly amplifying their hateful, violent rhetoric.
Hmm, by this go away talk, can't we infer the author really wants her to (ahem) go away? This could send dangerous signals to an unhinged person who may be acting out against Palin.

Some civility we've got here. And what's so civil about cheering and whooping it up at a memorial? TOTUS may have had the right words on it, but many in attendance demonstrated appalling behavior.

Zombie has a look at all the healing in Oakland.

Sunday, January 09, 2011

NYDN Columnist: Daily Kos to Blames for Giffords Shooting

Obviously the incendiary rhetoric of the far left is the blame for the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords. Oh wait, of course not.

It's Sarah Palin's fault.
Palin would no doubt say that she was only speaking in metaphor, that she only meant her followers should work to unseat Giffords and 19 other Democrats who had roused her ire by voting for health care.

But anyone with any sense at all knows that violent language can incite actual violence, that metaphor can incite murder. At the very least, Palin added to a climate of violence.

Palin should have taken it as a warning of what might happen when a Tea Party hothead dropped a gun while heckling Giffords at an earlier Congress On Your Corner event, more than a year ago.

That did not stop Palin from declaring Giffords a "target." Giffords' district office was subsequently vandalized, and the congresswoman noted that Palin had put "the cross hairs of a gun sight over our district."

"When people do that, they have to realize that there are consequences to that action," Giffords said.

Giffords herself at least publicly failed to appreciate the full magnitude of the danger. She said at the time of the dropped gun incident that "at no point did I ever feel in danger and at no point did I ever feel there was a problem."
This is modern day journalism for you: Fact-free reportage disguised as opinion. Let's not wait to calmly gather facts. They hate Sarah Palin so much it blinds them to reality. If anyone ever takes a shot at Palin, there's going to be a long, long list of lefties we can point our fingers at. The blood will be on their hands.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Dumbest Column Ever: Sarah Palin is Like Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton or Something

I've read Stanley Crouch for years and often found him making a lot of sense. But this latest effort of his for the New York Daily News is so incoherent I'm figuring he's also been afflicted with a raging case of Palin Derangement Syndrome.

Say what you want about Palin, but equating the dimwit Kim Kardashian and that pig Paris Hilton with her simply makes no sense. He's also rather ghoulish when discussing Mark Madoff and his suicide.
In our time, we do not so much get a blast from the past as we are prodded into reflection by something we cannot ignore. High-profile events take place, blasting us back to a time less clouded with constant lies and distortions than our own.

Though I have disdain for suicide, I was impressed by Mark Madoff, son of Bernie, for hanging himself because it was too painful to carry that name around. He was obviously deeply affected by all those who had suffered at the hands of his father, the high-stakes hustler who bilked many of their nest eggs and hard-earned savings.
Impressed by someone hanging himself? Huh? What, for style points? For using a dog leash? For doing it in the apartment where his two-year-old was sleeping? How can someone be impressed by a suicide?

It's gets weirder.
In a more civilized age, Paris Hilton would've remained sequestered while doing charity work in order to redeem herself and be forgiven for drunkenly performing sex acts on tape, along with other lewd behavior.

But forgiveness moves in the express lane now. No penance was required, and Hilton never felt the deep shame Madoff experienced.

In fact, Hilton inspired childhood friend Kim Kardashian to make her own sex tape. It led to a reality show, and now Kardashian is more popular than Hilton. And just as shameless. That's how our culture works.

Fame next found the perky Sarah Palin, one of whose great gifts is the unwillingness to ever admit a significant mistake. She has a reality show, too.
Sooo, because Palin has a reality show that makes her the equal of two bimbos who also had reality shows? Has Palin made a sex tape? Has Palin been arrested repeatedly?

Amazingly, it's gets even stranger.
Palin's outlook is no different from that of Enron executives who pretended nothing was wrong until their financial house of cards came crashing down.

That investigation into Enron's hanky-panky was followed by the suicide of Cliff Baxter, who had a high position in the company's command chain. Baxter was troubled in the way that Madoff's son was. Unlike the Paris Hiltons of this world, he could feel shame - and did.
What on earth does Palin have to do with Enron? This makes absolutely no sense.

I understand the NYDN is obsessed with dragging down Palin, as they trash her on a regular basis, but none of this makes any sense and makes Crouch look like a blithering idiot. I expect better from people like Crouch, but apparently sufferers of PDS just can't help themselves.

Monday, December 13, 2010

NYDN: Palin's Visit to Haiti is 'Poverty Porn'

No good deed goes unpunished, especially when it's the deranged PDS sufferers from the New York Daily News.
The jokes were obvious as soon as Sarah Palin announced she intended to visit this weekend. Haiti really can't catch a break, can it?

That's the gist of it, but there are variations. How could things in Haiti get any worse? Oh, I know, Sarah Palin!, an American friend quipped. Another friend, in the U.S., alluded to the flaming roadblocks that have peppered the city this week in the wake of the country's contested elections: Sarah Palin is headed your way. To the barricades!

The year 2010 has been absolute crap for Haiti, one in which the crises have mounted with near-hysterical acceleration. A 7.0 magnitude earthquake killed as many as 300,000 people and destroyed much of the capital. Then came hurricane season, exposing more than a million tent-dwellers to life-threatening torrents and winds. Then came cholera, which continues to kill Haitians with no access to clean water or decent sanitation. Then came corruption at the polls and a political crisis that this week brought the country to a standstill. Schools and shops are shuttered, aid workers are on lockdown, and, until this morning, few but the fearless and flack-jacketed dared go out.

And now comes Palin, threatening to grace this beleaguered country with an awesomely ill-timed, insultingly opportunistic visit. At this point, some might prefer a plague of locusts to Palin poverty porn. Well, not Franklin Graham, president of the evangelical relief organization, Samaritan's Purse, that wants to bring her here: "I believe Gov. Palin will be a great encouragement to the people of Haiti and to the organizations, both government and private, working so hard to provide desperately needed relief," he said about the visit.

It is hard to imagine Palin's presence encouraging anyone in this country. A quick canvassing of relief-worker friends indicates their most prevalent reaction is along the lines of "WTF?" Much more importantly, most Haitians have no idea who she is. Even my friend James Beltis, a political activist at the State University who lives in a tent on its grounds, had never heard of her. (I guess he hasn't seen "Sarah Palin's Alaska.") For James, Palin would be yet another middling celebrity alighting Haiti "to profit from our misery," he said.
But Sean Penn and John Edwards show up for photo ops and they're heroes. Palin does a good deed and she's ridiculed.

As if this wasn't bad enough, it actually gets worse. As noted at the Free Republic, media outlets are reporting Palin brought her hair stylist on the trip with her. The only problem? It's her daughter Bristol.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

'Sarah Palin’s Complete Lack of Compassion as Demonstrated in This Snuff Video is Disgusting'

If Barack Obama ever did this it would be seen as a sign of his brute manliness. Sarah Palin lays a beatdown on a halibut and it's a snuff video. Of course these idiots don't offer any suggestion on how to actually subdue the fish.
Sarah Palin is under fire for clubbing a fish to death on her new reality TV show.

The Tea Party darling and her daughter Bristol, 20, were shown on a halibut fishing trip filmed for her new programme, Sarah Palin's Alaska.

After catching a fish, Sarah is seen beating it with a club and Bristol later holds its still-beating heart in her hand, a sight Sarah called 'weird'.

A spokesperson for animal rights group In Defense Of Animals told TMZ: 'Sarah Palin’s complete lack of compassion as demonstrated in this snuff video is disgusting.'

The group adds: 'Most disturbing is the way she seems to enjoy causing suffering to other beings. When they laugh about the beating heart that Bristol holds in her hand, their complete insensitivity to the animal kingdom becomes clear.'

A spokesperson for the Alaska Charter Association told the U.S. website that the clubbing technique is humane because it supposedly minimises suffering.

Halibut clubbing is actually a standard practice among fishermen.

During the episode, Sarah explains why clubbing halibut to death is necessary saying: 'stunning the halibut may seem a bit harsh to some but it's the safest and most humane way to harvest these massive fish.'
SO it's a standard practice, yet somehow when this woman does it it's a crime against nature.

H/T Brendan.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

TV Critic: Palins 'So White They Make the Bushes Look Like Runaway Slaves'

What is it with all these catty women who suffer from terminal Palin Derangement Syndrome it causes them to say the dumbest things? From the insipid to the obnoxious to the obsessed, to the downright mean, America's female chattering class of the left just cannot stand the women they clearly fear as a threat.

Now we can add smarmy New York Post television critic Linda Stasi, a woman whose intellectual train of thought vanished somewhere around 1975, someone who last year called Joy Behar's HNN show the smartest new talk show of the TV season. Yes, really.

So naturally Stasi got a look at Sarah Palin's new show on TLC and offers us a unique perspective on the woman the women love to hate. Unique, that is, if you haven't heard these cracks 5000 times already.
She climbs rocks, fishes, performs dangerous feats, communes with bears, bakes cookies for her five kids and talks about patriotism -- all without mussing one hair of her giant bouffant.
Looking at this accompanying photo, is it me or is Palin sporting a giant bouffant?

Then there's a cheap shot at people who dare to have more kids than those living in big cities. The nerve of these unbred inbreeds.
While Discovery, which is devoted to saving wildlife, may regret giving a show to an avowed hunter, Palin's show works perfectly for their TLC channel. After all, TLC has become the channel singularly devoted to awarding reality shows to anyone who procreates at twice the national average.
Then this witticism:
The show itself works for her in that it lets us get comfortable around her exceptionally good-looking husband Todd, upon whom she is clearly very dependent, and her five equally gorgeous children. And despite being so white they make the Bushes look like runaway slaves when they say things to each other like "golly" and "you betcha," they are still somehow relatable.
Where do you begin with this? She's clearly dependent on Todd? Gee, why would this be? Uh, maybe the fact they have five kids and juggle and obviously busy schedule they've grown to be dependent on each other? That's bad enough, but what the heck is it supposed to mean they're so white they make the Bushes look like runaway slaves? I guess the fact Todd Palin has Native blood in him doesn't diminish his glaring whiteness.

Now what better way to cap off this impartial review than to add further fresh insight into Sarah Palin, that supposedly she's some hapless dunce stumbling through life.
If you're not sure how you feel about Palin, she comes across as personable, somewhat clueless and willing to do anything to boost her image -- including climbing a glacier, even though she's afraid of heights and is terrified during the experience.

She even makes fun of herself: "You can see Russia from here -- almost!" she quips.
If you're looking for even-handed reviews of Palin's show, don't go here, either.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

'There's Booing in the Ballroom - We Don't Know Why'

If CNN wonders why they have such low ratings and no credibility it because they've been severely infected with Palin Derangement Syndrome. They put out garbage like this and before you know it people around the globe run with it as if it's fact.
It's the question the political world is asking after Bristol Palin's debut on ABC's "Dancing with the Stars" Monday: Was her famous mother booed by the live studio audience?

That's what appeared to be the case when boos clearly became audible as questioner Brooke Burke was wrapping up an interview with another contestant on the show.

"There's booing in the ballroom - we don't know why,"
said Burke.
It's because they were booing the posting of some scores, not Palin. Yet that doesn't prevent CNN from going with this crap.
Speaking with the Washington Post, the show's executive producer, Conrad Green, said he wasn't sure why the audience was booing. But he doubted it was for Palin, noting that the audience stopped booing when she actually appeared on camera.
So people were booing yet when Sarah Palin appeared on screen they were not booing. So CNN runs a story wondering if she was booed.

How pathetic.

Sure enough, it's already news overseas and reported as fact.

Saturday, September 04, 2010

Creepy Palin Stalker: 'If Sarah Ever Found Out They Talked, Oh, Something Terrible Would Happen to Them'

Sure to be a critically acclaimed bestseller. Sarah Palin's delusional stalker Joe McGinniss has finished with his "research" in Alaska and has left town. I'm sure the folks are sad to see him and his paranoid delusions go.
McGinniss would not reveal what his book will say about the former governor. But he did get a taste of the support Palin has inspired.

"It's just a peculiar thing, but she does, as I found out in May, she presses a button and what comes back is hate," he said. "The people who respond when she complains about something are just so filled with hate. I got some of the ugliest, most vile e-mails directed at me, my grandchildren, my children, my wife — just ugly, ugly stuff."

As for his interviews, most people he approached in Palin's hometown were willing to speak, but he said there was what he calls an "undercurrent of fear."

"People — I don't know if they're afraid of shadows or whether there's something real there — she's no longer in a position of governmental influence but there are people up there who are scared to death to talk because if Sarah ever found out they talked, oh, something terrible would happen to them," he said.
Oooh, a climate of fear!

Thursday, March 04, 2010

Latest Palin Non-Scandal: Grabbing Too Much Swag or Something

It doesn't matter whether any of these gossip reports are true. It's all about a raging case of full-blown Palin Derangement Syndrome.
Sarah Palin and her entourage descended "like locusts" on the Oscar swag suite, scarfing up freebies in a binge that "practically cleaned the place out," celebrity gossips reported Thursday.

The former Alaska Gov's Wednesday pigout included jewels from Pascal Mouawad, watches by Skagen and a fancy new hairdo for her daughter Willow. The new coiffure came courtesy of Erick Orellana, Jennifer Aniston's longtime hairstylist, witnesses said.

The Los Angeles Times reported Palin was supposed to donate all of her gift items back to the Silver Spoon Oscar Suite for auction, as well as $1,700 of her own cash, in support of Red Cross efforts in Haiti and Chile.

But E! Online insisted, "we can assure you she did not give up any of her swag."

The entertainment news outlet quoted an unnamed vendor who said that as many as 20 people from the Palin camp swarmed the event.

"They were like locusts," he said.

News of Palin's grabfest ignited the blogosphere.
Of course it did. They'd rather obsess on her instead of talking about all the corrupt Democrats falling by the wayside in recent days. A Congressman hitting on a male staffer? Who cares! Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee up to his neck in scandal? Who cares! Willow Palin got a free haircut!

Such a horrible woman accepting all that free swag.

The PuffHost is agog over this new scandal. I imagine Arianna herself never took a freebie before.

Update: Thanks to Hot Air and Big Hollywood for the links.

The LA Times story is here and it contradicts the gossip outlets apparently just making up stories.
I'm told the oft-parodied politico donated all of her gift items back to the Silver Spoon for auction, as well as about $1,700 of her own cash, in support of multiple Red Cross efforts, including those in Haiti and Chile.
Speaking of making things up, Media Bistro says Palin "looted" the gift suite.

How kind of them. You suppose if the Obamas helped themselves to a couple of freebies the term "looted" would be used?

Friday, November 20, 2009

Full Blown Palin Derangement Syndrome

Crazy Andy has returned from his self-imposed exile. He really ought to seek professional help.
So what to do? First off, she cannot be given the benefit of the doubt. And the Dish will continue to monitor those odd lies that can be independently and objectively proven, as we have all along. But for those things we cannot prove objectively, we just have to leave alone at this point. I believe nothing she says is true unless I can verify it. But if I can't disprove her accounts of things only she and her family can know about, I should shut up.

Move on and forget about her? If only. Not just because she is a vital figure in this country's politics right now and one of the most dangerous demagogues this country has seen in a long time, but because I just want to know. I want to know what really lies under that facade.

I'm going to keep poring over transcripts, Nexis and anything else I can find to monitor this phenomenon - and its many tributaries and nuances and narratives. If you have any verifiable facts or objective evidence relating to "Going Rogue", you have my email address. Everything is in total confidence. No wild-ass theories (we have more than enough of them). Just facts that I can establish as objective and that illuminate any part of the story in front of us.
No wild-ass theories, like a woman giving birth twice within eight months. Let's just deal with the facts.

'How Many Black People Are Watching Your Show?'

Bernie Goldberg destroys Chris Matthews and MSNBC. For good measure he smacks down Jon Stewart. The fun starts around the 3:00 mark.

Amazing that white people like Sarah Palin.

"Not that there's anything wrong with it," Mr. Tingles says.

Some background on the idiocy here.

Via Hot Air, here's the girl who was ambushed by the MSNBC twit Norah O'Donnell.
In one day I met a role model, and met the liberal media and their crafty schemes. I fell prey to liberal bias, but I’d like to think I did an okay job. We always want do-overs, and I can assure you if I had a do-over with Miss O’Donnell you’d see a much more prepared (well rested) and ready to go at it side of this 17 year old. But unlike Norah I didnt have my note cards with me. I was forced to think on the spot and answer a gotcha question. Her goal was clear, make this teenager look like an uneducated Palin supporting buffoon. To liberals, and the 5 people who watch MSNBC she succeeded. To conservatives, she was the only buffoon during that interview.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Memo to the Angry Left: Don't Forget To Buy This Book

With all the hysteria surrounding the release of Sarah Palin's book, here's a friendly reminder from some smart aleck kook from SFGate to rush out and buy Going Rouge, apparently a companion book for leftwing simpletons.
Sarah Palin fan club members still lack built-in spell checkers so I suspect many of them are eagerly awaiting and will buy the forthcoming book: Going Rouge: Sarah Palin published by O/R Publishing and edited by Richard Kim and Betsy Reed.
Hey, that's cute. So what does the genius follow this with?
The book will be released on tomorrow November 16, 2009, the day before Sarah Palin's much anticipated interview with Oprah Winfrey.
Oops, guess spell-checker didn't catch the meaning of released on tomorrow. But remember, it's you Palin fans who are stupid.

Meanwhile, a who's who of the angry left are contributing to this silliness. I'm sure you'll recognize a few of these folks afflicted with a raging case of Palin Derangement Syndrome.
Essays include articles by some of the most thought provoking writers in America who have chronicled the foibles and pratfalls of Sarah Palin. The contributors include: Amy Alexander, Max Blumenthal, Joe Conason, Eve Ensler, Michelle Goldberg, Jane Hamsher, Christopher Hayes, Jim Hightower, Linda Hirshman, Naomi Klein, Dahlia Lithwick, Amanda Marcotte, Shannyn Moore, John Nichols, Tom Perrotta, Katha Pollitt, Frank Rich, Hanna Rosin, Matt Taibbi, Michael Tomasky, Rebecca Traister, Katrina vanden Heuvel, Jessica Valenti, Patricia Williams, JoAnn Wypijewski and Gary Younge. (DISCLOSURE: I am friends with more than a few of the contributors.
No doubt MSNBC and CNN will be rolling out the welcome for those noted above.
Reserve your copy of the book, buy it and be the first to read it in your tea party.
Read it in your tea party?

Oh, but it's Palin fans who are stupid, don't forget.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Palin Derangement Syndrome Goes Global

Apparently she's more offensive than most anyone on the planet. One more reason to vote for the McCain-Palin ticket: It'll keep psychiatrists very busy for many years to come.
The Republican Governor of Alaska has been made into a giant effigy, with a tiny Barack Obama sitting behind her in a tin hat peppered with bullet holes with 'O'Blimey' written across it.

The pit bull with lipstick will be loaded with explosives and torched at the site of the Battle of Hastings in East Sussex.

The annual bonfire, hosted by the Battel Bonfire Boyes, on Nov 1 will be topped off with the 20ft effigy of the 'hockey mom' dressed as Rambo, complete with bulging muscles, a machine gun and with bullets draped over her neck.