Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Then and Now

I remember being a teenager and looking at people my age now and thinking they were so OLD. I never thought I would reach the ripe old age of 28, let alone 29. Then came college, and my plans for my future evolved. I made career-oriented goals. I was going to become a lawyer, and maybe move back East somewhere. I stuck to this goal pretty much through college, only changing my mind at the end when I met Ryan.

Once I met Ryan, my plans changed again. I loved being a couple, loved being married. We constantly went on newly wed dates. There was a time when we had seen every movie worth seeing at the theater (this sounds corny but it amazes me now since we're lucky if we see a movie every few months). A few years after getting married my plans expanded and I wanted to be a mom, to have a family. I started out thinking only one or two kids, and Ryan's plans were three or four (he won obviously:)). I could only see the fun part of having kids, where you got to dress them and play with them. I didn't really believe people when they talked about how hard kids were, the lack of sleep, etc. Wow, was I in for a surprise:)!
Now, I am a mom of three boys, and a wife to an amazing person. I am busy constantly with building our house, and just the everyday stuff being a stay-at-home-mom entails. Back in the day I never knew how hard life could be, but also how great life would be. With trials come rewards. This is especially true with my kids. They are the hardest thing in my life, but by far the most rewarding.
I love this season in my life, even if it is so different from where I saw my future going when I was younger. I'm turning 29 tomorrow, and apparently feeling a little nostalgic by the tone of this post:). Plans change, dreams change, but life just keeps getting better!


Morgan Greaves said...

Happy Happy Birthday :) Love you!

Kara said...

Oh what a sweet post! It is crazy how much our lives have changed from what we imagined. I'm so glad we have the same lives and are still best friends 26 years later. I hope you have a fabulous birthday with your own cake:)
Cute picture even if our babes aren't looking. I feel special that you picked that picture to put in this post! (send it to me)!

nspency said...

Happy Birthday tomorrow cute Jamie. You are one of the sweetest, most genuine people I know. I miss seeing you. I know you are such a good wife and mom and your little family is lucky to have you.

Janika said...

happy birthday! I swear we are not as old as all the other 29 year olds! right?!?

~adelle said...

Happy Birthday!

Just think, you might not have a law degree, but I am sure you will get to argue plenty with those boys as they continue to grow. Sometimes I feel like I should have got a law degree so I could reason with my 4 year old! :) Isn't it nice that our plans don't always work out?

Enjoy your special day!

Sharstin said...

what a great post chick! i hope you had an awesome b-day

Love Family said...

You are seriously the cutest mom, wife, okay PERSON ever! I love how positive you are. You really have been a great example in the short time I've known you. I love your outlook on things and I guess most importantly life. I hope you've had a great Birthday cause from what I know you deserve it!!! :)

Jamie Hadlow said...

Aaaw, thanks guys:)!

The Steel's said...

happy birthday girl! I loved reading that about you - I am glad not only my prestigious plans changed with marriage and kids! We can go back to school after our kids are out of the house right!

Palmers said...

Such a great post. I hope you had a Happy Birthday. It is so true when you say that kids are the hardiest thing in life, but the most rewarding. It is crazy to think back 10-12 years on what you wanted to be and now what you have become. I love the picture of you and Kara who took it:) haha I'm kidding!