Monday, October 4, 2010

Dirty Dash

I have so much blogging to do, but I figure this is a great place to start. September 25 my whole family (9 of us) ran the Dirty Dash. AWESOME! If you love to run, love to get dirty, or love a challenge, this race is for you! 6.2 miles of running through tires, jumping over walls, jumping over hay bales, running through a bogg, getting hit with snow machines, running up muddy hills, trail running, sliding down a huge slide being squirted by fire hoses, and crawling through a giant mud pool...GREAT! We all had so much fun, and will for sure be going back every year! Just don't wear anything you care about, and you'll end up donating your shoes because you'll never be able to get them clean yourself! We SERIOUSLY had an awesome time. Loved gettin' dirty! The second picture is me after my first fall, but still relatively clean from the front. The first picture is just after the finish line. Ry finished with my older brother Jarod, and I finished with my little bro and sis, and my shiny brand new brother-in-law. Good times:)


Love Family said...

That seriously sounds AND looks like so much fun! and even more fun that your family all did it too! I agree, you are way behind on blogging! haha JK, but there are updates to your house and what about your sisters wedding?? :)

Palmers said...

That looks like a lot of fun. Looks like you guys had a great time to:) You need to get some blogging done is right girl:) How are things going with your house? When are you suppose to be in? Hopefully soon!

Kara said...

That is a great picture! I'm curious though why is the background white and what is Jace holding? I'm glad you had fun maybe next year I will join you:)

Jamie Hadlow said...

Karla - you should definitely plan on next year! The background is white to show how dirty everyone was. Jace's shirt started out flourescent yellow:). Jace is holding a stuffed pig. It's the mascot of the Dirty Dash:)