Showing posts with label missing items. Show all posts
Showing posts with label missing items. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

A worm hole? The Littles? Who is responsible for the missing items in one's home???

THE socks!   *Before they became MISSING- of course.
Ever lose something and know 'exactly' where it was for 2-3 months, get ready to mail it/use it/gift it/etc. pick the item up, and it suddenly becomes missing?

I went to the Innsbruck Christmas Market in December... found these great 'boot' 100% alpaca wool socks for sale.  They were just like the ones that I had found in Germany.   They were actually from a German company.   When I first moved to Germany in 2008- I had found socks just like this and I had sent some to a friend to wear when he went 'hunting.'  I sent him an email and asked him if he wanted me to buy some for him.   He did.  He told me that he's still wearing the pair that I had sent him 5 years ago.

I told him how much that they'd cost (way more than they used to be-- but, then again they were being sold at a Christmas Market and the people at the Christmas Market had to pay for their food/hotel/etc. for at least a month.  I'm sure that that adds to the price increase-- plus, many things have gone up in price in the past 5 years?  

  So, I bought them... told him how much they cost again and waited for him to send me the money.    Two and then three weeks went by 'no money in the mail'.  I emailed him a reminder letting him know that the 'socks' were getting spider webs and dust bunnies on them waiting for the money to arrive so that I could mail them.   Then, another 2 weeks go by... no money.  I sent another reminder.   He asked for my mailing address again- because the envelope that he'd sent me had been returned to his post-office box and he thought that he'd written something down wrong.   I emailed my address back to him again.  

Same thing... more weeks go by... he got the envelope 'back in his post-office box' again...  THIS TIME, he knew that he had copied my mailing address EXACTLY as I had given it to him- so, the took the envelope to the post-office counter.  THEY TOLD HIM THAT THE MAILING ADDRESS (mine) WAS NOT A VALID MAILING ADDRESS.   Sigh...   He told them that it INDEED was a valid mailing address... (the APO AE part of my address threw them off).   He re-sent the letter to me again.  

I got the letter late last week.  

On Sunday night, I picked up the package of socks (2 per package) to find a box to put them in so that I could mail this package and 2 others at one time on Monday.   I also got out 3 'custom forms' so that everything could be filled out-- ready to go.  I wrapped/packed up the first 2 boxes then grabbed the 'box' to mail the socks and discovered that...


 How could this be?  I hadn't moved them in over 2 months-- I finally am ready to mail them... picked up the socks so that I could package them up and they are now missing.  I have looked EVERYWHERE and they are not to be found!  I have looked in all the usual places and the unexpected places.   NO SOCKS!  NONE  I guess that they liked living in my house and were afraid of the long distance travel?   So, I will look for them in great detail this weekend.