Showing posts with label driving. Show all posts
Showing posts with label driving. Show all posts

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Don't TRUST the images on the Navigon system... OR ??????

As we left Innsbruck, Austria and drove through the ALPS and through the Brenner Pass... this is the landscape images that are seen along the side of the Interstate... (on both sides- mind you)...

Same view... but, you can clearly see that we are driving along the Interstate road... or the Autostrada  as it is called in:  Italy

We continued to drive and ended up getting into a very cloudy area... at different points -- you couldn't even see the mountains along the sides of the road and in front of you.

Notice the ROUTE that my friend's TRAVEL SYSTEM showed us driving in/on/with... the blue car?  That's us?  Where's the road you ask?  Well, we are clearly on it as you can see in the photo... The blue line?  THE RIVER that we can't even see while driving on the road and just barely, to the left of the river, is the purple road that we are 'supposed to be driving on'... instead it appears that we are driving over the mountains 'off road'...

Oh, what's this?  We have almost found the 'desired route?'  (the purple road) and apparently another road... (yellow road) and yet we appear to still be driving far, far, far from the desired road.   The navigation system kept telling us to 'drive' on the desired roadway.

Night falls... and it looks like we MIGHT FIND THE ROAD... if we stay true and continue driving straight towards and across it...

All I can say is... it was quite entertaining and it continued this 'off path' driving (on the screen only) until about 4 miles from my house when we finally got off the Autostrada (Interstate) system and started driving on the local roads.   Sometimes the navigation system had us on the river, driving along side the actual road, or far, far... away and apparently driving along the mountain tops?