Showing posts with label st. obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label st. obama. Show all posts


Hate-monger Pfleger: If only they'd murdered another one of my foster children

Okay, not really. But close. Take a look at Hate-monger Pfleger's latest non-apology apology for his ridiculous, hate-filled rhetoric. A snippet (emphasis mine):
Last Sunday, I was invited by Trinity United Church of Christ to come and preach on the topic of race.

I agreed to do so because of my love for Trinity, Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Rev. Otis Moss, III and because all my life I have sought to deal with the reality of racism. As I said, Last Sunday, I have committed myself to tear down the walls that divide us wherever they stand.

In 1966, as a junior in high school, amidst all the hate and meanness that surrounded me in Marquette Park, I heard more than the voice of Dr. king calling for community over chaos. I heard that small voice from within, that said, I am showing you this now, because you must spend your life trying to eradicate this.

The last few days have been the most painful days of my life, even more so than the murder of Jarvis, my foster son.
The whole apology is at the link, in case you think that this "snippet" is taking Hate-monger Pfleger out of context. Not being a baptized believer in the Cult of the Obamessiah, I am speaking with a cynical tongue, but I actually believe Hate-monger Pfleger when he says that this is more painful than the murder of his foster son. Why? Because as with all attention-hungry showmen (secular or religious), it's all about him.

Of course this is more painful, because there is negative attention focused on him, rather than the positive attention of sympathy released by the community after the death of a loved one.

It is more painful, because it might hurt his standing in the community. His life may continue without a foster son. After all, they're replaceable. But what politician will ever let him head a Catholic coalition group again?

That quote only makes sense if your highest priority is yourself. And, if your highest priority is yourself, what kind of spiritual leader will you make? I think we see the answer to that in Hate-mongers Michael Pfleger and Jeremiah Wright.


I have descended from on high to be briefed on policy!

Captain Ed has an entry at about a Washington Post article describing the Obamessiah's lack of policy experience. While the article, and Ed's post, make good points, what stuck out to me was this:
So in 2005, he had his office arrange informal seminars so that experts on health care, the economy, energy and education could brief him. "I'm not running for president," he told a group of experts at his Capitol Hill office in the spring of 2006. But he said he had a "national voice" and wanted to use it.
Did any of the experts ask if he was running for president? I'd think it would be very common for someone new to the Hill to want to be briefed on important policy issues. I imagine there must have been a lot of eye rolling in that room.

Also, did Sen. Obama just decide he had a "national voice"? And, if so, why wasn't his national voice backed up by national action? Instead, the only piece of legislation he's passed (to my knowledge) is the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 (otherwise known as the Coburn-Obama Bill).

I think that Obama's savior complex didn't start this election season, but rather during his 2004 Senate run.


Require US citizens to be bilingual? Si, Se Puede!

The Obamessiah descended from on high today to issue another brilliant edict:
"When it comes to second-language learners, the most important thing is not to get bogged down in ideology, but figure out what works," Obama says. "Everybody should be bilingual, or everybody should be trilingual." The comments drew loud applause.
Everybody except immigrants (illegal and legal) I'm guessing.

(h/t the Campaign Spot)


Weekend at Bernie's: Obamessiah edition

On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes -- and I see many of them in the audience here today -- our sense of patriotism is particularly strong. - the Obamessiah (Change be Upon Him)

More distractions. Remember, though, that President Bush is the stupid one. Because, as we all know, one's ideology is the measure of how intelligent one is.


As long as we're rejecting endorsements of people who say ridiculous things...

When's the Obamessiah going to reject's endorsement? Memorial Day would be a good time to reject at least some of their hate.


Turns out the Obamessiah thinks Michelle's stump comments are in-bounds...

..of course, as is often the case in Obamaland, this was before the things she said became inconvenient. Rob at Say Anything had a good catch over at his blog. The following sign was up in Obama's campaign headquarters when CBS News did a (probably fawning) piece there:


But, we probably shouldn't bring that sign up. It doesn't help Michelle Obama's kids. And it's a distraction. And it's his staff's fault for putting it up in a cubicle and not down the memory hole.

And, as we know, using a Democrat's own words against them just isn't fair.


Shocka! Portland Hipsters Love the Obamessiah (oh yeah, and free music)!

Earlier this week, he had a crowd of 75,000, and I was not shocked that so many hipsters came out to see the Obamessiah. Turns out I was right to not be shocked, as right before Obama came to the stage, hipster-doofus band The Decemberists played a free 45-minute concert for the crowd. I'm shocked, shocked, that the media failed to report that.

The Decemberists, if you don't know, are a popular, well received Portland-based band. I (somewhat) liked their album Picaresque, but haven't really listened to them since one of my friends made me listen to them almost non-stop on a road trip. That kinda thing usually puts me off a band for a long time.

I, like Jim Geraghty, wonder if they played their song "Sixteen Military Wives":
The video depicts a bully named "Henry Stowecroft" (Kissinger and Brent?) representing the United States in a grade school model United Nations who declares war on Luxembourg. I kid you not when I tell you the video begins with the bully putting on a flag pin.

The lyrics:

Sixteen military wives
Thirty-two softly focused brightly colored eyes
Staring at the natural tan
of thirty-two gently clenching wrinkled little hands
Seventeen company men
Out of which only twelve will make it back again
Sergeant sends a letter to five
Military wives, whose tears drip down through ten little eyes

Cheer them on to their rivals
Cause America can, and America can't say no
And America does, if America says it's so
It's so!

And the anchorperson on TV goes...
La de da de da

Fifteen celebrity minds
Leading their fifteen sordid wretched checkered lives
Will they find the solution in time
Using their fifteen pristine moderate liberal minds?
Here is the video in question. I was able to watch it 30 seconds before finding it too obnoxious to finish. You could have a drinking game to go along with all the half-brained dKos talking points presented therein.

With 0% of precincts reporting, it's already clear that Kentucky's Democrats are racist

That post title started out as a tongue-in-cheek, but hey, it works. The Politico says there are five things to watch in Kentucky today, including the role of race:
And though Kentucky voters may also factor race into their votes, they also might be more reluctant to admit it to exit pollsters, said Laurie Rhodebeck, an associate political science professor at the University of Louisville.

“Voters get a little prickly here if you say race” drove their choice, she said. “They’ll say, ‘It’s more that we’re concerned about his church ties or his lack of military experience or that he seems so young and untested.’ Those may be socially acceptable ways of saying they’re uncomfortable with a black candidate.”
Meaning, if you don't vote for the Obamessiah you're either a racist or just using other excuses to cover up the fact that you're racist. Good to know.

$10 says his home thermostat is set to 72 at this very moment

The Obamessiah addressing the masses yesterday in Portland, Oregon:
"We can't drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times ... and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK," Obama said.

"That's not leadership. That's not going to happen," he added.
And by "we", he, of course, means plebians like you and me. Malaise '08! Catch the fevuh!


C'mon you bitter rubes, Hitler wasn't that bad...

Sayeth the editor of the Seattle Times:
What Hitler was demanding was not unreasonable. He wanted the German-speaking areas of Europe under German authority. He had just annexed Austria, which was German-speaking, without bloodshed. There were two more small pieces of Germanic territory: the free city of Danzig and the Sudetenland, a border area of what is now the Czech Republic.

We live in an era when you do not change national borders for these sorts of reasons. But in 1938 it was different. Germany’s eastern and western borders had been redrawn 19 years before—and not to its benefit. In the democracies there was some sense of guilt with how Germany had been treated after World War I. Certainly there was a memory of the “Great War.” In 2008, we have entirely forgotten World War I, and how utterly unlike any conception of “The Good War” it was. When the British let Hitler have a slice of Czechoslovakia, they were following their historical wisdom: avoid war. War produces results far more horrible than you expected. War is a bad investment. It is not glorious. Don’t give anyone an excuse to start one.
I dunno. I know about 6 million people who might disagree.

Thanks to the Moron-in-Chief who notes that "it's only mid-May. Wait 'till they've built up a head of steam."

Quote of the Day

Can somebody explain to me how Obama sat in Wright's church for 20 years and managed never to hear anything, but hears 20 seconds of a Bush speech that doesn't mention him and perceives a shameful personal attack?

The Obamessiah and Gay Marriage

In light of yesterday's gay marriage decision by the California Supreme Court, let's revisit a post I made in mid-March about the Obamessiah's nuanced position on gay marriage....


When His Holiness was running for his Illinois Senate seat in 2004, same-sex marriage was a hot topic in Democrat circles. San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom had recently decided to defy the rule of law and authorize the city to issue same-sex marriage licenses. St. Obama was naturally asked his position on the issue:
"I'm a Christian, and so although I try not to have my religious beliefs dominate or determine my political views on this issue, I do believe that tradition and my religious beliefs say that marriage is something sanctified between a man and a woman," Obama said.
But here is the kicker: his denomination of Christianity supports gay marriage!:
The UCC has been one of the most supportive religious organizations in the fight for marriage equality for same-sex couples. Many UCC clergy members across the country regularly perform same-sex union ceremonies.
How, then, does one arrive at St. Obama's conclusion? Does he find gay marriage incompatible with Christianity based upon his own personal study? Is the position based on political expediency?

It seems as though St. Obama's church (according to him) takes many positions with which he is in disagreement. I understand not believing in every position church leadership has, but I think at some point in the previous two decades as a member I would have begun the search for a new congregation, if not an entirely new denomination.


Hopefully someone will call him on this if he gets asked. I'm not holding my breath, though.


Has any African-American church ever talked about, ya know, the Bible?

Hyperbole, of course. But seriously, I think the black church would be much better off if their ministers were more involved with preaching the gospel and less involved with libeling anyone who doesn't agree with their politics.

This particular rant, I think, says more about the rampant homophobia within the black community that it does about what drew Sen. Obama to Hate-monger Wright.


I thought Republicans were the ones who trampled on the Constitution, Sean...

As goes Sean Penn, so goes the nation...
Asked if he would be joining other Hollywood A-listers in pledging support for Obama, Penn gave him a less than ringing endorsement and warned that he has an awful lot to live up to.

"I don't have a candidate I'm supporting and I'm certainly interested and excited by the hope that Barack Obama is inspiring,” he said, but went on to accuse him of a “phenomenally inhuman and unconstitutional” voting record.
Wow. Sen. Barack Obama has taken the liberal position on every issue that has come before the Senate. If the liberal position is "inhuman and unconstitutional", does that mean that Sean Penn thinks the GOP position is "humane and constitutional"? (It's my guess that he considers the Green Party's positions the constitutional ones, but in reality their platforms aren't that much different.)


I'm going to try to concentrate on this, and not the McCain Global Alarmism Tour

McCain advisor Mark Slater ripped into Newsweek for their current, extremely biased cover story on those always-positive paragons of virtue, those Messianic masters of post-partisanship, those harbingers of hopetm and changetm the Obama campaign. It's slightly long, but worth reading. Here he is responding to the article's claim that McCain's campaign would rely on distortions, negative advertising, and 527 groups:
By accepting the Obama campaign construct as if it were objective, Evan and Richard framed this race exactly as Senator Obama wants it to be framed—every issue that raises doubts about his policy views and judgment is part of a smear campaign intended to distract voters from the real issues at stake in the election, and, thus, illegitimate. And even if Senator McCain might not be inclined to support such advertising, if he can't stop them from occurring then he will have succumbed to the temptation to put ambition before principle. How this notion could appear credible after MoveOn, the AFL-CIO and the DNC launched negative ad campaigns weeks ago, and after leaks from the Obama campaign that they would soon start running negative ads against McCain, is mystifying.

Between this and Salter's previous smack-downs against Obama and the media (but I repeat myself), I'm just about ready to write in Mark Salter's name in November.


It's Old: The "Obama Lied About Denouncing Wright Last Week" Edition

In case you haven't noticed, I haven't been blogging as much lately. That's because the hours at my job changed to a 4-day work week, which leaves me little time for blogging. (It's part of the state government's plan to crush the will of all their employees, I think.)

Despite the downsides, these new hours do allow me to listen to listen to old airings of Rush Limbaugh's show. Something he highlighted on the show I was listening to (originally broadcast the day after The Press Conference that Saved America) was this exchange between MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell and Joe Scarborough:

So Sen. Obama, who was "angry" about the comments Jeremiah Wright made at the National Press Club (that were just reiterations of the comments Obama had already defended, natch), spent the rest of his day overturning his "denouncement" of Wright that morning. And the media, sans Andrea Mitchell, were so wrapped up in the afterglow of the Sermon Ass-saving Pander on the Mount that they totally missed this.

These distractions just really aren't helping Michelle Obama's children though, so hush it.


We want to run against this man, part 2,389,473

I think the best part about running against Obama in the general election is having his gaffe-prone, arrogant wife on the trail as well. Sayeth Michelle Madelene:
Michelle Obama lifted the lid on the irritation felt by the leading Democrat candidate for the White House at the way anti-American outbursts by his pastor, Jeremiah Wright, have dogged his campaign.

He is said to be itching to turn all his fire on John McCain, the Republican candidate, who is benefiting most from Mr Obama's protracted tussle with Hillary Clinton.

Mrs Obama told a rally in Durham, North Carolina, on Friday that only her husband's desire to change US politics had helped him to control his feelings: "Barack is always thinking three steps ahead – what do we need to do to make change."
More distractions.

(h/t dpud)

Rev., Hate-monger, and now Wife-stealer Jeremiah Wright.

Why am I not surprised? It turns out that Hate-monger Jeremiah Wright stole the wife of one of his parishioners:
Delmer Reed, 59, confided to pals that he believed the minister moved in on his wife while Wright was counseling the couple at his Chicago church in the early 1980s, The Post has learned.

"That's exactly how he said it," Reed's divorce lawyer, Roosevelt Thomas, told The Post.

"It looks like Delmer might have been right," he said, because after Delmer and Ramah Reed were divorced, she got remarried - to Wright. "Either that or this was the biggest coincidence in the world."

Asked about the relationship between Wright and his ex-wife, Reed told The Post, "Oh, the things I could tell you."

Initially, he didn't believe the rumors.

"People were telling me that my extremely attractive wife was seen with the pastor," Reed said. "But I didn't believe it. I thought, 'So what?' "

Was he wrong in the end?

"Well, yeah," he said.
Maybe Reed's chickens...were just coming roost.


Quote of the Day

"Two score and seven or eight days ago, Barack Obama gave the greatest speech since the Gettysburg Address, or FDR’s First Inaugural, or JFK’s religion speech, or (if like Garry Wills in The New York Review of Books, you find those comparisons drearily obvious) Lincoln’s Cooper Union speech of 1860. And, of course, the Senator’s speech does share one quality with Cooper Union, Gettysburg, the FDR Inaugural, Henry V at Agincourt, Socrates’s Apology, etc: It’s history. He said, apropos the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, that “I could no more disown him than I can disown my white grandmother.” But last week he did disown him. So, great-speech-wise, it’s a bit like Churchill promising to fight them on the beaches and never surrender, and then surrendering a month and a half later, and on a beach he decided not to fight on."

Obamessiah lifts us up where we belong

In endorsing Sen. Obama today, Rep. Lois Capps said this:
“Barack Obama is the better choice because of something larger and perhaps more important. Simply put, he has made a call to the better angels of our nature. He is challenging us to lift ourselves out of the ugliness that increasingly consumes Washington, where the heat of your argument counts for more than the light it should bring,” Capps said in a statement. “He is asking us to stand together as Americans and transcend the traditional lines that have so often divided us by party affiliation, economic status, gender, or race.”
Pay no attention to the fact that he hasn't been able to get one man who he's been close with for 20 years to transcend those traditional lines.
