Showing posts with label quote of the day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quote of the day. Show all posts


Quote of the Day

Can somebody explain to me how Obama sat in Wright's church for 20 years and managed never to hear anything, but hears 20 seconds of a Bush speech that doesn't mention him and perceives a shameful personal attack?


Quote of the Day

"Two score and seven or eight days ago, Barack Obama gave the greatest speech since the Gettysburg Address, or FDR’s First Inaugural, or JFK’s religion speech, or (if like Garry Wills in The New York Review of Books, you find those comparisons drearily obvious) Lincoln’s Cooper Union speech of 1860. And, of course, the Senator’s speech does share one quality with Cooper Union, Gettysburg, the FDR Inaugural, Henry V at Agincourt, Socrates’s Apology, etc: It’s history. He said, apropos the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, that “I could no more disown him than I can disown my white grandmother.” But last week he did disown him. So, great-speech-wise, it’s a bit like Churchill promising to fight them on the beaches and never surrender, and then surrendering a month and a half later, and on a beach he decided not to fight on."


Quote of the Day

"In a scrupulously politically correct age, it's not offensive to organize a "Kill the police!" demo or to preach that the government invented AIDS in order to perpetrate an African-American genocide. You can pull that stuff and still be part of respectable society, hanging out with presidential candidates and whatnot. What's grotesquely offensive is the chap who's insensitive enough to point out such statements and associations. So the North Carolina Republicans are denounced as "racists" for being so unenlightened as to bring up the subject of the neo-segregationist hater Rev Wright."


Quote of the Day

From James Taranto's column today (errr....yesterday):
Unlike Ayn Rand, [Sen. Russ] Feingold and [Sen. Barack] Obama see selfishness as a virtue only for bitter-off cultural conservatives. The well-heeled San Francisco Democrats Obama addressed on Friday stand to pay much higher taxes if he is elected. Many of them no doubt back Obama because they like his liberal positions on subjects like guns, abortion and same-sex marriage. If you think Obama criticized their priorities, we've got some change you can believe in. In Barack Obama's America, rich people who vote on cultural issues rather than economic self-interest are principled and self-sacrificing. People of more modest means who do so are credulous and bitter.


Quote of the Day

I want to free Tibet as much as the next person (in fact, my parents can confirm that I had a "Free Tibet" sticker hanging in my room in their house since about 1992) but I'm not sure what scaling the Golden Gate bridge or messing with the Olympic torch is going to do about it. I believe it was Mark Steyn who said that all the Free Tibet people would have a fit if we made a move to do anything to actually free Tibet.
- Karol at


Quote of the Day

If, as Obama seems to be claiming, those are the sentiments only of Wright's generation, how come those whooping and clapping their approval in those sermon clips include lots of young people?


quote of the day (already)

A thought after talking to an Obama-backing young person or two... the youngest voters disproportionately support Barack Obama not in spite of his inexperience but because of his inexperience. Many of them see no benefit or value in years of experience, because they don't yet have any.
- jim geraghty


kinda-sorta quote of the day

In the two days since news of Mr. Spitzer’s involvement in the prostitution ring surfaced, he has been engaged in an intense legal and family debate about whether to resign or, as aides said his wife was urging, to stay on.
- from an nyt article on schtupergate. (emphasis mine)

someone has snatched that woman's brains.


quote of the day

When the phone rings at 3 am at the White House, do you want it answered by someone who doesn’t know what the term “war” actually means? Or would you prefer to have it answered by someone who actually knows something about both the military and foreign policy?

- ed morrissey


quote of the day

Good thing McCain wasn’t born on February 29th, they’d be debating whether or not he is over 35.

- 29Victor from the comments at this post


quote of the day (already)

"The rule is tack to the right in the primaries, tack to the center once the nomination is secured to better position oneself for the general. The John McCain we're seeing now is likely the most conservative version of him we're ever likely to see."

- ace