Thursday, October 8, 2015

Pictures from my Phone & Weekly Distractions

Y'all. Lee emailed me about the relative finder thing to tell me he finally figured out how to use it because apparently he didn't really know how to Internet. And I was like, "genealogy was soooooooooooooooooooooo last week, Lee." And he was like, "talk to the hand." And I was like "stop trying to make 'fetch' happen."

Anyway. Apparently Lee figured out how to Internet and as it turns out he is related to some of us so you might want to go back and check. Apparently he and I are 12th cousins once removed and he is now calling me "Cousin." You guys. I can't carry this burden alone. (Burden AND Privilege, Lee. In case you're still reading. Love you! See you at the family reunion!)

And now, your Pictures and Distractions:
When you're at a dinner party and everyone starts talking about a current event you've never heard of.

I'm crushing the family sunflower growing competition. This one is nearly 10 feet tall. 

My newest pumpkin from the SLC Farmers Market.

Mr. Pants is more interested in thrill and fashion than in breathing.

Mr. Pants in a daze on my lap.

"Jolyn, what do you want to do for your birthday?" "Hmm. We haven't been to the cemetery in a while!" Things not often said in friendships that don't include Jolyn Metro. 
Stranger Picture of the Week

Spotted in the Philippines by Sydney. 

Crap to distract you from whatever you're supposed to be doing:

My weekly recap of Survivor at a great site hosted by Stranger Meg.

Five humblebrag Facebook statuses. Thanks, Antoinette.

Ridiculous thrift store finds. Thanks, Janel.

Girls at a baseball game taking selfies. Thanks, Depet Mode.

Surprise! Pluto has blue skies. Thanks, Jack.

The 50 weirdest foods from around the world. Thank, Tyler.

Raccoon thinks it's a dog. Thanks, Jamie.

Please follow us on the Facebooks and the Instagrams.

If you would like to have something included on Pictures and Distractions, please email me at

~It Just Gets Stranger


  1. We got Lee! I knew we would. Welcome to the family, Lee. Sit, stay awhile.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I hate you. You are NO LONGER my cousin! how do you delete people from your family tree...

    1. That's the thing about family, Lee. You can't get rid of us. By the way, we all need money.

    2. How'd you do it, Lee? How?

  4. Have you seen the article about how the perceiving the color blue is a relatively new thing for society?

    Because I think this is fascinating!

    1. Thanks for posting that, that was a cool read. I wonder if we just didn't have a word for it, or if our eyes changed over time to be able to see different colors.

  5. Just a note, I don't think the 50 foods link is right.
    That aside, I dreamed about the Stranger reunion last night.
    It was...strange.

  6. You know what I love most about this post...that I can click on a link and it opens in a new tab and not the same window!!!! I need easy and quick access to Stranger at all times, that former set up was greatly impeding the quickness with which I could return to see the other links.

    1. Here at Stranger, if swarms of people complain about something for a very long time, eventually we slowly go about taking the very simple step to change that thing. We're malleable like that.

  7. My question is...who gave Mr. Pants wine?

    1. It was grape juice. We aren't that irresponsible.

    2. Not that irresponsible, but maybe ignorant? Grapes are deadly for dogs. But since we don't have a dramatic story about how you had to rush him to the emergency vet to get his stomach pumped, I have to assume Mr. Pants knows better and didn't drink the kool-aid.

  8. Why does Matt never seem to be wearing shoes??

  9. Is that a cigarette on the grave? I'm telling Cathy! I'm ashamed we are 23rd cousins twice removed

  10. I'm not Mormon so I thought there would be a very tiny chance I'd find any matches on the It Just Gets Stranger Relative Finder. I was wrong, LOL six 8th Cousins, and then a ton after that. I am very happy now, all those formative years of genealogy searching paid off!
