Monday, December 12, 2011

Snuggie Texts

Perhaps because I've been in a particularly snarky mood lately, I couldn't resist last night when I got an accidental text from an unknown number. The following is our text exchange over the next 24 hours in its entirety. [For follow up, see Snuggie Texts Part II]. Please LIKE us on Facebook or FOLLOW Stranger on Twitter. Enjoy:


Hey Amanda! This is Jane. I was thinking for Beth's wedding gift we could go halfsies on one of those blocks of wood that says words like faith and hope that they could put on a mantle or hang on the wall. What do you think?


Hmmm . . . I saw couples snuggies at K-Mart the other day on sale for 9.99 and I think this is probably more of what she's looking for. It's more practical.


Lol! That's what I got them for their birthdays! But seriously, what do you think about the wood block idea?


Ok . . . I know for a fact you didn't get them snuggies for their birthdays because I talked to Beth recently and asked her which kind she would want if she got one as a wedding gift and she didn't say anything about already having one . . .


Oh Amanda, I was just joking. Sorry. :( Tell me more about your snuggie idea?


I'm confused . . . what was the joke?


Oh, a lot of people joke about snuggies. But I know a lot of people like them and I just thought maybe you were joking. I don't know you very well, obviously, so I don't know your sense of humor.


Well obviously I don't think we should get them leopard print. I was thinking the classy kitten snuggies with their names embroidered onto them and a phrase like "1+1=furrrever."


1+1=furrever? Do you mean 2+2?


2? Are they each 2 people? Why would it be 2+2?


1+1 equals 2, not 4. So the number "furrrever" doesn't really make sense with 1+1. Also, I don't think Beth likes cat stuff . . .


Furrrever isn't a number . . . And Beth doesn't like cats but I'm pretty sure she likes cat stuff. I get her t-shirts with kittens on them for every birthday and she always says she loves them and that she wears them on vacations and stuff.


I bet she likes them just fine. I guess I just assumed she didn't like cat stuff since she doesn't like cats . . . But maybe she would like them. Or we could think of other options . . .


I can tell you don't like the snuggie idea so let's just bag it.


I'm willing to consider it of course! But, are you at all interested in my block word idea? We could get those really cute ones that are painted different colors and just have a whole bunch they could put around their house.


Here, let me text you a picture of my snuggie so you can get a better idea.


Unknown: (2 hours later)

Honestly Amanda, I'm not crazy about the snuggie idea. If you want to do that, that's cool but I'll probably just do my own thing. Is that ok?


Is it because of the picture? Obviously the Venetian mask and tea kettle wouldn't be part of the gift. I was just trying to show a few different uses. I can send other pictures if you want to see more.


No, that's ok. I think it looks really comfie. So you don't like the block words idea?


You can go to football games in them, do grocery shopping, wear them around when all of your clothes are wet, read books, etc.


Yeah, they seem really cool. But she probably wouldn't do that kind of stuff in one . . .


Well obviously she would have to tie it in the back so it wouldn't fall off. Especially if she didn't wear any clothes under it.


Alright. So you aren't interested in my block word idea?


It's not that I don't like it. It's just that, when I was a kid my grandma used to always give me books for Christmas and I was always like, "thanks grandma. Now I have to read to enjoy your gift." You get me? Plus who has time for that?


But you understand the blocks are just one word. Like it would just be a block that says "Faith" or something.


Oooooohhhhhh.  So like a whole bunch of them that you move around to make funny sentences like word magnets on fridges that say stuff like, "I don't want no bunny banana frog ok no way!"


? No. Like, it's just the one word and you put it on a shelf or something.


So we would have to get them a shelf too?


No . . . Ok, so you're not crazy about my idea. Do you have any others, other than the snuggie idea?


What about garden gnomes?


Well they don't have a yard . . .


Oh. What about a couple of chickens! Ok, hear me out on this. When I was a kid my parents had a chicken coop and we called one of the chickens the Queen of Colors because she was really colorful but one day her legs got stuck in my sister's hair so they had to cut the chicken out.


I don't think they would appreciate live animals.


You're missing the point! The Queen of Colors got stuck in her hair! You have no idea what that put her through. Everyone called her "chicken head" until she lost her eye in a rubber band fight with her sponsor and they all started calling her "one-eyed-Wendy." But she's so much stronger for it.


I'll just do my own thing and you can do whatever you want. Ok?


Unknown: (Many hours later)

Who is this?




And why did you keep texting me when you knew I had the wrong number?


~It Just Gets Stranger



  1. Replies
    1. I am seriously CRYING from laughing so hard!!!

    2. Omg - me too! Only on the internet can u find such amusement from total strangers! Thanks for the laugh!

    3. Too halarious!!! Thanks for the Tuesday morning laugh!!

    4. i died laughing here!

    5. Oh my holy hannah!!!! I have laughed so hard I am crying!!! I am wiping tears, laughing, gasping for air from the coughing fit from laughing SOOOOOOO hard, laughing some more, reaching for my inhaler due to the mini asthma attack from laughing so hard, taking a few puffs and laughing some more. OH WOW!!! That is HY-STER-I-CAL!!!!!

    6. this is hysterical!!!! can't make this up.

    7. LMAO! highlight of a rainny day, THX!

    8. "So ur telling me we have to buy them a shelf too".. hahaha this is great

    9. hahahaha this is good!

    10. tears running down my face as i wheeze with asthma.

    11. Thank you, thank you..... I'm choking up from laughing so hard!

    12. Lmao!!!! I've always wanted to do this! Laughing my lady balls off! Thank you pinterest for bringing me here! hahahaha

    13. Fell out of my chair reading this.

    14. The funniest thing I have have become my hero for the rest of the year lol

  2. thanks for the laugh. that was super funny!

  3. Tyler and I were dying reading this!! Like, really, we almost died. We both have coughs, so every time we laugh, we go into coughing fits. Totally worth it!

  4. Poor girl. You've scarred her for life! But it was hilarious none the less :-). Can't stop laughing, actually. It was just what the doctor ordered today as well. Wonder if she'll take those texts to her lawyer for review?

    BTW, those word blocks are like $6.00 or something like that. They're all on sale right now at Hobby Lobby. Just bought one for a FOR REAL gift the other day. I have to confess, I'm more than a little concerned about the halvsies thing, especially since she doesn't know the person real well that she's suggesting this arrangement with. One should really check out their business partners a little more carefully...and they should probably check out the price tag of said items first, too.

  5. Thank you Eli. Now I'm praying someone accidentally texts me!

  6.!! Sorry, I feel somewhat strange leaving a comment, since I don't actually know you, but apparently you like talking to those you don't know, so...I really appreciated reading this conversation. I just received this link on facebook, and I'm so glad I followed it! Thanks for sharing the awesomeness.

  7. That's horrible!! and ..insanely funny at the same time.

  8. I am seriously dying over here. First, how did she not know you were joking with her?? Second, why is she texting someone she doesn't know to go "halfsies" on a gift?? Third, can you please get her to send you the actual Amanda-Jane text exchange regarding the wedding present halfsies idea?!

  9. Eli.....who would have thunk you were going to be a "texter prankster" aka lawyer? Your mom is so proud. :)

  10. i wasn't even laughing...i was snorting while reading this. nice.

  11. That's awesome. You're a great snuggie model

  12. The best part (and probably the most overlooked) is that Eli actually had a snuggie on hand to model for the pictures at that precise moment in time. (Nevermind the tea kettle and mask.)

  13. she was trying really hard not to hurt your feelings...I'm very impressed by her patience!
    ...and I loved your comment that word blocks are annoying because you have to read them to enjoy them...this was awesome.
    (btw, mary beth referred me to this--your blog is awesome.)

  14. Thanks for the smile! My brother would so do this too!

  15. Saw this on FB. I was crying because I was laughing so hard. Thanks!

  16. Ok, I havent read something that funny in a long time. Well done! I'm so impressed that you kept her going for so long. Very well done!

  17. Now to complete this story you need to ask her on a date and eventually marry Jane in a year. Then she can torture you about this forever.

  18. I came across this blog randomly today and after laughing my ever-loving head off, I promptly forwarded it to all of my friends, colleagues, and acquaintances (in that order).

    I don't know how to say this, but I'm a little infatuated with you after reading your genius. At the risk of sounding like a total internet weirdo, if you are currently unattached I would love to put in my application (seriously- email me). If, however, you ARE attached I will just continue to laugh at your hilarity.

  19. Eli, i never knew you were so crazy! I'm assuming law school made you this way. Haha you are like Ted L. Nancy (letters from nut). Haha this seriously cracked me up.

  20. My roommate gave me this link and told me it would make my day. You did not disappoint, I was laughing so hard I started crying. Thank you ever so much for posting this!

  21. You are hilarious. Another FB referral and so glad I found this!! Now it's pinned so I can read it from time to time and get a good chuckle! Thanks!!!

  22. That was the funniest freakin' thing I have ever read. Love it.

  23. That was the funniest thing I've read all year! My husband and I were crying from laughing so hard! Thanks!

  24. Wow Eli--with all your readers you could start putting up ads and getting paid to blog...too bad you spent three years going to law school when you could be a professional comedic blogger!!
    It's been too long--we need to meet up somewhere sometime!

  25. Dude, one of my friends posted this link on facebook, and I am now a follower of your blog. HILARIOUS! -Have you ever read the book "Letters From a Nut" by Ted L. Nancy? Wow, you and Ted must be kindred spirits...

  26. This blog may be the most entertaining thing I have ever read. Bless you.

  27. oh my gosh, I think I'm in love....

  28. Just so everyone knows.....Eli's Mom and Dad (us) gave Eli (and his sister Krishelle) their first snuggies for Christmas as a joke. We all had a great laugh as they modeled them for us. Who knew that someday that very snuggy would make him famous! We are a proud mama and papa.

  29. Okay, so I don't even know you, but a couple of my Facebook friends posted a link to this post, so I figured that I'd read it. Totally glad that I did! That completely made my day. Thanks!

  30. Thanks for the laugh, you are a freakin' genius! :)

  31. Eli, you had us laughing till we cried with this post. Thanks for making our day! Hope you are well.

  32. Okay, I don't even know you, but someone had posted this on their facebook so I decided to take a look at it. My husband and I just about died laughing!! THAT IS SO FUNNY! ha ha ha ha!!

  33. A friend posted a link to your blog on Facebook today, and I am so amused! I wish I could accidentally text you, just to get such a wonderful dialogue going. Still need a roommate? ;)

  34. I think the best part is the fact that you have a snuggie.

  35. If you're not married yet... I'm single ;)

  36. I read this outloud for my co-workers today. I was crying by the end of it! Thanks for entertaining the workplace today!

  37. Seriously, this is the funniest thing ever! This is Kim's sister by the totally crack me up!

  38. I followed a FB link...I think this is the new internet sensation! I want to do this...I hope some random number texts me soon!

  39. hahahahahahahahaha. I found this from my friend on facebook. I am still dying.

  40. So funny! Must have been a nice break from finals.

  41. I would have LOVED to get a garden gnome as a gift! In fact, I have a small one in my kitchen that needs a friend.

    On another note, why didn't she notice the man-hands in the first picture and realize that she probably wasn't texting someone named Amanda???? After all, female man-hands only exist in Seinfeld episodes.....

  42. Found this through Twitter...though I don't normally start conversations with people I don't know, I'm definitely making an exception here. Thanks for the most hilarious story I've read in a long time!

  43. ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT! I read this to my daughter and we were laughing so hard we were crying!! I absolutely loved it!!

  44. I officially love you. xD You're much too awesome to not be a writer - you should consider a change in your career choice.

  45. I don't know you either, but I have to say that's the best I've read in a while! You are amazing. +follow. You seem like the type to enjoy my friend's blog:

  46. this is hilarious!! I can't believe you had them going for so long! also, i loved the pic with the mask, too funny!

  47. I laughed so hard I cried. Then I missed parts because my tears blurred my vision, so I had to go back and read a second time.

    I sure hope Jane appreciates the thought that went into making her night full of smiles.

    New RSS subscriber here.

  48. Since you obviously now know that this is a facebook sensation, I don't feel creepy commenting. VERY well done. Also, I meandered through "The Lost Journal Series" and LOVED it! I'd pay good money if I could find my Wishbone diary (complete with lock & key) from 10 years old.

    Add me to the singles list. But seriously...

  49. hilarious. hilarious. hilarious. hilarious.

  50. That was FAMAZING! Brilliant, absolutely brilliant.

  51. Hahahahahahaha! I used to get texts all the time from people who knew the girl with my number before it was mine. I should have done this!

  52. You truly have a gift! Thanks for the laughs!

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. I've read this three times, and have cried laughing every time.

    I wish we could be real life friends, because I feel like my life would be exponentially more entertaining. But alas, I will settle for stalking your blog on a regular basis.

  55. This is AWESOME!! Thanks for the laugh!!

  56. If I were your friend, I would start handing out your phone number to people every chance I got.

  57. Some people just don't have a sense of humor! Glad to see you do. I loved reading this, ty!

  58. Bitchen. Reminds me of Phil Hendrie.

  59. So Funny!!! I am having flash backs of Girls Camp though...haha Good Times:)

  60. Couldn't stop laughing! Thanks for sharing! Maybe I'm too nice, because when I get texted by strangers, I give it away too quickly. Real texts from about a month and a half ago...
    Stranger: R u working
    Me: Not really. Why?
    Stranger: Being nosey...have u heard from gramma?
    me: All my grandma's are dead- so no. I don't think I'm who you think I am.
    Stranger: Sorry

    I could have had so much more fun with that!

    Another stranger text...
    Stranger: By the way, that is an ugly T-shirt

    I could have had fun with that too, but I skipped directly to "Who is this?" I have a lot to learn!

    The best are "Will you work for me on Friday?" (or whenever) I always say yes. But i'm too nice to not send another text 10 minutes later with something like "Where do we work again?"

  61. I just saw a link to this on Facebook tonight, and I am dying! I haven't laughed this hard in a long time! Thanks!

  62. Brilliant! Snuggies and Bump-it's are always the perfect gift ;)

  63. Epic. I hope she went with the garden gnomes.

  64. This is hurt me so much! Lol! I could hardly read around the tears of laughter. :P

    You so rock!

  65. Oh my! I can't stop laughing. Thank you for making the world a better place by just existing!

  66. I enjoyed this too much, I think. I want to share this with everyone I know! I'll make it part of my Christmas card!

  67. :) Nice. Also nice? That only girls have commented here (-1). lol

  68. This gives me hope for humanity. Too dang funny!

  69. Love the new look (I'm referring to your blog, not the Venetian mask, tea kettle and snuggie). When's that snuggie giveaway gonna happen?

  70. Ok, before you get a restraining order against me I just have to make 1 more comment. This is probably my favorite (and possibly most overlooked) part of the whole post: "I get her t-shirts with kittens on them for every birthday and she always says she loves them and that she wears them on vacations and stuff." Every time I read this part I have a little vision in my head about a friend giving kitten shirts to another friend...and the friend swearing up and down that she wears them every time she's out of town (or anywhere that the giver of the gift just wouldn't be able to prove that she does, in fact, NOT wear them). I love this. I mean, she can't lie and say she wears them around the house because the friend could probably prove she's lying and that would lead to an awkward conversation. Not everyone appreciates an awkward conversation like we do.

  71. I don't know you but I randomly saw your blog on a friends facebook, and I have to tell you that this is seriously the FUNNIEST thing I have read! I started reading it to my hubby but was laughing so hard...crying actually he had to come and finish reading it with me!! too funny!! thank you for sharing!

  72. Hilarious! We need to be "friend-ies"... Honestly sad I dont know you personally, because like many others have said, I'm sure life would be much more fun, entertaining, etc. I'm a follower! Happy holidays, and please continue screwing with people!

  73. Hilarious! We need to be "friend-ies"... Honestly sad I dont know you personally, because like many others have said, I'm sure life would be much more fun, entertaining, etc. I'm a follower! Happy holidays, and please continue screwing with people!

  74. You are hilarious! Thanks for giving me a good laugh. :)

  75. this had me laughing so hard i was crying. Thank you! (LOVED the picture in the Venetian mask)

  76. I am sitting here in my office, alone, laughing my head off! This is the funniest thing I've read in a long long time! Thank you for posting it...if ya got any more, send them my way! ~middle child mom

  77. I was having a downer day until I read this blog. This is hilarious! I can't believe she doesn't get the humor in the situation. You should just start texting random numbers for more conversations.

  78. Oh... my... gosh. Dude, I don't know you, but you just made my day. I almost cried laughing. You win the prize today. Can't wait to show my husband.

  79. I am such a sucker for a quick wit. I'm totally hiring you as my lawyer for life, as I'm sure any situation that would require my hiring a lawyer would also require a hefty dose of humor. Loved the follow up too- you realize you're going to end up marrying this poor girl don't you? (assuming you are not yet married-don't scar the girl THAT badly) Think of the snuggie slide show you could have at your reception or better yet a whole Snuggie theme. Snuggie chair covers, matching kitten snuggies for the bridesmaids and groomsmen- the possibilites are endless. And of course you can get get your own "I'm the Bride" and "I'm the Groom" snuggies for the horse drawn carriage ride.....
    I'm pretty sure isn't taken.

  80. HAHAHA! Can we be friends? That was wonderful! And thanks for the contact information - you made Facebook stalking even easier :)

  81. I dont' know you, but I found your blog on Pinterest. This story made my day. I had tears running down my face as I was laughing so hard. Thanks for that. Merry Christmas!

  82. Um, where did you get such a snuggie? It looks giguhuge-normous in the photo. Or maybe my vision is skewed; that is entirely possible.

    P.S. I'm pretty sure my boss is wondering why I'm shaking right now. I just hope he doesn't realize it's with laughter.

  83. Wow! I just laughed til I cried. You are hilarious.

  84. I love your blog! Finally another blog I can actually relate to.

  85. I have a sister we call one eyed Wendy; I DJ a country Station in Rupert Idaho...This will be the topic of the day:)

  86. ROFL mom has this glitch in her phone that makes her get about 20 random texts from people a day...verizon can't figure out how to fix it...

    I keep telling her she should use it as a tool to work on her humor. I've sent her a link to this blog for research.


  87. Thanks for the laugh! I'm crying here.... That was awesome!

  88. The person who had my number before never tells anyone that her number is changed. Yesterday I got a text asking if he could trade me some beer for a story. Oh yes. Your idea is way more fun.

  89. I thoroughly enjoyed this! But you should probably take Jane out for a date. I think you two might just hit it off.

  90. That was freaking awesome. Almost makes me wish I had a phone again. Excellent!

  91. Today was my birthday and this was the best birthday present ever.

  92. I like how she was trying to be so polite to you....She must have really wanted to save money on her gift badly to keep the dialogue going with you!

    Really funny stuff.


  93. I would have asked her for a credit card number....

  94. The problem with being poor and giving gifts is that $5 is the smallest Arch card they will sell you.

  95. i'll get you some blocks that say U R A W E S O M E!, what a cheap wedding gift acutally! snuggies would set you back way more....they could throw the blocks at each other when they were fighting tho'

  96. ohmygarsh- this is funny! The Bloggess sent me- she said this was funny and The Bloggess never lies.....

  97. Oh Eli, you live in Utah, you should know that the pioneer ethic dictates we sew the Snuggies ourselves, particularly if they're to be given as wedding presents. I believe gingham is the fabric choice for a long, fruitful marriage.

  98. Are you married? Because I need you to be my future ex-husband.

  99. This post is such a win all around! Jane's unfailing politeness is honestly very refreshing and welcome, so props to her...But the real kudos go to Eli, dispenser of comedy GOLD! :) Thank you! :)

  100. I can't stop laughing! It's making me wheeze.

  101. I was laughing so hard as I read this (but silently, with lots of shaking), that my husband woke up panicked, thinking I was having some kind of seizure! Worth it.

  102. OK, so even though I'm a mommy blogger and made a lot of "Pshaw!" sounds while looking over your fake, insulting and basically hilarious mom blog...YOU ROCK! The next time I get a wrong number text, I probably won't say, "Sorry, wrong number." :)

  103. And here I thought I was the only one who ever got a chicken stuck in their hair... Wait! My name is Wendy, also! Does this mean I'm doomed to lose an eye in a rubber band fight?! That's it. I'm going to wear protective eye gear from here on out.

  104. ROFLMBO

    OMG I am sitting here HOPING someone texts me by mistake LOL

  105. Wow. That was grand on so many levels.

    I, too, would like to submit my "application" if you are single. ;)

  106. This comment has been removed by the author.

  107. You are hilarious. Will you please be my friend?

  108. What a wonderful mistake. I bet that you're one of those people that has never let a stranger :-) Keep up the funniness, especially amidst classes such as con law and such!

  109. Oh my heck, I just did this today to some guy texting me thinking I was a girl he liked. A girl posted this link and you are hilarious! Genius!

  110. genius! pure hilarious genius! thanks for the laughs...

    This is so rad!!!!
    You just made my day!

  112. Easily the funniest thing I have read in years. You, sir, rock.

  113. OMG!!! My friend has been trying to get me to read this for a couple of months and I haven't bothered until just now. I don't think I have ever laughed that hard in my life!! Thank you for posting this!

  114. I found you again from the porch but a friend actually read this to me one day while grocery shopping. How excellent to find your blog once again.

  115. I think I want Jane's number.

  116. As a young Mormon mommy I got a super angry late night phone call from a lady asking me why her boyfriend had my *%#+!! phone number in his wallet. Wish I had your wit for that wrong number!

  117. O. M. G. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  118. oh my gosh! I wish that a stranger text me so I could do the same thing..I promise I would blog about it. Quick thinking!

  119. I'm a 911 dispatcher and I am at work reading this! I love it! I can't wait for someone to text me now! Thank you for the laugh!

  120. Hahahaha! Laughing so hard right now!! This is hilarious! How could she not get that u were joking??? Best prank I have ever seen! Hahahahaha!

  121. hahahaha "we have to get her a shelf too?" brilliant sense of humor!

  122. check out my friends video on "Snuggie huggie Christmas". You are hilarious!

  123. Hilarious!!! Love it!!!

  124. This is most hilarious. Hahahahahaha.

  125. " I don't think they would appreciate live animals." HAHAHA! Nice!

  126. Is there any way you could make a video where you are reading this conversation. I would really like to hear the way you would say the things you texted. Hope that doesn't sound weird lol.

  127. Eli, you're too much! I laughed so hard reading this!!

  128. Eli, I have never followed a blog before or commented on anything online, other than facebook. I have to admit though that laughter and humor are honestly the BEST medicine and therapy anyone can have EVER ! You made me laugh SO hard ! THANK YOU !!!

  129. I am so glad I am not the only one who read this and laughed so hard I cried... :)

  130. geesh, I just googled and the blocks of wood are only $20

    Jane is sorta cheap--

    1. It wasn't just one block of wood, it was lots of blocks of wood to put all around the house to decorate! DUH! LOL

  131. I don't get how this is funny?

  132. Omg this is so funny! I almost peed my pants! Haha

  133. So dang funny... nearly a year later this will never get old!

  134. Absolutely hysterical!

  135. I'm crying from laughing to hard, and I tink I have to PEEEEEEEEEEE!!

  136. ahahhahaahah!!!!!!! Don't be awesome B-)!!!

  137. still good a year later. i wouldnt call it funny though.. just amusing for me

  138. I want to get a random text now.

  139. Eli, you are brilliant! I am so glad I recently discovered your blog. Thank you so much for the laughter!

  140. Eli,
    Thank you for the humor! My experience with lawyers has been the slimeball type that give all others a bad name. It's good to see one with humor!!
    Thanks for making me laugh for the first time in a long time.

  141. Eli - I love you. Hilarious!

  142. Sir. I think I love you.

  143. good one! too funny!

  144. You should be best friends with Olan Rogers hahahaha... I needed a good laugh, thank you :)

  145. Hahaha!!! I am crying this is so funny! I LOVE it!

  146. Hahahahaha..this is is part have made a follower out of me!

  147. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Found this on Pinterest. You are great! Thank you for the laugh. Really needed it today.

  148. I bet she will think of you every time she even hears the word snuggie. lmao!!!!

  149. I'm not sure what is funnier, your conversation with this stranger or all the marriage requests you're getting as a result of it. Wow!

  150. uhm,so,this kinda sucked..

  151. I just read (somewhere up the in the long list of replies) that this whole thing is FAKE! I really enjoyed reading this post and got totally sucked in. I want the dream to live on! And I also want UPDATES. There aren't any :( I would assume that you two didn't ever end up meeting, didn't fall in love, didn't go on the Ellen show to share your story, Jane didn't become Fortify's second mom and all the reminiscing about snuggies, wooden blocks, summer camp and the Queen of Colors has come to an end. STOP THE MADNESS AND GIVE US UPDATES!

    1. Kara, there has been some speculation that this was all fake. Rest assured, it is not. I plan to give something of an update, or, at least, more background information soon, as we approach the year anniversary. So please stay tuned.

      Also, the Queen of Colors could never come to an end.

    2. Rest assured we will ALL be anxiously waiting!

  152. Omg! Peeing my pants! Eli, you're a gem!

  153. Omg. I sat here and laughed hysterically as I read part 1 and then almost in tears reading part 2. Thank you for posting this, it was so hilarious. I just started dying when you said you went and made a whole blog just to deter her.

  154. You are amazing! So glad you kept going! Sending pictures, hilarious. Crying from laughing so hard!!

  155. I cannot stop laughing. Literally. Crying.

  156. when I get my phone back I'm gonna see if a random number would do this with me?????????????

  157. Amazing! This is the most hysterical thing I have ever read. I don't want no bunny banana frog ok no way! I'm going to arrange every one of those to say that when I see them from now on.

  158. This brings joy to my heart.
