Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Kitty Texts

My sister Krisanda received a strange text from an unknown number over the weekend. Never one to pass up on a good opportunity to weird others out, she responded. Below is her funny exchange. Oh Krisanda. Since the time you created The First Eye, you haven't changed one bit. Thanks for keeping me entertained for so many years.

Text exchange below:

~It Just Gets Stranger


  1. So it runs in the family then.... :D

  2. Just what I needed this morning!

  3. I love how the guy with no grasp of grammar, spelling, or coherent thoughts has the audacity to call someone else "lame."

    1. Karen has a lot of opinions. You go Karen, you go girl.

  4. I keep hoping for some random person to accidentally send a text MY way, so I can play this game, too! I'm witty and clever, surely I can come up with something neat like this!

    My favorite lines (although hard to pick) are probably:
    "r u a lady?"
    "I am now...I haven't always been though."


  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. But I wonder how many english teachers are rolling in their graves when I read texts like this, It's like I'm reading an entirely different language. Just yesterday I was looking at a picture my brother was tagged in, and the girl wrote "Yimmit (his nickname) gonna be like whoa" I had to have my brother explain the meaning… when did whoa become an adjective, and gonna become a verb? Sometimes I think Idiot's Guide must create a "understanding text lingo, in 30 days" book...

  7. I think my favorite line is: "That not funny a little lame dude lol", because why is he laughing out loud if it's not funny?

    1. Right? And for someone who wasn't very entertained, he sure kept responding a lot.

  8. this is the funniest thing ever! haha i wish i was this creative. meow meow

  9. "Do u want me to buy u a slim jim and one pink sock lol" ? What the what? And I love how he goes from thinking she is lame to cool to lame again.

  10. I'm going to be honest...it was a little painful to get through and some of the humor was lost since I just couldn't get past his bad grammar and use of "lol"

  11. This guys seems to have just as bad spelling as the 12 year old girl in your other post! Jeez where did he go to school??
    By the way, I just found your site, it is AWESOME! My roommate and I can't stop laughing! HA

  12. Lame on, dude. HAHHA
