Showing posts with label Napoleonic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Napoleonic. Show all posts

Monday, September 20, 2021

Napoleonic Goodness

I took a chance the other day and ordered these two books from eBay for £25. Well, I wasn’t disappointed as they are amazing. Napoleonic gaming is a mine field of uniforms that seem to change after 1812 and are a myriad of colours. These books cover all the countries involved and are a must for painters and modellers.
I know I am coming very late to this party but this post might be helpful for players new to the era. I imagine most seasoned gamers will be well aware of these tomes of goodness. 

There are lots of these books on eBay, but beware of the green coloured versions, they are written in French.

The illustrations have a nice charm to them while at the same time being very clear and informative.

There are loads of nice group shots that show the variety of uniforms for the units I had been wondering about the differences in British dragoons and Dragoon guards at Waterloo. A nice group shot answered my questions. 

At £12.50 each these big books are well worth it, also on eBay you might even get them for less.

 Yellow covers written in English, green covers are written in French… an important note to remember.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

The Young Guard

 Having a friend who is collecting Prussians and researching Waterloo has given me a burst of life to start on a new french unit. I have researching the young guard for a while and so decided to create a unit of Tirailleurs to stop him in his tracks. In 2004 I bought a load of front rank figures to create some Young Guard, they have sat hidden away for years until now. the models are old by Front Rank standards and have been removed and up dated by now. There has been more great reference books released since I first started to look at the units which has helped a lot in researching them.

I've discovered that the Tirailleurs were given red epaulets for the Waterloo campaign. I had bought a lot of line Voltigeurs back in 2004 to convert, thinking it would be a simple painting conversion. However after a little thought I started to model some epaulets out of greenstuff. it was a lot easier than I thought and I realized doing the complete unit would be fun and also a one off. I will also look to increasing the size of the pompoms too. The great coat colour has caused all kinds of confusion. I have decided to paint most in grey and browns with just a few in light Blue. That way I've covered all the options.
The new releases from Calpe Miniatures have got me thinking about replacing my regimental command with some better figures, including the colour guard etc. I imagine that now calpe are doing French It's alright for front Rank to start doing Prussians.
The new Front Rank prussians do look good and can be bought in Regiments which is very handy, ear marked for the future I think.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Monday, March 02, 2015

Back to Basics

I love doing these kiddy pictures, such a  joy to do.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Another Great Landwehr Weekend

 I have just got back from another great weekend campaigning in the 18th Century. Lots of fun and just a little bit scary...

Pictures by Jo Isaacs

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Band Of Brothers

I was sent this wonderful shot of us at Leipzig the other day  and had to share it. It certainly sums up the atmosphere of the day with huge clouds of gun smoke blocking out the sun. I was a little apprehensive about going abroad to fight but now I think I'm hooked, the next one is coming up soon and is in France.

These big events are defiantly worth traveling to, for the sheer scale of them can't be matched at home.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The 3rd Prussian Brigade March to Victory.

An amazing experience and one that will stay with me forever.

Here our unit forms the center of the 3rd Prussian Brigade as we march to take a bridge at Leipzig. Pushed back three times we finally gain the ground with the aid of a Swiss regiment who changed sides towards the end of the battle.

I have been back a day already but I am still on a high from the event. Re-enacting in England I am used to seeing just a few units of French on the field, I was blown away by the numbers on the weekend. Thousands of Frenchmen in massive regiments of every shape and description.

 The noise of our Brigade charging at the point of bayonet still gives me a little shiver when I think of it.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Monday, October 14, 2013

Off to Leipzig!

I'm off to Leipzig this weekend to give Boney the boot from Germany. After his little trip to Moscow he hasn't got a lot to throw at us I hope, so I'm rather hopeful. Anyway wish me luck!

I have promised my wife a cuirassier's helmet...with the head still inside it of course. Apparently the trick is to knock 'em off their horse first, then it's as easy as killing a turtle...or so I've heard.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Re-enacting the Prussian Landwehr

 Here I am at Chalke Valley festival of History last week. It was a boiling hot day and the dark wool uniforms became like ovens in the heat. This is me learning the drill, complete with Landwehr beard. I upgraded my sideburns for the weekend.

 It was quite hard learning a new drill, but even more so because the landwehr drill in German! After a while I started to get the hang of things as some of the words did sound quite English. I like the fact that even the language has been adopted so that we sound as well as look authentic.

 I got to fire my first flintlock musket as well which was amazing. After all my years reading and drawing history, I finally got hands on with it. I was amazed at the shower of hot gun powder that blows up when the gun goes off. It was a little scarey at first with the noise being louder than you expect, even though I hear them going off all the time next to me. I think I am now hooked!

Here is a nice group shot with most of the regiment marching in formation. My musket was a replica Brown Bess I bought ten years ago. I was very pleased to be using it in anger, as I thought It would just sit in a cupboard for the rest of it's life. I will apply for my shot gun and black powder licenses soon and when I have them, I can buy my own working musket and take the fight to the enemy. Until then, I will have to rely on the old cold steel!

 Being the man with the replica gun, It was my job to die in glorious fashion every now and then. I enjoyed this very much. I also got to play a Frenchman on the second day to help the poor old out numbered French...this was the highlight of the weekend for me.

Here i am on the second day in borrowed French uniform.

The excellent pictures were taken by Pat Patrick, Sarah Ford and Barry James Wilson.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Re-enacting the Napoleonic Period

 Here is my list of things to get and rough notes on my new kit. If you haven't guessed already I plan to join a Prussian Landwehr regiment. Once you start re-enacting and meeting new friends, things can quickly get out of a good way.
The picture was just a poor excuse for me to draw and colour up a Militia man with all his kit.

There is also talk of doubling up as French infantry in some re-enactments, to help the poor, heavily out numbered French re-enactors. This should be quite easy with just a few tweaks to our equipment. Apparently our drill is very similar in style to that of the French. Secretly I'm looking forward to playing as French infantry, I have always had a soft spot for shakos. Also, I have studied and painted so many of them in 28mm, I should be able to take what I have learned and put it into a new hobby.

Watch this space...

Monday, November 14, 2011

Friday, November 11, 2011

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Waterloo Collection DVD's

After doing my usual trawl through Amazon to check on new Historical releases, I was delighted to see three DVD's of the battle of Waterloo.
These seemed a little too good to be true at first but they turned out to be really good.
Three 90 min DVD's covering the whole waterloo Campaign narrated by a team of battlefield tour guides, which works well. Although I had to smile at their football style, blow by blow account of Derlon's attack.
I've learnt loads which is the main thing and they are good to have on in the background while you paint. I Recommend them.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

French lancer Waterloo 1815

This is a member of the Elite Company of the 6th Chevau-Leger-Lanciers. The 6th differed from the other lancer regiments by having buff coloured equipment instead of white, also the Elite companies had red crests rather than the usual black.

News from the Front

A French light Infantryman.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Friday, July 22, 2011

A trooper of the 1st Life Guards at Waterloo 1815


After waiting around 10 years for a Warhammer Napoleonic rule set to appear, I can finally relax with the arrival of 'Waterloo'. I started collecting my army about six years ago with the idea that when the game did appear, I would have ready painted armies. Well the game never did appear and I got carried away painting lots of lovely blue French.
Forge World aren't in my good books after dumping the ancient side of things, but because of my long wait I was curious about this new rule set for the horse and musket period from the Warhammer team. Also it is set around Waterloo like my French forces.

I decided to take a chance and buy it. WHAM! case shot right in the nuts...£36! Well I know I've waited ten years but £36...come on.
Well, it arrived in a gold jewel encrusted case and I was very pleasantly surprised on first impressions . It looks like a well put together game with loads of useful uniform guides and illustrations.

After the disappointment of Foundry's 'Napoleon' and it's lack of support, I was quite taken back by Waterloo. My friend informs me it is based around the GW 'Lord of the Rings' game which he tells me is very good.

One of the annoying things about the game though is that it has six figures to a base (=1 company) whereas mine are based four for use with 'Napoleon'. It's a small thing and one to which the rules actually mention and say it doesn't matter. however, when you've waited so long you want it to be just right. Mind you I will wait and see if the game is any good first before I start ripping figures off bases again. If anybody gets a chance to play it or sees a review do let me know, I would be more than a little interested.

So far I can't see any mistakes which is a bonus unlike Napoleon which came across as half finished and rushed . Anyway I will keep reading ... £36 was a little steep, but at the moment it looks like it was worth every penny.

I have ordered some new 60x40mm bases... I know I know.