The cat's out of the bag as far as my friend is concerned, so now I can let you know of my next project. Using COE WWII rules I intend to put on a Cyberman vs WWII Tommy game for his birthday. It should be fun and I have been busy painting a basing loads of Cybermen and extra Brits for the game. A few more PIAT teams wouldn't go a miss when facing these guys.
I have ordered the Cybermen from Black Tree Designs so I just hope they arrive in time and not next year. I had some WWII Americans turn up so late once, I forgot I had ordered them!
I have no idea how the game will turn out, will the Cybermens tough resistance to small arms fire win the day, or will it be the shear amount of firepower laid down by the Brits that swings the tide of battle?
The best thing about Cybermen is they are so quick to paint. Spray silver and wash with black...job done.