Showing posts with label Gardening. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gardening. Show all posts

Saturday, 18 April 2015

Gardening and the Parable of the Sower

It is Spring and the time to tend the garden. Just like the other gardeners, we use this time to plant seeds and clean the garden. When the rain pours, it gets easier to till the soil. I started doing it and to keep my mind about the chance of encountering earthworms, I think about the parable of the sower while tilling the soil.  It is true that before a seed grows, we need to soften the soil, till it, remove the rocks and weeds and water it. I encountered soils that are so hard, they are like dried clay, no chance of seed to grow in that kind of soil. But just like life's trials and tragedies to a man with a hardened heart, the blows of the spading fork or a tiller makes the soil break lose and soft, with watering, it becomes ready to be planted with seeds. With careful and steady tender loving care, the seeds will grow, harden and then bear fruit or flowers.

The application to the parable is just simple yet profound. All of us are the garden, some of us will have hard, clay-like soil, others will have rocks, others with weeds. If we don't prepare our hearts to accept the seed, it will not stay, grow and bear. God will use something to remind us that purpose, He  will use problems, tragedies or some people to clean us and prepare our hearts fro Gods planting,

When I think about the reasons why our hearts could harden, I though about pride, self-reliance, hurt from past, anger and  rage.  So the weeds and rocks could be our careers, problems, issues, hobbies, Worldly music, shows and movies, love for money and material things that if will not remove them in our garden, will also mean the delay in the planting of the seeds.

The good soil however is the one who is always cultivated, loose and watered. There is a tender loving care to the seed so that it keeps on growing.  The following are the equivalents of the tiller, water and seeds : daily devotions time with God, praise and worship, bible study and activities that promote or encourage God's presence. You know what happens next right? The seed will grow and bear fruit. The daily watering is Gods words being poured out to make seed grow into something bigger.

The seed becomes a young plant then later on blooms and bear fruit. That's the result that every gardener wants to achieve. The same way God wants our lives to become. To bloom and bear fruit for God's glory. He is our gardener and sower.

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Perennials and annuals

I have many plans for our garden. I inherited some perennials from the previous owner of the house and I liked the flowers but some of it have taken over the flower beds. I needed to remove them. Now that all the day lilies are gone, I need to replace them with other flowering plants.  I am torn between choosing a perennial or annual plant but considering the cost, I opted for the previous.  I thought that I will not have a hard time choosing because there are more annual flowers to choose from. I was wrong. I also needed to plan for where to put them and what should be planted beside another because the bloom times vary too.  Kinakareer pala Ito! I hope I'm doing the right thing. I started with sowing Gallardia seeds and until now, I have not put everything on the beds because those I did were either dug by squirrels or didn't survive. I have purple thumb talaga. I still have some seedlings waiting to become a little stronger before I transfer them. I am so excited to see the red and yellow daisy-like flowers.

Spring blooms

Before buying seeds or plants, I started looking for plants from the neighbours to be able to know what thrives in our area.  I got interested with bulbs especially tulips but I learned from my officemates that if I won't be careful, I will lose the bulbs to squirrels too. It was hard to plant because you need to put chicken wire, dig a certain level and you also have to do it weeks before the frost starts because they need the cold temperature. I told myself, I will skip tulips but I will try Hyacinths, our neighbours got the pink ones and they're gorgeous. I also like the grape hyacinths, I took a picture from our neighbours and show it to the garden centre because I could not figure out if it's a bulb or not, the lady at the garden centre told me that it's grape hyacinth but they are not selling that at this time because it needs to be planted in the fall. Well for spring flowers, I transplanted the Mini Daffodils I got for Mother's Day in the flower bed and I discovered that the previous owner had 1 daffodil planted too.  Next on my lists are delphiniums, crocuses but it is still a long wait before I could plant them so I will just focus on plant that will bloom in summer.

Summer blooms and produce

In the front flower beds, I have roses, peonies and lily of the valley.  I added creeping phlox, the Stella de oro day lilies to where I removed the big day lilies. I also reserved a spot for the Gallardia and I also put some ground cover plants. In the backyard, I transferred some lily of the valley and I also placed the Cherry 100 tomatoes and pepper to where the sun shines most. I found out that to  help the tomatoes especially this variety that I bought produce more, I need to put a tomato cage to support the branches.  I also found out that it should be done with my peonies too in front. I can't wait to take pictures with the peonies supported by a cage instead of lying down on the ground because the plant couldn't support it with the big flowers it bears.  When I removed the hosta in the backyard and transferred them to the other side of the house, I discovered that the Black-eyed Susan grew where the hosta used to be. I couldn't wait for the flowers to bloom because there are lots of buds coming out. I hope to be able to take a picture.

I  learned that just like people, plants need tender loving care, give them the things they need in order to grow, water, soil and sunlight. Prune them or deadhead (removing the foliage)  when they die to give more room for growth the next time they come out. Take out the weeds and  plan where to put them so they can give the best blooms in the right time and place.  That will give the utmost satisfaction to its owner. I am looking forward to that but I also was trying to compare or apply this to our own life as parents.  I realized that we need to give our children the basic needs  - food, water, shelter, clothing. Discipline like pruning to be able to grow  up in  the right way and  protecting them from weeds (bad company) to be able plan /work for their bright future so that parents who gave all these things will be satisfied.

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Landscaping Issues and solutions

I am a frustrated gardener. I do not know if it's the scorching heat of summer or my purple thumb which makes our garden slowly dying. the Cedar trees that Lito planted are now turning brown and the lawn grass too. The only spot that has still green grass is the area inside the fence. Well, there is a shade there and the big tree from the neighbors are protecting that part of our garden. Lito surprised the kids with a fountain to make the garden a little exciting.

Anyway, I am copying an article from a home sale magazine on how to make your garden and landscaping a beautiful one without spending a lot. Here are some of the common landscaping issues and how to correct them:

Sparse, Brown lawn

If the lawn is looking sparse and brown, likely the culprit is thatch. Thatch is the layer of dead grass, leaves and stems that block the water and nutrients from reaching the roots. To revive the grass, remove this layer and prime the lawn for strong regrowth. a power rake is the easiest way to get rid of the layer of thatch. then use an aerator to poke holes in the dirt so that nutrients, air and moisture can get to the roots.


No single method will eliminate all weeds. Here are some tips on the most common weeds and how to get rid of them:

Dandelion - it's important to dig the dandelions before they go to seed. Spot treat dandelions with a broadleaf weed killer.
White Clover - This weed can quickly spread on undernourished lawns. Combat by watering regularly and applying nitrogen fertilizer. spot treat.
Crab Grass - If it's early in the season, consider applying a pre-emergence crabgrass herbicide. Because crabgrass thrives on shorter lawns, set your mower to a higher setting, about 2-3 inches.

Overgrown hedges , shrubs and trees

Trimmed hedges and trees make a yard look perfectly manicured. A tree trimmer, chainsaw are some of the tools used but is safer and more economical to just have it done by professional than having it done all over again.

Wilting and dead plants

If the outdoor plants are turning brown or wilting, it's likely that they need water. Or it's easy for plant novices to overwater -which can kill the plants just as easily as under watering them. Watering during peak sun hours will cause most of the water to evaporate and little will reach the plants roots. Water during the early morning or late evening hours.

Striped lawn

If you have alternate lines of green grass that alternate with yellow of brown stripes, like the cause is uneven fertilizer application. The trick to fertilizing evenly with a drop spreader is overlapping wheel tracks by an inch or two. This will ensure no area gets missed and any potential for stripes is eliminated.

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Gardening 101: Shrubs and Trees

We have lots of gardening to do. Our front and back yards need attention and we started to see our neighbors fixing their gardens too. They said that they usually do gardening after Victoria Day but since the weather is changing, imagine the Cherry Blossoms in High Park bloomed last week, we can start because the weather is great.

Last year, we started to buy the Emerald Cedar trees and plant them beside the neighbor's award winning garden. Lito wanted to build a fence using the trees to make that side more private and the kids can play around. This weekend, the trees were on sale so we bought the trees to complete the fence. I just hope they will all live. This is how it looked:

Lito planting the trees. The yellow shrubs are called Northern Gold Forsythia (Perennial)

When Spring came and the sun showed up, there were lots of bulbs sprouting in our front and back yards. We were just surprised at the yellow Daffodils that sprouted and the leaves of the roses, peonies and hydreangea started to come out. I'm so excited at these perennial flowering plants to bloom.

Tips in maintaining the Shrubs and Trees

1. Trim the branches before the first frost. Maintain the form by cutting the branches only a few inches on each.
2. Rake the leaves near the roots, you can leave some grass trimmings but the leaves should be cleared out.
3. Apply fertilizer specific to shrubs and trees during spring.
4. Have a professional cut the trees.
5. Do not cut when the buds come out.

Last winter, there was this ugly plant that only showed the branches. It was opposite the nice trimmed yew, so you could imagine how it looked compared to the evergreen. This ugly plant has leaves now and there were buds starting to show. Our neighbor in front approached me one day while the kids are biking. He asked me if I knew the plant opposite the Yew. I said no idea. He said that in the whole street, our house got the nicest set of flowers and shrubs in Summer when they are in full bloom. he told me that the plant he is referring to was his favorite because its flowers grow as big as a plate and they look good. They are called Peonies. I googled it and got excited to see the flowers in my garden.

Honestly, I don't like gardening because I didn't want to get my hands dirty. Hahaha. I don't like to see worms much more touch them. I don't know if I have a green thumb because I already killed some of the plants I brought home from the office.
But Lito is a proven green thumb so I will just rely upon him to tend our garden and I will just do the weeding and watering hahaha.

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Meet my gardeners

We started to fix the garden. We bought a manual reel lawn mower and we were excited to try it this morning. Even the kids wanted to push the mower, good thing it was not heavy but we still need to help them because it is dangerous for kids - they might trip on it. Just looking at the different tools and gadgets in the flyers we received for gardening, we found ourselves overwhelmed and too scared to spend. These gadgets cost a lot, we need to research before buying anything because they are considered investments.

Here are my new gardeners in their first attempt at mowing the lawn: