
Showing posts with label Recipe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Recipe. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

My Very Simple Home-made Black Pepper Sauce

I tak pernah nak share my own recipe kat sini kan. Sebabnya i takdelah pandai masak sangat. Tapi konon berangan pandai la..hihik.
So presenting,.

Black Pepper Sauce my way!

courtesy from google

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Famous Amos Original Recipe

Famous Amos original recipe is here! woootttt wwwooooooottttttt!

2 cups butter
4 cups flour
2 tsp. baking soda
2 cups granulated sugar
2 cups brown sugar
5 cups blended oatmeal (measure oatmeal &
blend in blender
to a fine powder)
24 oz. chocolate chips
1 tsp. salt
18 oz. Cadbury bar (grated)
4 eggs
2 tsp. baking powder
3 cups chopped nuts (your choice)
2 tsp. vanilla

Cream the butter and both sugars. 
Add eggs and
vanilla; mix together with flour, oatmeal, salt,
baking powder, and soda. 
Add chocolate chips,
Cadbury bar and nuts. 
Roll into balls and place
two inches apart on a cookie sheet.. 
bake for 10 minutes at 375 degrees. 
Makes 122 cookies of it~

Got it from here. Pity kakak! I think we should spread this. I hate being fooled by people like them. Tak baik tau! *tiba-tiba teremosional.


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