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Saturday 28 September 2013

Farmers Wife Quilt

I am embarking on a Farmers Wife Quilt !!!! There are 111 blocks in the quilt - 145 if you want it king size.

I have started off with quite a bit of preperation - I have made some design boards following the fantastic tutorial on this site and using foam board, backing and fabric

I have then prepared some of my fabric by cutting pieces 8 x 10 from my stash

The main background fabric I have cut into varying widths for using with the templates - 2.5 inch 3 inch etc etc

I haven't gor the sashing/binding fabric yet so will cut that later

These are my design boards all ready for action - I made 10 and plan to cut 9 blocks at a time and keep one empty for a "lid" so that I can carry them back and forth without any pieces blowing off

Design Boards