
Thank you for visiting my blog it would be great if you have time to leave a comment so that I know you have been and then I'll come visit you

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Saturday 31 March 2012

Creative Chemistry Folder

I set about altering a folder ready to put my note in from Tims Creative Chemistry class, I covered it with Terminoplogy Tissue Wrap which I had scrunched up and the flattened out - I used pva to adhere it.I then put lots of Distress Inks on drying in between each layer. I added a bit of clear embossing powder here and there. To finish I added my stamped wording, number and the top torn from one of the downloaded pages. I used a grunge board fastener and hitch fastener as closure.

I now have everything together for when I want to use the techniques

Friday 30 March 2012

My 25 Tags

These are the 25 tags I made whilst completing Tims course Creative Chemistry. I am leaving them out for inspiration. I'm going to do a folder next to keep all the downloaded/printed sheets in

Final Day of Tims Course

I have had such a wonderful time completeing Tims course - Creative Chemistry. I have learned so much and would love to do another one in the future

Thursday 29 March 2012


Made these 3 tags using some of the techniques I have been doing over the last couple of weeks - not one to waste ink on my craft sheet I put it to good use

Day 8 & 9 Creative Chemistry

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Dayt 7 Creative Chemistry

Day 6 Creative Chemistry

I am having so much fun doing this course. I was limited today because I haven't got many distress pens YET

Monday 26 March 2012

Hels Sheridan workshop

I had the most wonderful day yesterday at Dawn Bibbys studio doing the Hels Sheridan workshop, She is such a talented lady we all had a marvelous time getting inky.

I also did a bit of shopping - well it would be rude not too and we got 10% Off too !!!

Friday 23 March 2012

Creative Chemistry day 3

Creative Chemistry Day 2

Cu n Dry Storage

I'm busy doing the Tim Holtz workshop Creative Chemistry 101 and someone has asked me to blog my cutndry storage - I made it quite some time ago and its well used !!!!

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Where in the world is your vagabond

Where in the World is Your Vagabond?

The details:
Sizzix is inviting Vagabond owners from all over the world to participate in our "Where in the World is Your Vagabond" promotion.
We want to see a photo of you with your Vagabond, perhaps "on location" somewhere, or perhaps in your creative space where you use your Vagabond. Wherever it is, we want you to share and be creative!
For each entry (limit one per person) you will enter your name and mailing address when you upload your photo.
In return you'll receive a limited edition 2nd series sticker sheet for your Vagabond and a set of the new Gauge Keys. (Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery by mail.)
This promotion is for a limited time and only available while supplies last so submit that photo quick!
Prizes will also be awarded for the most creative photos we receive during the promotion too! Prize winners will be announced at random times through out the promotion on our blog. Prize winners will contacted by email.

altered Notice Board

My notice board was dropping to bits - the cork was more holes than cork !!!! So, I altered it. I used spray adhesive to attach some Batting material - I then added my top material and attached it with my heavy duty stapler pulling it very taut. I then added my strips of corded ribbon and the little pegs for attaching my notes etc

Altered Cabinet

My bathroom cabinet was looking deicedly the worse for wear - so - I decided to alter it. I rubbed it down with sandpaper - put on 2 coats of Gesso and then painted it - I finished it off by using Sheena's Transfers. I love the way it turned out - and it saved me buying a new one