Sunday, August 8, 2010


When you are little spotlights come far every year for my boys. It is so much fun to see them grow and change. Well, I got spotlighted in relief society...I know silly that I am still going to post my little spotlight.

Debbie Ingles--I was born in Provo Utah, and raised in raised in Payson, Ut. I lived in the same house my whole life, with one small bathroom and four tiny rooms. My parents squished 6 children in it, and usually had at least 3-4 foster childrenliving with us. When I was about 14 my family adopted two more children, and later they adopted our youngest sister. I loved school growing up. I use to get in trouble for studying all the time, I was often forced outside to play. If I wasn't studying then I was dancing. I graduated top in my High School class, and also received Dance Sterling Scholar. I looked forward to going to BYU, and once I began my plans changed dramatically. I somehow found myself in hair school. My parents, friends, and even I was shocked, but once I started school I loved it. Right after graduating from Paul Mitchell Academy the best part of my life began.
Rob and I were married March 7, 2002 in the Bountiful Temple. We met one Sunday at Prayer Meeting (just another place to find your companion in a BYU singles ward.) We were on the fast track to marriage, our first date Sept. 14, 2001, got engaged Oct. 14, 2001, and then married. In eight years, we have gotten Rob through college with a Bachelor in Photography, bought our home, made a salon in our home for me to do hair, and have four wonderful children. Our oldest Cole is 7, Cutler is 6, Kiley is 3, and our newest Carson is 5 months. We have embraced parenthood with laughter, and tears. We have had experiences with our children that I never thought would happen, like finding Cutler at the top of a light post. When asked how I got our 3 year old down from it, it seemed almost obvious I said, "get down!"
I absolutely love life. I am in no hurry to rush through it nor do I want to miss any part of what life has to bring. To enjoy life I love being with family, making food to share with others, digital scrapbooking, gardening, and more. If I was asked who I want to be when I grow up then I would say this, me, a wife and a mother of a crazy little household. A favorite quote of mine is from an ancient Roman philosopher Horace who said, “Whatever hour God has blessed you with, take it with grateful hand, nor postpone your joys from year to year, so that in whatever place you have been, you may say that you have lived happily.”


Mom said...

I love it! You deserve to be spotlighted. You are the light of our lives. And I love your quote. It really embraces who you are, how you live your life. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.

Ute Family said...

So cute. I read that today during primary! I actually learned a lot about you in reading that! I had no idea you danced...and Dance Sterling Scholar? Nice!!!
I love your cute family and it was fun reading and getting to know you better! And it's not silly at all that you posted this!

Cynthia Hatch said...

I loved you spotlight and your picture is beautiful!!! Love you tons.

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