Showing posts with label Sports. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sports. Show all posts

Saturday, October 1, 2011


Cole played goalie for the first half of the game today. Cole is one intense soccer player. He really knows how to run after the ball! Way to go Cole, we love watching you play any sport!

Kiley Soccer

After spending countless hour watching her older brother's practice and play it is Kiley's turn to play a little soccer. Well, she may not be the most aggressive out there, but she didn't cry. Which is really good for her age. She also was pretty willing to go play when asked to by the coach. Her favorite part though was for sure the snack at the end of the game. Although this game she is isn't wearing it, normally she played soccer in a skirt. She looked so stinkin' cute, I didn't mind at all!!!

Thanks Coach Skee for coaching them, as always our kids love when you are their coach!