Showing posts with label update. Show all posts
Showing posts with label update. Show all posts

11 June 2015

General Update

As I haven't been here since NOVEMBER!!! I thought a general update might be a good idea!

Firstly, you will all be happy to know, some might already know, that I am still in Crocodilla, you can see a three part post if you click here - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 of how she was set up before I went MIA!

I will update you on all her changes and everything I am doing with her at some point in the near future!

I stayed at a Forest Holidays Cabin in the woods (well meadow) at the end of November, it was amazing and beautiful, except I was ill the whole time, I still made the most of it but it kind of made it less fun!

Then it was the best holiday ever CHRISTMAS!!! All the lights all the christmasness I just love the festiveness I don't really care much about anything other than the lights and the sparklyness and the glitter! I can't see why we cannot have that all up all year.

It is nearly a whole year since my Breast Op!!!! If you have any questions or want any advice on going for an op let me know! I want to write how I feel after, bra shopping and all, which I believe will be part 3 of my story, as I haven't written about my recovery as yet! I am sorry to of failed you there!

Camera wise - I have moved from film photography to more digital, mainly due to cost of film! Development is expensive and it is a big commitment! I got a beautiful Olympus OMD EM10 for Christmas (I paid part of it) and have been taking it out on photo adventures across the moors all over the place!

Here are some examples:

Past few months
Foal near Crowdy Reservoir

Past few months

Graphiti in Davidsow Airfield

Past few months

Past few months

I got a Mini instead of my Polo, after I haven't felt all that happy driving my polo since my accident! Which is nearly 1 year ago! 

Past few months

And I have been experimenting with lights and taking photos of them at night:

Tunnel of sparks

First attempt at orbs :) and it went really well :) yay

Bridge Trails

I want to do a review of my camera, it wont be a technical one, as I have no idea will be more of an Imys view of her camera! Also a tutorial on how to take some of the photos above, well how to create them, the photo taking bit is quite easy on my camera!

That is all for now really!! I hope to update you more soon and give you lots and lots of lovely posts! 

19 August 2014

I am back!

Hello All!!!!

It has been a long time since I have been blogging regularly, but I am back!

I want to get my blog up and running and ease my way in to blogging again! I hope your all still with me!

I am going to be posting about all sorts of normal random things, as you all may of read the past few months I have been awaiting a reduction, I have had my reduction, a post will follow about that later on! I am very happy with the results and it is nice to have a weight off my mind!!!

I am getting a bicycle soon to start exercising and swimming, so much will open up to me that I wasn't able to do before! I am so excited!

I hope you are all well and if there is anything you want to hear about in particular please let me know in the comments (I know it is unlikely that anyone will even be reading my blog, but worth trying, even if I have to rebuild all of it!!)

Will be back soon with further posts!


17 July 2014

4 Days to Surgery!

I decided I should do little posts randomly throughout my surgery adventure, I will tell you my thoughts yesterday first (random blog post I know)

You can read about my previous appointments regarding my Breast Reduction here:

Breast Reduction Help and Advice

Breast Reduction Update

Update on my Reduction

I won't be able to link to these in each blog post as I will be mainly posting from my phone!

7 Days to Surgery

I went to Asda tonight to stock up on some things I may need:

Baby wipes
Roll on deodorant
Pyjamas (couldn't get front opening ones due to a phobia of buttons)
Cheap Zip up hoody

I have also bought on the weekend Bio Oil, ready for after, and a few days before some sports bras from Marks and Spencer due to not being able to wear normal bras for ages! Really getting excited!

6 Days to Surgery

Getting a bit nervous today, ordered three front opening bras, a Royce one, which sounds really fancy and two Asda ones, I am expecting to return an Asda one as I ordered two sizes, I really hope the Royce one isn't too big as well!!! I really cannot wait to see my small boobs!

5 Days to Surgery

Someone in my office who I sit next to has a cold, I am concerned I may catch it, as if I do then I cannot have my op!!! Worrying all day about catching it, he moved to work downstairs for the rest of day just to help me not catch it. I sanitised the whole desk and anything on it and my hands!

Asda bras came today, I tried them on, it looked so funny my huge boobs bulging out of them! But so excited about what they may look like after!

4 Days to Surgery

Starting to feel nervous and excited, mainly nervous due to driving to London tomorrow by myself! I have never done such a thing before! But I am meeting my friend Alice on the way up and she is going to go shopping with me for a bit around a huge shopping mall!

I am going to Lovebox tomorrow too

Cold worries are departing a little, I am less worried I have caught a cold, I have a bit of a scratchy throat and runny nose but I think that is hay fever as I get it badly!!! Please only be hay fever I cannot miss out on my surgery! I will be heart broken!

Drink lots of water, is what I shall do! And eat lots? Feed a cold or something?

My boss asked if it was a operation I had to have done or something else, I just told him it would make my every day life better, as it is true, it will!

I hope I am not asked too many questions as I do not think they will understand that it is not a cosmetic thing!

Will try update you tomorrow :)

03 March 2014

Breast Reduction Update

A tail of disappointment....

I finally got my date for my operation, 19 March 2014, I was so excited, I was getting myself all psyched up.

Last Thursday, 2 weeks and 6 days before the operation was due to commence I got a phone call at 9:10 in the morning.

It was to let me know that my operation had been cancelled and they would have to reschedule, I believe I am back on the waiting list, but it feels like it could be a very long time until I get the op.

I was feeling so disappointed and let down and upset, I went to Google, I typed in Breast Reduction Cornwall, not really expecting anything to come up! I honestly was desperate, I just want them gone so much, I just had got so excited that the date for my boobies to be reduced had finally came, I had no nerves just excitement.

After finding this website for a surgeon, I was reading all the information, I have to be honest and say the information on this site is brilliant, I felt like I learnt stuff I had never thought of asking, and it put my mind at rest. It felt more at rest then it had before.

Cornwall Breast Surgery  < the website

I had Googled it all but never came across this site.

It was all planting little seeds of doubt in my head:

First the fact the Dr was not there for my first consultation.

Secondly, the operation had been cancelled with no reasons.

Thirdly, seeing this website, and that my mums friend recommended me to the surgeon.

All this made me really want to move down to Cornwall for my operation, after all it makes sense as I live down here, before I was happy to have it in London, but since the cancellation something in my mind has changed!

Therefore I emailed the surgeon, he replied a few hours later, I was so surprised I never expected to hear back from him.

Today, I made the phone call to London, they were not the most helpful, I was expecting they could send the files down to this surgeon and pass the information on and then it would all be up to date and I wouldn't have to go through the whole process. It appears I have to go through the whole process AGAIN.

I have contacted my GP to get a referral letter sent to the surgeon so I can see him as quickly as possible and get on the waiting list and get my surgery, I just want to have it done more than ever! I am so determined to get it done!

I just want this back pain gone and be freer to do what I want! I HATE MY BOOBS EVERY DAY!

I really hope I can get Iain Brown to do it and soon!!!

Please all cross your fingers for me! Will give you another update soon!!!

27 November 2013

Hello All

Why hello there, I know what your thinking, and saying......

Where the hell has she been?

Was she abducted by aliens?

Did she die?


Well I am HERE and I am not queer, sorry about that, I know that may be a disappointment? or not?

I thought I would update you all a little on what has happened over the past few months, nothing too exciting.....

I saw Scott Redding, number 45, in Moto2 win the Silverstone Moto2 race in real life!!! IT WAS AMAZING

I got my new car, I know not all of you will know what I am on about, but OMG!!!! I got a Volkswagen Polo 1.2 tdi Match Edition it is in Black with 5 door and my number plate ends in OMG, isn't that cool

I bought a Gillio Medium Compagna in Black Croco

I am having my breast reduction but no idea when as I am waiting on the NHS to give me a date, but I don't mind waiting, but would of loved to have it by now!

I got a Samsung Galaxy S4, and HATE every minute of it, bring on May when I can get the iPhone 5S

Now it is the countdown to Christmas, I will try and get back to blogging as I am in a better mood these days, I was a bit low for a while and am feeling a lot better, a lot has changed in my mind and my life over the past few months.

I just wanted to come and check in and say HI :)

Talk to you all soon

08 May 2013

UPDATE - Do not give up on me!

This will form a list of bullet points:

1. I have not forgotten about my blog at all, I have just been so busy, I try to get around to doing it but my computer at home will not load up any photos so it is impossible to blog at home and I can only blog at lunch time at work but I have been very busy at work and not enough spare time to do it!

2. The first winner of my competition will be announced on Friday 10 May 2013! Please bear with me this competition is taking a lot longer to organise after than I expected!

Maybe I made this competition far too complicated for me to mark? This has taken me 4 days so far.....

3. I just went on Paperlovestory's blog and she has the most amazing post about lists, I have been thinking I need to use my Mulberry a bit more with lists and more planning than I do, she has been a bit left alone in the past two weeks, but one thing I have not done in months is LIST MAKING and her BLOG POST has really made me want to start again!

4. My Week in my Mulberry:

Week 16


Week 17


Week 18 


I really hated how Week 18 looked, I really did not like my attempt at colour coordination! It put me off using it! It has been a tough few weeks!

5. I saw some very pretty flowers at a place called The Pottager Garder, it has a table tennis table under a beautiful flowery plant. Lots of other ball games and a lovely cafe, which had tasty soup!


6. I just placed an order at Artbox and I am so excited, I have had a bad few weeks and the weather has been wet and needed something to perk me up a bit! Very excited.

7. I have two Reviews to do this week and next week from two different companies, one being Filofax and the other being Parragon Life Canvas, which is a beautiful new range of stationery which is just as exciting as Hallmarks new stationery ranges!

8. I will be trying to do some posts on my Mulberry, reviews and explaining some things, I have a list I need to do just have not had the time.

9. Do you have any requests?

10. Finally, Hope you are all ok!!! See you soon!!!

16 October 2012

Filofax Regency, How I am using it....

As you all know Filofax are not my favorite brand at the moment, but I need something to keep track of dates, therefore I am using my NEW Regency Compact, I had the old one exchanged due to the ring issue!

Update... Personal Osterley has been returned for a refund!

Here is my Regency...


All I have inside is....



Month to View


Cotton Cream Week to View


To-Do Lists


Finally my work stuff, which I cannot show you for obvious reasons!


I do not even have any tabs, so we shall see how this works out!

I will keep you updated!

02 August 2011

Apololgy & Update

Happy Tuesday,

This shall be a small update and a HUGE apology!

So first things first, I'm completely 100% sorry! I have promised to do a video on the Dodo Pad, to all you and Lord Dodo! I have the video filmed, but all the negativity I have been getting has really put me off finishing it off and uploading it! I know that is completely silly and I should ignore them, but it has started to put me off Youtube!

I have also promised to do so many other videos which I have not done, I know that I should just move on and forget it, but I'm not in the best place at the moment and have been feeling really awful and sorry for myself, there are just a lot of things going on at the moment!

I will try and get caught up on things over the next week!

I once again completely 100% apologise for my lack of Youtube videos!

I know that all I have said is such a big excuse, but when bad things happen its hard to pick yourself up and be the excitable little puppy dog you usually are!

Now on a happy note!

People who are wondering if I'm going to the MAGICAL MYSTICAL Philofaxy Meet up in September, I am 100% the only reason I wont is if the train breaks down I have an accident on the way to the train station or I cannot find CP at Paddington hehe

But all thanks to my lovely boyfriend who has paid for the train tickets! It was my birthday present from him as I was nearly in tears as I could not afford it from my own wages :-) hehe <3

My FabFrugalness was going well then last week it took a bit of a down turn, kind of to do with my apology at the top! And the fact I had no money and I had to borrow money, the internet was down in work and we could not get paid until it was fixed, awful I know, but it really messed up my Fab Frugalness! But I promise this week will be better!!

I have bought myself a small treat this month, it consist of a book, it’s a felt making book, it’s the Cuter Book by Aranzo Aronzi, its magical and full of cute felt creatures, I know your all thinking but where will you get the money to pay for all the felt, I have the felt at home lots of it! Yay

So for the next 4 weeks here is my 4 budgets which I will stick to as I am leaving my bank card at home!!!!!!!

Week 1

Monday – £4
Tuesday - £24
Wednesday - £4
Thursday - £4
Friday - £4
Saturday - £0
Sunday - £0

Week 2

Monday – £4
Tuesday - £20
Wednesday - £4
Thursday - £4
Friday - £4
Saturday - £4
Sunday - £0

Week 3

Monday – £4
Tuesday - £24
Wednesday - £4
Thursday - £4
Friday - £4
Saturday - £4
Sunday - £0

Week 4

Monday – £4
Tuesday - £20
Wednesday - £4
Thursday - £4
Friday - £3
Saturday - £4
Sunday - £0

That is all budgeted now, so that is all I am planning to spend and with my bank card out the way I have no choice! YAY!

I know it all looks the same but I don’t need much more money to be honest I'm so excited to have a good month!

Now my sound track at the moment to my life seems to be  the following, its probably not something you will like all that much, and I know it’s a bit depressing but I'm feeling a bit low, enjoy!

Imagine raving it up in a huge crowd of people at dusk, in a huge field, on a warm day! LUSH!!!!

Reminds me of Boardmasters last year, and I cannot go this year as I have no money :’-(

Hope you all enjoyed my rather long post, it was more than one post but all in one! YAY

Have a nice day!

Much Love <3