Rakyat Sarawak : Undi Pakatan Rakyat

Rakyat Sarawak : Undi Pakatan Rakyat

Pilihanraya Sarawak 16 April. Ayuh Undi Pakatan Rakyat Sahaja

Kepada Rakyat Sarawak!!! Ubah sekarang !!! Undi calon Pakatan Rakyat !!!

Undi Calon Pakatan Rakyat !!!

Suara mereka suara RAKYAT Sarawak!!! JANGAN LUPA : Undi Pakatan Rakyat

Sarawak 4 Change

Undi Pakatan Rakyat !!!

Sarawak 4 Change

Undi Pakatan Rakyat

Vote 4 Change

Undi Pakatan Rakyat SAHAJA !!!

Showing posts with label lim kit siang. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lim kit siang. Show all posts

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Live Public Forum: “Assassinating a YB” vs Press Freedom

Public Forum: “Assassinating a YB” vs Press Freedom

Date: 23.10.08 (Thursday)
Time: 8.00pm
Venue: KL & Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall, Jalan Maharajalela, KL


1. Lim Kit Siang, DAP Parliamentary Leader
2. Khalid Samad, Member of Parliament
3. Harris Ibrahim, Lawyer
4. Azmi Sharom, Academician
5. Wan Hamidi Hamid, Senior Journalist
6. Teresa Kok, Selangor Senior Exco

All Are Welcome!


Live From KL & Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall, Jalan Maharajalela, KL

Watch live video from DAP Malaysia on Justin.tv

Monday, October 13, 2008

Bajet 2009 Perlu di Ubah - DS Anwar Ibrahim



Pada Sidang Parlimen hari ini, DS Anwar Ibrahim memohon menteri kewangan yang baru dilantik Najib Abdul Razak untuk membentangkan semula satu Bajet 2009 yang baru ataupun di ubah berikutan isu krisis kewangan dunia yang berlaku ketika ini.

Menurut DS Anwar Ibrahim, belanjawan negara sebelum ini yang dibentang oleh bekas Menteri Kewangan, Dato' Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi dianggap sebagai 'outdated budget' dan tidak relevan dengan krisis ekonomi dunia yang sedang berlaku ketika ini.

Dalam sidang pagi ini juga, didapati tiada seorang pun Wakil Kementerian Kewangan hadir termasuk Menteri Kewangan 1, Menteri Kewangan 2 mahupun Timbalan Menteri Kewangan. Ini meyebabkan YB Lim Kit Siang dengan lantang menyelar sikap yang ditunjukkan oleh Menteri Kewangan Najib Razak sebagai tidak cekap dan tidak bertanggungjawab kerana tidak hadir ke sidang parlimen hari ini untuk mendengar hujah-hujah Bajet 2009.

"Inikah dia sikap bakal Perdana Menteri ? Yang tidak menghormati Parlimen... ," kata YB Lim Kit Siang.

Perbahasan bersambung 2.30ptg

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 13 - Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim today urged new Finance Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak to revise the budget for 2009.

"Is it right to debate an obsolete budget?" he asked Dewan Rakyat, referring to changes in the economic situation in the one-and-a-half months since the budget was first tabled by then finance minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi.

"Only those enslaved and insane will support this Budget," he added.

Anwar's speech in the Dewan Rakyat today signalled an opposition effort to turn their attention towards Najib following Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi's recent announcement of his decision not to contest the Umno presidency which he will likely hand over to Najib next March.

Najib was not in Parliament this morning to listen to Anwar's speech, which appeared to be an attempt to highlight the Barisan Nasional government's possible mismanagement of the economy in light of the global financial crisis.

The newly-elected Permatang Pauh MP urged Najib to gather experts from Bank Negara and from the government's Economic Planning Unit (EPU) to relook the Budget.

"If he does not submit a new budget, then I call on Barisan Nasional MPs to take the initiative to at least call for an amended bill that reflects current figures," he said.

Anwar backed this by saying that the projected 44% of national revenue was based on global oil prices of US$125 a barrel but current prices sit at US$80.

"The government will be forced to issue bonds to cover a shortfall of RM6 billion," he claimed.

He also claimed that in the first half of the year, capital flight amounted to RM125 billion and Najib had, last month, announced just RM31 billion of foreign direct investments.

DAP Parliamentary leader Lim Kit Siang also interjected to ask for proceedings to be adjourned until Najib was present to hear the debate on the budget.

"If the finance minister is not here, the government loses credibility and we will become a laughing stock, he said.

He also blasted the government for not having a single minister present to hear the opposition leader's speech. "Where is the government? This is a headless government."

Minister of International Trade and Industries Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin rebutted his claims, stating that there were other ways to listen to the opposition leader's speech.

"Oh, we heard, we know all about it. There is a live feed of the proceedings so there is no problem. We can also read the Hansard," he said.

Muhyiddin, who was in the Parliament building today but not present in the House, also said that it was not necessary for the government to table a new budget.

"It is still relevant. Even when the scenario changes, we don't have to overhaul the budget. Tabling a new budget has never happened in our history," he said, adding that it was up to the opposition to offer any criticism and suggestions during the debate.

Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk Shahrir Samad insisted that the revenue and expenditure projections in the budget were still suitable.

"When it was tabled, the government had already taken into account the likelihood of a challenging period," he said.