Showing posts with label Katharine Hepburn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Katharine Hepburn. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Famous Actresses with Red Hair

Famous Redheads: Actresses with Red Hair

1931 Clara Bow 1931 No Limit with 
Norman Foster, Dixie Lee,
Stuart Erwin, Thelma Todd

12 Classic Redhead Actresses
Maureen O'Hara
Clara Bow
Myrna Loy
Susan Hayward
Deborah Kerr
Jeanette MacDonald
Greer Garson
Ann Sheridan
Arlene Dahl
Piper Laurie
Rhonda Fleming 
Agnes Moorehead

Clara Bow was famous as the "It girl" in the silent movies of the 1920s

In 1959, Arlene Dahl, mother of actor Lorenzo Lamas, starred in the campy science fiction film Journey to the Center of the Earth. Her costars included James Mason, Pat Boone and a loyal acting pet duck named Gertrud. Love the now steampunk aspects of the environment, costume and props.

Henry Winkler and Greer Garson 1978 Oscars: Star Wars Wins Art Direction

Greer Garson 8x10" Photo

13 More Modern Actresses with Red Hair
Bryce Dallas Howard
Tilda Swinton; signed
The Chronicles of Narnia
8X10 Photo Autographed

Angie Everhart
Reba McEntire
Julianne Moore
Marcia Cross
Marg Helgenberger
Tilda Swinton
Jane Asher
Sissy Spacek
Nicole Kidman
Lindy Booth
Shirley MacLaine

Reba McEntire is well known as a singer and songwriter as well as being an actress.

Bryce Howard is one of the daughters of Cheryl Howard and husband actor/director Ron Howard. She had the memorable role as Hilly Holbrook in The Help. Another fabulous red-headed actress Sissy Spacek played her mom. The movie also starred Viola Davis and Octavia Spencer.

Katharine Hepburn appeared on The Dick Cavett Show 1973

 11 Actresses with auburn, strawberry blonde hair
Judy Garland
Ginger Rogers
Katharine Hepburn
Mary Astor
Billie Burke
Norma Shearer
Miriam Hopkins
Alexis Smith
Dorothy Dalton
Una Merkel
Sally Eilers

Actresses known for their red hair; said to be dyed
Rita Hayworth
Lucille Ball
Jeanne Crain

1920s-30s star Alice White was known for having blonde hair while she was really a redhead

Redhead Revolution
line of makeup and skin care

Related Pages of Interest

Personalize your home for your coloring; Decor tips to Personalize your home Redheads

Middle Child Jan Brady's Wig: Jan Brady gets to the root of her self esteem issues after a famous wig-out; Brady Bunch Costumes [currently being revised]

Please note: Information from multiple sources, online and print.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Celebrate the holidays classic movie clips

Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree
with Classic Movies

Georges Méliès: The Christmas Angel (1904)

Santa shows up early with My Favorite Wife, Irene Dunne, Cary Grant, Gail Patrick; Celebrate nontraditional Christmas movies

Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy in Desk Set

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Theres a Skeleton in My Love Story

Love Your Local Paleontologist 
Madge Kennedy 1920
Between Scenes
The Truth
If you set a love story in an unusual place it will add to the fun. A seemingly mismatched couple heightens the audience's interest. Will they get together or are they just too different? Clips from the 1923 Adam's Rib and the famous 1938 Bringing Up Baby are below.

There were a couple of movies in the early 1920s, Adam's Rib and The Truth, that at least had scenes that took place in natural history museums. 

If you're looking for dinosaur movies, these might not come to mind at first. Have a movie night after a field trip to the museum. When were the remains of a stegosaurus first found? What cool dinosaur facts could you write up to go along with the movies?

The Truth (1920) starred Madge Kennedy, Thomas Carrigan and Frank Doane. It was produced by Samuel Goldwyn. 

Kennedy plays Becky Warder who, like her daddy, tends to tell little white lies. Her fibbing has caught up with her. Her husband has had enough. The movie deals with how she changes her habits and wins back her husband's affections.

In 1923, Cecil B. De Mille released Adam's Rib. One or two DVD sets including this movie may still be available.

This silent movie does not feature Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy. Their version came out in 1949. 

The 1923 film stars include the young Pauline Garon as Mathilda who is smitten with Elliott Dexter as Nathan Reade, paleontology professor. The plot-line zigs and zags as Mathilda tries to win the love of Dr. Reade but also to help her mother. 
Cecil B. De Mille with Pauline Garon
Between scenes
Adam's Rib 1923
Hansa T-Rex : An awesome learning toy, maybe this is a better option for your family to start with than what Mr. De Mille has above? This company makes some amazing large plush animals.

Mathilda's mom's lost the love of Mathilda's father and falls in love with a king. Will Mathilda find the happiness she desires with Nathan?? Will she or her mother become Queen of Morania or will Mom go back to Dad?

Significant stars of the era are also in the movie. Milton Sills plays Mathilda's father and Anna Q. Nilsson plays her mother. Theodore Kosloff is Monsieur Jaromir, King of Morania. He's said to be the deposed king actually, so I guess no one's becoming queen in that case truth be told.

A short scene from the film has been uploaded onto YouTube. What do you think those dinosaurs are made out of?

I See Bones,
Allan Sherman
From My Son, The Nut
I see bones
I see gizzards and bones
And a few kidney stones
Among the lovely bones

I see hips
And fourteen paper clips
Three asparagus tips
Among the lovely bones
I see things in your peritoneum
That belong in the British Museum

I see your spine
And your spine looks divine
It's exactly like mine
Now doesn't that seem strange ....

If you're a fan of the 1938 screwball comedy classic Bringing Up Baby starring Katharine Hepburn and Cary Grant, you should also enjoy the silent movie, Adam's Rib.
Katharine Hepburn and Cary Grant
in Bringing Up Baby 1938
I love the assortment of Bringing Up Baby posters that are available, especially those from different parts of the world. It doesn't matter that he's already engaged to Miss Swallow. That kind of thing happens a lot in romantic comedies. The question is, how will we free him of the stuffy Miss Swallow so he can hook up with the feisty and fun Miss Susan? He's also on a search for his intercostal clavicle. Things just might turn out okay in the end.

Halloween Maternity shirts, Movie Vampires. They come in all different styles and colors.

October 15th is I Love Lucy Day! The show premiered on October 15, 1951. Lucille Ball was an amazing physical comedienne.

Lucy is also the nickname given to the female Australopithecus afarensis skeleton discovered in 1974.  They suppose that she walked upright on two legs and estimate that she lived 3.2 million years ago. Her skeletal make-up looks to be somewhere between that of an ape and a human being. Celebrate Lucy today, one or more.

funny MATERNITY,sonogram,x-ray image Maternity Shirt
funny MATERNITY, sonogram,x-ray image Maternity Shirt
Browse other Halloween Maternity Shirts
SF Giants fan? Orange and black is available
Vamp Ornaments
Vamp Wall Hangers, Halloween, Christmas Ornaments
Give as a Prize, giveaway, use as a table setting

Theda Bara was one of the first Film Vampires

Links to Related Pages:

Ricky Ricardo, Famous TV Dads Costume Ideas

Bringing up Cary Grant and The Oscars

10 Great Stunt Women in the 1910s: Read something about Olga Celeste, the animal trainer who worked behind the scenes in the making of Bringing Up Baby

Sources of images
Picture Play Magazine August 1920, January 1923
Publicity Still Bringing Up Baby

Thursday, May 1, 2014

The Philadelphia Story and Features of Romantic Comedy

The Philadelphia Story, A Romantic Comedy from the Golden Age
The Philadelphia Story
Original Scene Card

Oh, we're going to talk about me again, are we? Goody.  -- Tracy Lord (Katharine Hepburn)

Katharine Hepburn plays Tracy Lord, the daughter of a well-to-do Pennsylvania family in the 1940 film. She's about to embark on a second marriage, this time to George Kittredge (John Howard). 

C.K. Dexter-Haven (Cary Grant), Tracy's ex-husband, unexpectedly shows up at the Lords' home on the eve of Tracy's wedding. He's accompanied by Spy magazine reporters, Macaulay 'Mike' Connor and Elizabeth 'Liz' Imbrie (James Stewart and Ruth Hussey) assigned to cover the event. 

An MGM film, it was directed by George Cukor and produced by Joseph L. Mankiewicz. It was the only time Stewart would work with Hepburn or Grant.

Joseph Mankiewicz didn't receive writing credit, but he virtually created the character played by Cary Grant out of two more minor male characters in the play (the ex-husband and a brother). He had to negotiate this idea, via Louis B. Mayer. Howard Hughes' approval had to be gained before production could begin. This article contains spoilers. 

Tracy: You're a kind of, um, writer, aren't you, Mr. Connor?
Mike: Sort of.
Tracy: A book?
Mike: Yes .....

Tracy: Dear Papa and Mama aren't letting any reporters in except for little Mr. Grace who does the social news. Can you imagine a grown up man having to sink so low.

The Philadelphia Story is one of the best of the golden age of the romantic comedies, the 1930s and 1940s. True to the Production Code and to romantic comedies in general, the film espouses that there is one true love for us, we can and should be together. 

Philip Barry created Tracy Lord with Hepburn in mind, honed while the play was in the theatre. The character is thought to have been inspired by heiress, Helen Hope Montgomery Scott and her family estate, Ardrossan on Philadelphia's Main Line.

Linda Seton, Hepburn's character in Holiday, was thought to have been inspired by Gertrude Sanford Legendre, a 1920's socialite and big-game hunter who went on to work during World War II for the Office of Strategic Services, predecessor of the CIA. 

Hepburn played Tracy Lord in the Philip Barry play on Broadway in 1939-1940
Pictured here with Shirley Booth, Van Heflin, Joseph Cotten, Vera Allen, Nicholas Joy
Playbill for the Sam S. Shubert Theatre: The Philadelphia Story 1939
Many romantic comedies start where at least one party is not interested in starting a relationship at all. He or she may be opposed to the idea of a relationship with that particular person. Romantic comedies changed as society changed, but the general formula tends to stay the same.

Film scholars and critics don't always agree where one genre starts and ends, what movies belong in what category. A Variety review of the day said that audiences would leave the theater with laughter on their lips and a tear in their eye.  

The Philadelphia Story features the ingredients that make a great romantic
comedy and a favorite of so many.

There is a good dose of the battle of the sexes.

C. K. Dexter Haven: I thought all writers drank to excess and beat their wives.
You know one time I secretly wanted to be a writer.

Tracy Lord: You haven't switched from liquor to dope by any chance, have you Dexter? 

George Kittredge: A man expects his wife to...
Tracy Lord:
Behave herself. Naturally.
C. K. Dexter Haven: To behave herself naturally. (George gives him a look) Sorry.

Tracy Lord: Dexter, would you mind doing something for me?
C. K. Dexter Haven: Anything. What?
Tracy Lord: Get the heck out of here.

Tracy Lord: You're too good for me, George. You're a hundred times too good. And I'd make you most unhappy, most. That is, I'd do my best to.


The movie includes some qualities of a popular subgenre, the screwball comedy. The Production Code limited much of what could be said and shown 1934- the 1950s. Movie-makers had to be creative to find new and innovative ways of communicating to the audience. 

Cavell says that Riches "are yet another means by which desire is heightened." Luxury is "essentially an expression of eroticism." Though it may seem slightly bewildering that such movies were popular during the Depression, luxury and its trimmings, the gorgeous flowing clothes and jewels, the mansions, lush and beautiful to look at can hold other meanings. 

Mike originally calls Tracy "just another rich, rapacious American female." Then he meets the beautiful Tracy Lord, lives in her home for a while and drunk on champagne, his views are different. He's now ready to forget Liz because he's hopelessly in love with Tracy.

Mike: When a girl is like Tracy, she's one in a million. She's, she's sort of like a, she's sort of like a...
Dexter: A goddess?
Mike: No, no. No, you said that word this afternoon. No. No, she's, she's sort of like a queen. A radiant glorious queen. And you can't treat her like other women.
Dexter: No, I suppose not. But then I imagine Kittredge appreciates all that.
Mike: Kittredge! Kittredge appreciates Kittredge. Ah, that fake man of the people. He isn't even smart.

Suggestive, clever, faster-paced language play can be found in the true screwball comedy.

Dexter: I suppose you'd still be attractive to any man of spirit, though. There's something engaging about it, this goddess business. There's something more challenging to the male than the, uh, more obvious charms.
Tracy: Really?
Dexter: Really. We're very vain, you know - 'This citadel can and shall be taken and I'm the boy to do it.'

Dexter: You look beautiful, Red. Come on in.
Tracy: Why? (She opens her eyes)
Dexter: No particular reason. A drink, maybe?
Tracy: I don't drink.
Dexter: That's right, I forgot.
Tracy: I haven't.

Censors dictated that Hepburn keep her eyes open while being kissed by Cary Grant,
even though the characters were now remarried.
This still photo was shown at the end of the movie.

Another feature often seen in the screwball comedy is poking fun at the rich:  the economic classes. Social satire has been a subject of some of the best comedy we've ever seen. Tracy's suitors in this film come from three classes. Who will she choose?

Mike: The prettiest sight in this fine pretty world is the privileged class enjoying its privileges.

Mike: You've got all the arrogance of your class, haven't you?
Tracy Lord: What have classes to do with it? What do they matter except for the people in them? George comes from the so-called lower class, Dexter, the upper. Well?

Tracy Lord: Mac the night watchman is a prince among men, Uncle Willie is a... pincher. Upper and lower my eye. I'll take the lower, thanks.

If you can't get a drawing room.
Tracy Lord: What does that mean?

My mistake.
Tracy Lord: Decidedly. You're insulting!

In 1985, when Cary Grant presented James Stewart with his Honorary Oscar, he specifically mentioned their filming The Philadelphia Story. 

In 1941, Jimmy Stewart won the Academy Award for Best Actor for his work in Philadelphia Story. The film was nominated for six Oscars and won two. The other win was Best Adapted Screenplay for Donald Ogden Stewart.

Screwball comedies tend to have an outwardly scatterbrained female character who is really in charge of the situation, particularly in getting her man. [Popular examples I see include Susan Vance in Bringing up Baby, another Hepburn/Grant film or even Gracie Allen of Burns and Allen.] 

The only thing anywhere close to that in this movie is Elizabeth Imbrie and her relationship with Mike Connor.

Liz: Home after a hard day's blackmailing.... Mike's only chance to ever become a really fine writer is to get fired. (Dexter wonders if Liz wants to marry Mike.) She responds, "He's still got a lot to learn. I don't want to get in his way for a while."
Dexter: Suppose another girl came along in the meantime?
Liz: I'd scratch her eyes out, I guess, that is, unless she was going to marry somebody else the next day. 

The primary actors got together to create a radio version of the film for The Screen Guild Players.

The Philadelphia Story is also a remarriage story or comedy of remarriage, a term coined by philosopher, Stanley Cavell. This often refers to a set of films made during the Hays Code, the 1930s and 1940s. Divorced or divorcing characters could flirt with others then get back together. Cary Grant has been called the King of the remarriage comedies. Sometimes negotiations had to be done scene by scene, word by word to get a film approved. 

In 1946 it was reported that Grant was trying to buy Isabel Dawn's story Slightly Divorced, "a yarn about a divorced couple who have to live in the same house because of the shortage." Dawn was a Broadway actor and playwright.

C. K. Dexter Haven: Sometimes, for your own sake, Red, I think you should've stuck to me longer.
Tracy Lord: I thought it was for life, but the nice judge gave me a full pardon.
C. K. Dexter Haven: Oh, that's the old redhead. No bitterness, no recrimination, just a good swift left to the jaw.

Dexter: You might say Tracy and I grew up together.
Liz: You might also say you're C.K. Dexter Haven and you were Tracy Lord's first husband.

Dexter: Yes, you might.
Note: In the play, Tracy also says that they Grew up together, which is a pretty good way to sum up the two characters' transformation during the story.

Tracy: Two years ago, you were invited to a wedding in this house and then I did you out of it by eloping to Maryland...which was very bad manners... But I hope to make it up to you by going beautifully through with it now as originally and most beautifully planned.

After Dexter proposes...
Tracy Lord: Oh Dexter you're not doing it just to soften the blow?
C. K. Dexter Haven: No.
Tracy Lord: Nor to save my face?
C. K. Dexter Haven: Oh, it's a nice little face.
Tracy Lord: Oh Dexter, I'll be yare now, I promise to be yare.
C. K. Dexter Haven: Be whatever you like, you're my redhead.

"She was yar" or "She was yare." You now see both spellings.

Popular remarriage comedies include The Awful Truth, His Girl Friday, It Happened One Night, My Favorite Wife, The Lady Eve, That Uncertain Feeling, Woman of the Year, Adam's Rib and The Palm Beach Story

Cavell himself mentions inspiration in the structures of Shakespeare plays such as The Winter's Tale and The Tempest. With plots, is there much that's especially new out there besides how things are termed, grouped and categorized?

Film festivals have been built around this theme including 1950s & 1960s films such as Two for the Road or Phffft! with Judy Holliday and Jack Lemmon. 

There's been something of a baby boomer resurgence nowadays, with scholars' suggesting the movies belong to a Triangle or Triad subgenre. Look at Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and That Old Feeling. Meryl Streep may be the present-day queen with Mamma Mia, Hope Springs and It's Complicated.

While it is a comedy of remarriage, the marriage of Tracy's parents doesn't fare as well. Her father (Seth Lord/John Halliday) is having an affair. Their situation is presented as straightforward and realistically as the story, the time and the censors would allow. He refuses to take responsibility for his choices. He has some insight but no apparent plan to change as Tracy and Dexter have changed. 

Seth Lord: What most wives fail to realize is that their husband's philandering has nothing whatever to do with them.
Tracy Lord: Oh? Then what has it to do with?
Seth Lord: A reluctance to go grow old, I think.

No longer 'box office poison,' The Philadelphia Story
was one the top grossing films of 1941

This is the kind of film that stands up well to re-watching, if you watch it multiple times, you get more out of it. Keeping in mind the time it was made, the audiences for whom it was made makes it all the more enjoyable. This was Hepburn's break-out role, back from having been called box-office poison. 

The Philadelphia Story was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry in 1995. 

In his Ten Commandments for Studio Readers used 'to facilitate story selection,' Irving Thalberg [MGM producer] noted "Read at least two newspapers daily. Photoplays sell best which are based on timely topics." The Philadelphia Story was written in the late 1930s.

"Sometimes what has become objectionable behavior can date a film as much as its characters' clothes. Dexter pushes Tracy to the ground, and a modern audience thinks domestic abuse. Connor lights one cigarette after another and we think lung cancer. ... 

"Eventually someone will be watching us. Irving Thalberg once predicted, 'The movies will be the best record of how we once lived.'" 
--  The ABCs of Classic Hollywood by Robert Beverley Ray studies a group of classic films, including Philadelphia Story. Such is part of the value of The National Film Registry. 

"In the opening scene Tracy Lord is throwing her husband, CK Dexter Haven out of the house golf clubs and all. When she breaks one of the clubs over her bended knee she has gone too far. He comes back to push her in the face knocking her right on her backside.

"'Oh, I loved it,' Kate said. 'Just what Tracy -- and I -- needed.' The last time moviegoers had seen her Katharine Hepburn was running off with Cary Grant at the end of Holiday. So she thought this scene would be as much fun for her fans as for those who didn't like her.  'Although I must tell you', she said, 'I truly believed that everybody still adored me, that it was nothing but bad material that made me box-office poison.

"'In some ways, Kate said, 'The opening of this  picture showed that running off with me could be fun and exciting, but that living with me was clearly no holiday. Life imitating art!' she said, laughing hard."
-- Kate Remembered by A. Scott Berg

This movie is often mistaken, because of the title alone, for the 1993 Tom Hanks, Denzel Washington film, Philadelphia.

Filmadelphia: A Celebration of a City's Movies (2006) by Irv Slifkin includes many movies that are set in Philadelphia.

Sources not mentioned above:
Better Left Unsaid: Victorian Novels, Hays Code Films, and the Benefits of Censorship (The Cultural Lives of Law)

Pursuits of Happiness: The Hollywood Comedy of Remarriage  by Stanley Cavell

Joseph L. Mankiewicz: Critical Essays with an Annotated Bibliography and... By Cheryl Bray Lower, R. Barton Palmer

Romantic Comedy: Boy Meets Girl Meets Genre by Tamar Jeffers McDonald 

Romantic Vs. Screwball Comedy: Charting the Difference by Wes D. Gehring [Discussions include "The seemingly paradoxical importance of tears to this form of  comedy," and "the romantic comedy's habitual association with female audience members."]

The Philadelphia Reader edited by Robert Huber, Benjamin Wallace

Someone just told me about the (fictional) book Dating Cary Grant. Old movie fans will recognize the character names, several are from Philadelphia Story. It sounds like a cute story.

Take a look at  MGM: Hollywood's Greatest Backlot

Related Links of Interest:

Was Katharine Hepburn Box Office Poison? Or Bette Davis or Joan Crawford?

Katharine Hepburn and Cary Grant in Holiday

Bringing Up Cary Grant and the Oscars

My Favorite Wife Cary Grant and Irene Dunne, Santa Claus shows up early and the 1962 remake that never was, Something's Got to Give with Marilyn Monroe, Dean Martin and Cyd Charisse

A Trophy for James Stewart, Mr Stewart Goes to the Oscars 

15 Songs for Remarrying your first spouse Remarriage to a former spouse

Films inducted into The National Film Registry; what will you nominate?

This is my Contribution to the Romantic Comedy Blogathon, hosted by Lara at backlots and Vince at Carole & Co.

some images from Wikimedia Commons 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Staying fit the old Hollywood way - classic stars exercise photos

Exercise your right to be fit
and glamorous like a star

Exercise is good for us. It can be fun, aid in weight loss and keep sickness at bay. Get out in the fresh air. An Old Hollywood photo essay, actresses at play, and exercising. The stars can give some ideas of great exercises we can do to stay fit, trim and looking mahvelous. What tips do you have?

Rosalind Russell Marie Wilson Orig 8x10 photo
Check with your doctor to be sure
you're able to handle the exercise regimen you plan to undertake.

Start a little at a time. That's best for your body and your self confidence.
Make sure you're eating well and getting enough sleep.

Gail Patrick 8x10 Original Photo
Work on having a positive Self Image

Judy Garland Ziegfeld Girl 1941 balancing books on head
Good posture is not only for the sake of appearance but health and self confidence
with Hedy Lamarr, Lana Turner, Eve Arden
Bette Davis 8x10 glossy Photo
Do what you can to give up unhealthy habits like smoking 

Merle Oberon Interval 1973 8X10 Photo
Just take the stairs more often
and you'll be doing a good thing for your body

Rita Hayworth exercising 8x10" Photo

Joan Blondell A little rope climbing in heels- 11x14
Photograph Master Print High Quality

The right kind of footwear is important.
If you're serious about your exercise
vs your photo shoot vs a
Honky Tonk Badonkadonk (by Trace Adkins)

 look into what's best to wear.
Joan Crawford 8x10" Photo

Scene from The Women 1939, Rosalind Russell, Joan Fontaine calisthenics

Leave the car at home: Ride a bicycle
Doris Day Fine Art Paper Print
13x19 inches

Many of us are choosing to bike to our destinations
rather than take the car.
This is great exercise and it helps the environment.
Marilyn Monroe 8x10 Photograph High Quality
These days though, a stylish and smart bike helmet
is not only a good idea but it's often the law.
Your commuter train or bus may have room for bicycles.

Exercise can be a fun sport that you enjoy
How about tennis?
Barbara Stanwyck tennis fun 8x10 Photograph

Jean Harlow 8x10 Photograph

Lana Turner tennis court, racket,Beverly Hills,CA
E Thiesen,1940

Take lessons if you need to know how to play the sport.

Deanna Durbin Fine Art Paper Print 13x19 inches
Skating and Skiing are sports to get us outside in the wintertime

Doing work around the house and yard
is a great form of exercise

Yard work, gardening, housework, play with the kids, take a walk
Donna Reed very tidy 8x10 photo

Joan Fontaine does a little yard work
11x14 Photograph Master Print High Quality
Housework: Carole Lombard and William Powell
My Man Godfrey
8x10" Photo

"Remember, nobody smiles doing housework but those ladies you see on TV.
Your mommy hates housework. Your daddy hates housework, I hate housework too. And when you grow up, so will you. ...
Children, when you have a house of your own, make sure, when there's house work to do, that you don't have to do it alone. Little boys, little girls, when you're big husbands and wives, if you want all the days of your lives to seem sunny as summer weather make sure, when there's housework to do that you do it together!"
-- excerpt from Housework, Carole Channing, Free to Be You and Me

Eventually you'll probably get curious and weigh yourself

Claudette Colbert 16x20 Photograph High Quality
Glamorous weigh-in

Susan Hayward 8X10 Photo
Try taking off your shoes before weighing in.

Ginger Rogers Original Bachrach Pinup Photo
Follow the Fleet, 1937

What's your favorite pastime?
There's the wife-carrying competition. Just get up and get moving. :)

Original photo - Katharine Hepburn

There were several photos of Katharine Hepburn playing sports,
tennis and golf, even shooting a gun. But this is a fun photo.
She's wearing a gown while apparently throwing a man across the room. 

Related Pages of Interest:

Our beautiful idols had to exercise too.
Hoping these photos will be of interest and serve as some inspiration.
For equal time a photo page of male stars of the era working out will be next
when enough pics are gathered.

It's too bad that, when putting together a photo spread like this,
one in good humor in a particular scenario,
images of minority actresses such as those who are African American, are very hard to find. 

We have just so much time and available resources but always try to be inclusive and open-minded.