No sooner had I posted that I didn't want to do any derivative Cthulhu pictures, and therefore I would not be doing Cthulhu month, the next morning I came downstairs to the family room to find this:
My lovely and talented youngest did this. I asked her why and she said she drew a crazy eye and then this face just sort of happened to go along with it. "Just happened" eh? I'll bet not, but I won't disturb her with what might be the real inspiration.
I asked her if she couldn't have done that earlier, and suggested a few others to help me with my writing. She is 14 so she laughed at me and took a nap.
Anyway, thank you SEL!
I was looking back at last year and I found that I had published two posts last Halloween. In one I said I had made a mistake in putting Cthulhu pictures on Flowers Of Mundelein. Indeed that was a mistake that wouldn't be repeated because I shut that blog down.
In the other I reported that I had submitted a story for publication. It is a long time in reporting here partially because it took a long time to hear back from the e-magazine I had sent it to. It was rejected. They suggested some other publishers, but they are no longer taking submissions.
The story is called, "Figurine in the Box." I don't have plans to publish here because I still want to get it to a publisher, but I will let you know how that goes.
Happy Halloween!
My lovely and talented youngest did this. I asked her why and she said she drew a crazy eye and then this face just sort of happened to go along with it. "Just happened" eh? I'll bet not, but I won't disturb her with what might be the real inspiration.
I asked her if she couldn't have done that earlier, and suggested a few others to help me with my writing. She is 14 so she laughed at me and took a nap.
Anyway, thank you SEL!
I was looking back at last year and I found that I had published two posts last Halloween. In one I said I had made a mistake in putting Cthulhu pictures on Flowers Of Mundelein. Indeed that was a mistake that wouldn't be repeated because I shut that blog down.
In the other I reported that I had submitted a story for publication. It is a long time in reporting here partially because it took a long time to hear back from the e-magazine I had sent it to. It was rejected. They suggested some other publishers, but they are no longer taking submissions.
The story is called, "Figurine in the Box." I don't have plans to publish here because I still want to get it to a publisher, but I will let you know how that goes.
Happy Halloween!