Showing posts with label Mystery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mystery. Show all posts

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Altered Goals

I thought I would be posting a lot this month with an in-depth discussion about my goals for 2014.  As I've struggled to get almost anything done this moth I've realized that I need to make my goals very, very limited.

Things that are important to me include a lot of things, but I just can't do everything.  In fact, I can't really do very much since I am pretty slow in developing skills / learning and reading.  I also do not have very much time to myself.

I'm interested in (in no particular order):
  • Archaeology
  • Anthropology
  • Sports (watching)
    • Hockey
    • Rugby
    • Football
  • Sports (participating)
    • Swimming
    • In-line skating
    • Rugby
    • Hockey (wish I could)
    • Joining some sort of team
    • Sailing
  • Short fiction writing
    • Horror
    • Fantasy
    • Mystery
    • Sci-Fi
    • Comedy
    • Audio Drama
  • Novel writing (same genres as my short fiction)
  • Bike commuting
  • Podcasting
  • Old Time Radio
  • Pets
    • Getting another Bearded Dragon
    • Getting a dog
    • Pond fish
  • Gardening
  • Camping
  • Boy Scouts, specifically Commissioning
  • Girl Scouting
  • Deism
  • Forestry
  • Staying healthy and doing things that will help me prolong my life
  • Romance
  • Family
  • Music
    • Ukulele
    • Bass (wish I could play)
    • Sax
    • Wish I could join a band
  • History
    • Military in general
    • WWII era
    • Chicago
    • Greece
  • Astronomy and star gazing
  • Greek and Greece
  • Family vacation
  • Reading
So you can see that there are a lot of things.  A lot of these things have additional expansions below them.  A lot either need a huge investment of time, money or both.  Some of these things are very personal, some are charitable and some are involved with others in a mutual nature.

Even when I start to narrow down the list or prioritize it so that I can develop goals I end up adding more and more.

Previously I listed five areas for goals:
  1. Greek
  2. Archaeology
  3. Writing
  4. New Job
  5. Commissioning
I left off a health oriented goal, but two weeks ago I weighed myself and clearly I need to exercise on a regular basis.  You can see that the goals keep getting scope creep. If I want to change these six to areas of importance rather than goals it might help, but I'm not completely convinced.

I think I need to tighten this very much, man up and focus.

My will make just two goals:
  1. Learn Greek
  2. Get published
However I will measure everything I do against 7 priority levels:
  1. Staying healthy
  2. Learning Greek
  3. Staying employed
  4. Family support (things my family needs me to do)
  5. Commissioning
  6. Getting published
  7. Archaeology
I'm going to talk about my priorities more on Flowers of Mundelein.  I'll track my Greek goal on Flowers and my publishing goals here.

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Mystery Analysis

I know I've been doing thus 30 Day Worldbuilding, and I do intend to continue, but I've been having a hankerin to do mystery shorts. The trouble with that is I can't seem to be able to focus my efforts. I thought it might help me if I analzed what kind of myteries I like to read.

For this I'm going to look at what I like and what I don't like and why. I'll also look at the style, and look at Pros and Cons.  This may take a couple of posts.

Who I like - Doyle's Holmes (of course)
Style - Old Contemprary (historical but it was contemprarary when written)
POV - 1st person Watson

Who I like - Poe's Dupin
Style - Old Contemporary
POV - 1st person "Watson"

Who I like - Rex Stout's Nero Wolfe/Archie Goodwin
Style - Old Contemporary
POV - 1st person Watson/Sleuth

Who I like - Donald Sobol's Encylopedia Brown
Style - Contemporary Cozy/Puzzle
POV - 3rd person

Who I like - Psych / Shaun Spencer
Style - Contemporary

Who I like - Raymond Abrashkin and Jay Williams' Danny Dunn Sceintific Detective
Style - Contemporary Cozy/Puzzle
POV - 3rd person

Who I like - Lindsey Davis' Falco
Style - Historical
POV - 3rd person

Who I like - Christie's Poirot
Style - Contemporary Cozy
POV - 1st person Watson

Who I like - Max Allen Collins' Nate Heller
Style - Historical
POV - 1st person Sleuth

Who I like - Martin Cruz Smith's Arkady Renko (Gorky Park)
Style - Contemporary
POV - 3rd Person

Monday, December 14, 2009

Not Firing on All Cylinders, or Dancing with the Muse What Brung Me

I'm missing days. I write on some and not on others. I'm still working on The Boys of St. Leonard's, but I can't get to it every day. I WILL finish it, but it may take longer than I expected (or planned).

I did figure something out about myself. I'm mostly interested in antique mysteries. I'm not talking about historical mysteries. Those are stories set in the past. No, what I'm interested in are stories written a long time ago, but that were contemporary at the time. Sherlock Holmes, Hercule Poirot, Nero Wolfe, and M. Dupin are all favorites of mine.

I had flirted with writing an historical novel this November, but I went with the Boys. I think next time I'll write the story I was thinking about with a detective that is a WWII vet.

I'm guilty of writing some of it today, so the least I can do is share the snippet.

Captain Thomas Selfridge – WWII Disabled Vet Detective

"So, glad to be home for Christmas, Tom?" Uncle Vernon sipped punch with a ridiculous smile on his face.

Tom Selfridge grunted as he shifted his weight on the kitchen stool, "Not really. There's still a war to be won."

"But Tom, you did your duty, you gave an eye and your right arm." Vernon grimaced, he was not drunk enough to see that he had offended the veteran.

"It's just my hand, and that doesn't really matter to all those boys who lost and are loosing their lives does it?" he stood. He was a tall man who had grown lanky in the service of his country. He was sun-leathered almost as dark as the uniform he wore. He insisted on wearing a mustache, even though it came in too blond and sparse. He eyed his uncle with his remaining pale gray eye. Then he softened.

The older man was round and soft from good living, but he had a good heart and loved his family. He had never known war, nor hunger, but he had worked honestly and earnestly his whole life.

"Merry Christmas Uncle," Tom patted him on the arm and moved away to gaze out the window at the snowy Chicago street in his own anguish.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Getting My Game Face On

After an overwhelming majority (5 to nothing) I am tossing my computer in the ring and have signed up for NaNoWriMo 2009. Wish me luck.

I'm going to be writing a mystery this time round. I talked about the main characters before. The story is tentatively called The Boys of St. Leonard's.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Investigator Marshall Team 199

This is the first scene of a story I just started working on. I've been thinking about it a bit, and a recent L&O, CI got me to thinking about my Dad's carreer as a Chicago Cop. BTW 199 was his Captain star number in the CPD.

"I don't think you're particularly wanted here Marshall." Vega Iggallos folded her massive arms and looked down at the uniformed man.

The holographic face on the blue and red box on the man's left lit up and turned to the Amazon, "Technically, his title is Senior Investigator, and his name is Harris Cerwin, Leader Iggallos."

"That is KUC-42-LAGY, or Lagy for short, and this is EJB-82-RECO or Reco for short, and they are the only things I'm senior to. You're world is a signatory of the Asteroid Belt Conglomeration Accord, gaining the benefit and burden of the Conglomeration Security Marshalls."

Iggallos' neck veins pulsed and the overdeveloped muscles in her jowls tensed. "We expected that the Marshalls would police the SPACE between worlds. The whole point of ninety percent of the worlds in the Belt is for the people of those worlds to live the way the want without the interference or judgment of others."

Cerwin, in his formal navy blue uniform betrayed no fear of the woman who stood twice his height and six times his mass. Neither his firearm nor his uniform provided any real protection, the knobots who were his partners were some protection, but it was really his knowledge that a calm demeanor, reason, and dedication to purpose were enough to persuade all but the furthest gone psychopath.

Showing no fear and having no fear were two very different things though. Cerwin had to fight hard to hide the fear in his throat and the pounding of his heart. His efforts to meet the intensity of the Leader of the Amazons with his own cold, professional, law enforcement intensity were hampered not only by her overwhelming power, but also by the fact that Iggallos wore only a loin cloth, and despite her muscles she was the most feminine person he had met in over a year. In fact, she was absolutely a stone cold hottie.

Her skin and hair were perfect, her muscles, though massive were well proportioned and gently curving rather than angular. Her face, far above his, if he could see past her massive, naked chest, was heart shaped with natural color and a button nose that managed to somehow seem not incongruous with the size of the rest of her. There were some Amazons who looked like a badly cropped photo of a model's head onto a male bodybuilder's body, but not Iggallos. Her blue-green eyes sparkled from her lovely face, even when she was at her most intimidating, like when she was staring down the new Marshall sent from "The Glom."

"Ms Iggallos, I did not choose to come here, nor, I assure you, did the Marshall Service intend to interfere with internal governmental functioning. My presence here, as with most single Investigator Marshall Team's is to provide additional resources for you use and to ensure that Conglomeration are upheld."

"What was that noise?" Cewin turned toward the apparent sound of gunfire.

"Rifle fire." Reco stated, Lagy concurred instantly. Iggallos looked embarrassed.