Showing posts with label Contest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Contest. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

--> iGive free Pashmina for Raya


Macam mana bulan puasa? Mesti belum buat apa-apa persediaan untuk raya kan? Tengah masak juadah berbuka tu, jom sertain contest mudah ni. This contest is opened to it girls or guys. To win, kindly follow these 3 very simple steps;

let me give you an example of PANTUN Hari Raya :)

Mine is not good. So, create one better than this in your blog and you might have the chance to win

Thanks to Amalina Sulaiman for lending me some of her Pashmina Collection.

So are you interested to join this contest? Girls, you'll be looking gorgeous during Hari Raya if you wear my gift and as for guys, you can give it to your mother/sister/girlfriend and be ready to be stunned by their shining look on Hari Raya. What are you waiting for? Get your pen and paper, write a PANTUN and don't forget to spread this contest.

Senang je kan nak buat pantun satu rangkap? Lepas tu terus hantar ke kotak komen di bawah ni...ataupun emel ke Ha! Apa lagi? Ayuh berpantun sakan! haha

This contest will be officially closed on;
Hope you get it...till then, that is how


Thursday, June 28, 2012

--> iGet 4 Anugerah di MAVEK Part2


I wrote it long long time ago, in a galaxy far far away LOL but it took me so long to write the second part. However, these are some photos that I would like to share with all of you. But before you look te the photos, you may want to watch our grand and one and only performance on that night.

During the show; we acted and we danced...! Can you believe how talented we are? haha but the thing that made me proud the most was, we performed for the opening act. It was like been given the honour in Oscar.
After the show; to be precise, after winning the four awards muahahaha
The guy in the middle is our beloved Sir Edmund Ross William Hunt. A great and super-talented man!
After the show. Simply memorable!
Hope you get it...till then, that is how


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

--> iPuisi: Aku dan Dia


Kali ni aku nak kongsi satu puisi yang menyayat hati...gitu la kan...? Puisi ni menang untuk Minggu Kesenian Islam baru-baru ni di Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Bahasa Antarabangsa. Hayati dan ambil iktibar okay?

Bandingkan haiwan dan manusia...renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal

Berhembus angin malam
Sayup-sayup kedengaran bunyi cengkerik
Sebak hati perasaan ditanam
Mengenang dosa perit yang kini kian menjerit

Dosa, Dosa, Dosa
Diriku bergelumang dengan perkara-perkara hina
Mindaku tiada fokus mencari jalan sehala
Jiwaku tiada tenteram mengenang nasib di sana
Harapanku punah mengenangkan dosa yang mendewa

Titisan air mata tiada lagi henti
Hanya Dia memahami rahsia bisikan hati
Hanya Dia ketahui nasibku di kemudiaan hari
Semuanya Dia

Namun malangnya aku
Telah terlewat untukku bersujud
Sampanku, dayungku, hanyut dibawa arus
Akhlakku, akidahku, rosak sekaligus
Masihkah Dia mendengar luahanku ini?
Masihkah Dia terima taubat untukku bersuci?

Tenanglah wahai diriku
Dia Maha Pengampun, Maha Agung
Kau makhluk ciptaanNya yang serba kekurangan
Tiada terlindung daripada calar keduniaan
Kesilapan, kerana kau seorang insan

Pohonlah, pohonlah dan pohonlah
Ucaplah dua kalimah syahadah
Tunaikanlah lima waktumu tanpa leka
Patuhlah tuntutan puasamu yang tertera
Belanjakan hartamu di jalan Pencipta
Tawaf dirimu pabila berharta
InsyaAllah, lebar jalanmu ke pintu syurga.

Hope you get it...till then, that is how


Saturday, April 30, 2011




Cikgu Haniza, pakar Fizik dunia
Mulutnya banyak hatinya mulia
Mengajar dan marah katanya sayang
Aku percaya, bukan dusta berkalang

Cikgu Halim, Albert Einstein sekolah
Orangnya ceria, kuat berdakwah
Mengajar Add Math pagi ke petang
Tiada putus asa tandanya sayang

Cikgu Juriah, ahli Kimia ternama
Berbudi pekerti otak geliga
Memberi semangat, memberi ilmu
Tanpa jemu, tanpa ragu

Cikgu Shohor, pendidik Biologi
Katanya mudah, semuanya teori
Menjadi imam di masjid jamek
Kegemaran di siang menyantap kerepek

  • Sebenarnya puisi ini adalah untuk meminta maaf kerana saya tidak mendapat keputusan yang cemerlang dalam mata pelajaran berkenaan
  • Tapi takpe cikgu, saya sekrang bakal menjadi guru Bahasa Inggeris, sekurang-kurangnya saya berjaya atas hasil didikan dan sokongan cikgu-cikgu semua
Selamat Hari Guru

Hope you get it...till then, that is how


Saturday, March 26, 2011

--> iContest: Bergambar Depan Cermin / Mirrorwhoring


I was tagged by Deena to join this contest. Kinda cool so why not kan? Click the link below to see the page.

Monday, March 7, 2011

--> Jelajah Blog 2011 by BEN ASHAARI


Amat tertarik dengan segmen kali ini. Banyak kategori diketengahkan. Aku bakal guru Bahasa Inggeris dan ini bermakna aku perlu sertai kategori BLOG PELAJAR IPT. Tak banyak aku nak cerita tentang diri aku sebagai seorang pelajar tetapi di sini ada beberapa santapan untun pembaca dan Ben Ashaari sendiri. 

Full name: Muhamad Rizal b. Sadiman
Age: 20
Campus: International Languages Teacher Training Institute (IPBA), Kuala Lumpur twinning with UPM
Course: B. Ed TESL (Secondary School)

Doing this degree makes my mind to think further in every step taken. No wonder people are saying "teachers are multi-talented" and they are correct. We need to read so many materials and to know every current happening is not easy. We also do those stuffs like the students from other courses did. It makes things no different even the fact is that the courses themselves are different.

P/s: Cikgu tak semua skema okay? 

Hope you get it...till then, that is how


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

--> The Winner is...


Today is the day of the revelation for my very first contest. Thanks to everyone for joining the contest and for the support of visiting my blog. I got more than 200 participations. So..without any further, this is the list of the nominees. 

These are the TOP 10:

And after the evaluation from 3 friends of mine, (Miss J, Twiggy and Nigel Barker) we've decided to zoom in to the top 3. SO...these are the top 3! Check them out!

This picture is very slumber yet she has the laptop in front of her. I wonder how many laptop does she has because she was absolutely used the other laptop to snap this picture from the side view.

All of us laughed like hell! This is gorgeous. lol. Where's the face? lol I'd never thought a girl to reveal her beauty secret, and of course this is TRADITIONAL. lol

She is indifferent! Somebody please lend your hands and bring this girl back to life! lol. Very slumber expression indeed!

However, there's only one could be a winner.

"Girls, please step forward. There is one photos in my hands and the name that i'm going to call is the winner of POSE SLUMBER LAPTOP CONTEST. The names that are left uncalled please pack your luggage and leave the hotel immediately" 
- Tyra Banks

The winner is...


you'll get the TEDDY!

Hope you get it...till then, that is how


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

--> Bring Sandra to Your Life!


OMG! Excited? Read more!

I was tagged by my lovely friend Jaazli to join the slot made by THIS COOL BLOGGER. He is so artistic! He is able to show a natural skill and enjoyment in art amazingly. I bet you love his blog too. 

His banner

I can't help myself from crying because I love his abstract drawing. I love arts as well especially something that have the spectrum features. Apart from that, I love to befriend with people who have the skill of drawing mannequin. This banner contains all the criteria.

Give me that look!

The hair people!

I love what he did with the hair of the illustration! I'm surely unable to draw something which is very detail. By looking at the structure of it, my heart ponders "HE IS ABSOLUTELY GOT THE SKILL!". Actually both the hair and the clothes are cool! The hair is thick yet look very neat and soft!. Same goes to the clothes.

Great combination of colours! and the DETAILS of course!

See the structure of the faces. It resembles the hair structure. Yeah I am very right! Totally! LOVE IT! People, this blogger makes me crazy with his designs. If I win this, My blog will totally be a head turner. HARUS! 

I'm wondering

Will I be able to do such creative and amazing sketch? Please God, bestow me with the talent like Azwan - Someone who is damn talented, brilliant mind and hands which could dance gracefully on the paper!

Wake up people. Read this out loud and write!

Hope you get it...till then, that is how


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

--> Senyum Tanpa GiGi


I scrolled through the chatbox and Muas left me a link.
I read through and it was interesting!
She asked for the pictures of me without showing my teeth.
Hmm..wanna see...? haha

Pesilat juga mampu tersenyum

KL Sentral 


Looks like the film Knocked Up!

Kakak aku yang tetap tak nak kalah

Badminton player

We won!

Poyo seyh dalam toilet
So Muas,
drop your comment!
Guys who want to join this segment, please visit Muas'

Hope you get it...till then, that is how


Saturday, January 15, 2011



Jom semua join contest ni
You guys could win RM100!

Wanna know more?
Click the banner below

And this is my black & white photo:

Auntie Suzi, Imran & Aliaa

Gambar ini baru diambil Disember lepas
Kawan saya kahwin...Baru umur 19 ok?
So, sangat memorable kan photo ni?
boleh menang tak? 
"Imran, dapatkan anak cepat-cepat hehe"

Kalau saya menang RM100, saya nak belikan ibu saya hadiah birthday 18 Mac ni...!

Anda tertarik?
Jom join?


Hope you get it...till then, that is how


Friday, January 7, 2011

"GiveAway EdY : Awak Busuk!"


this entry will be a short one 
as I was tagged by telagaputihworks
let see what the thing is all about!

by seeing the word 'GiveAway'
I was WOW!


after looking at the word 'AWAK BUSUK' (You Stink)
I was laughing non-stop
so ironic lol

but it is good somehow

I want the giveaway so badly
and thanks to telagaputihworks one again

I wanna tag

Azham Vosovic
Ima Superb

Hope you get it...till then, that is how


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

--> Aku Menang Contest!


ingat tak contest
'Aku & Masa Silam'? oleh Miss Suya?
zasss sangat aku menang
dapat 3rd place (hot la tu kan?)

percaya tak?
nak bukti? 

Click gambar untuk BUKTI! haha

dah percaya?
tak sabar nak dapat hadiah!!!
thanks Miss Suya

Hope you get it...till then, that is how


Sunday, January 2, 2011

--> Header Siapa Paling Cool?!


saya dah follow blog di bawah ni

*Banner Penganjur

Motif aku join contest ni:

Haruslah kan..?
Sangat menarik!
Header aku kan cantik hehe
Sesuai sangat dengan aim blog aku
Penuh dengan citarasa rakyat Malaysia
Then, aku rasa tercabar la dengan header penganjur
Cantik, tertarik, menarik kau memang Da Bomb!

*Banner iGossip (Peserta - Muhamad Rizal b. Sadiman)

Agak-agak boleh menang tak?

Jom aku nak cabar bloggers lain

Ima Superb

Hope you get it...till then, that is how


Sunday, December 26, 2010

---> Contest Aku & Masa Silam


jom tengok contest menarik ni...
nostalgia sangat-sangat hehe

*Click la

Selamat Hari Raya 2000 - Darjah 3

Selamat Hari Raya 2010 - 19 Tahun

aku seorang yang simple
aku seorang yang bertubuh kecil
aku mempunyai kulit yang cerah
aku suka tengok cartoon Disney
aku suka berkhayal
aku suka tulis puisi
aku mempunyai 3 orang kakak
aku suka blogging
aku suka bersukan
aku suka Super Junior
aku friendly
aku banyak mulut
aku suka blog Me Suya hehe (ikhlas ni hehe)


Additional Photo ehhe

Hope you get it...till then, that is how


Saturday, December 25, 2010


check this ads out!

you guys better click the ads above cuz its cool!
don't miss it



Hope you get it...till then, that is how
