Tuesday, February 28, 2012

happy bday to me!!!

alhamdulillah am living in this world for 33 years with lots of blessing from Allah. muhasabah diri atas segala yg baik dariNya...yg buruk itu dari aku sendiri. tiada yg lebih layak utk kami minta selain mensyukuri apa yg telah, sedang n bakal aku tempuhi kelak. semoga Allah sentiasa melebarkan rasa kasihnya terhadap aku hambaNya yg hina ini...

mari, nak share sikit kegembiraan bday dinner at Sunway Resort Hotel n Spa with my small family. am truly blessed having my lil' toddlers n hubsy around to celebrate together! thanx dear for the lovely treat. gems gems I makan byk gileeee buffet dinner nya hahahaha!
~weeee... bday girl senyum posing eh.~
~my heart, my soul...love u alwez. muahhhs~
~cheeky heroes!~
~truly blessed having them around~
~we fall in love with the surrounding, kiddos keep asking for a night stay there. hahahaha~
~i'm glad they were having fun, the dinner was superb, they behaved & really treasure my special day. dunno how many time others can hear bday song from this lil' voice recorder. each menu they ate kena nyanyi dulu kot! nak gelak, nak halang, tapi syok... maka layan ja lah. nasib tk ramai crowd yg lepak dekat2 ngan meja kami! hihihi...~
~alhamdulillah syukur...they complete me in a way they are~
dear my family & friends! thank you for all your best bday wishes, may the years continue to be good to you too, filling life wit surprise n joys galore. youth happens but age is earned. I'm not getting older, but getting better & wiser!! amin ~peace no war~
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad ~ietafakyra~

2 magic words!:

Diamilikku said...

aku pun suka hotel tu...food dia pun yummeeeh sangat kan..btw aku happy tgk gambaq family hang..walau ada JELES jugak *wink wink*....JELES sbb hang duk maintain cam anak dara even tho dah 3 anak..muka muda remaja kotttttttttt

iEtaFAkyR@ said...

aaahh kan! sedap mkn mcm tk cukup meja. hahahahaa. muda la sangat ehhh. tk leh lari dh, 33 tetap 33! hahahaa

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