Showing posts with label i-recipe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label i-recipe. Show all posts

Monday, 10 November 2014

Super Quick Snack for Toddlers : Edamame 准备快速的健康小点心

All young children need to snack. Two or three small, nutritious snacks between meals should tide them over. Understood that mummies already tired after preparing breakfast, lunch and dinner, so having a quick-served yet super healthy snack is actually very important.

And what is our favorite super fast and healthy snack? Tada, the answer is Edamame! 

所有的幼儿需要点心。孩子们都是不停在消耗体力的,所以营养的小点心确实是他们生活中必备的其中一项。在花了好多时间在早、午、晚餐后,又得准备小点心,其实是件不容仪的事。了解妈妈们的辛劳,所以快速服务又超健康零食的想法其实是很重要的。今天我们就和大家分享这个我们很爱的超快速小点心 Edamame 枝豆 ~

info source :

Edamame are soybeans still in the pod. Typically edamame is sold frozen, and it can be a nutritious snack, low in fat and calories while high in key vitamins and minerals. Whole edamame is safe for children with enough teeth to chew crunchy foods, but it should be cut into small pieces for younger children to help prevent choking. You can offer edamame plain or serve it in creative ways to entice your child to eat it.

Protein and Fiber

A 1-cup serving of edamame supplies 16.86 grams of protein, a nutrient that helps keep your child's weight in check and supplies him with energy. The serving of edamame contains 8.1 grams of fiber. Depending on your child's age, he should consume between 19 and 38 grams of fiber a day. Fiber promotes normal digestion so your child has regular bowel movements, which can prevent constipation. Fiber promotes healthy weight as well, because it fills your child up and prevents overeating. Fiber might reduce your child's lifetime risk of high cholesterol, heart disease and diabetes as well.


Edamame provides 3.52 milligrams of iron per cup serving. Your child needs 7 to 10 milligrams of iron a day. The mineral regulates red blood cell production and protects your child's immune system. A serving of edamame supplies 676 milligrams of the 3,000 to 4,500 milligrams of potassium your child needs daily. Potassium is essential for proper muscle and heart function. A serving of edamame supplies zinc, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium, too.


A serving of edamame contains 9.5 milligrams of vitamin C, a nutrient that keeps your child's skin, gums and teeth healthy while boosting his immunity. The serving supplies 482 micrograms of folate, which is more than the 200 to 400 micrograms your child needs each day. Folate supports cell growth and DNA production, which helps your child grow normally. The vitamin helps produce red blood cells and prevents anemia as well. A serving of edamame also provides niacin, vitamin E and vitamin K.


Serve edamame with nutritious dip. Hummus, fresh tomato salsa or low-fat plain yogurt flavored with dried herbs are healthy accompaniments for edamame. Make a dip with the edamame itself. Separate the beans from the pods, puree the beans with olive oil and spices and serve the dip with whole-wheat bread or fresh vegetables. Cut edamame into bite-sized pieces and add them to a tossed green salad or your child's favorite stir-fry recipe. Stir chopped edamame into vegetable soup, stew or chili to add essential nutrients to these foods. Add edamame to pasta, rice or bean salads as additional ways to serve the food to your child.

Nutrition Facts

Sharing from ibabiesclub:
Edamame is also a must have during traveling or weekend activities. It is not easy to get super healthy food during dine out, so i'll prepare some easy and healthy snacks for my little one. Blueberries, apple, grapes and edamame can always be found inside my bag during outing~ :) I'll pack it inside a mini tupperware and keep inside my bag, so i don't have to worry that i can't get suitable food for my little gal for the day~ 

毛豆也是在旅行时或周末活动必须具备的点心之一。外出吃饭常很难找到很健康而且又适合孩子的健康食物,所以我会准备一些简单而健康的小点心来作为补充。蓝莓,苹果,葡萄,毛豆是我外出包包内的常客 :)我会带它放在一个小密封盒内,只要一点的准备工作,那么我们外出时就不必担心无法找到合适的食物啦~

Saturday, 2 August 2014

Golden Pumpkin Sauce ♪ 黄金南瓜酱

Every time mummies thinking what of the food can prepare to their kids. I'm also the one of the mummy. So I found a recipe from a mummy friend, she is good in cooking for her kid. Below I will show all the mummies how to cook for easy and faster for kid's food. Because sometime I facing that my kid keep make noise during I'm cooking time. So this is the one of recipe can make you save time and nice taste for your kid.

I love to cook this very much when I need bring out my baby to outside or back to home town.
I only do the sauce to mix what I had in my stock. Some time I will mix with soft rice, mee, spaghetti. So up to you what you like to mix it, the taste will make you love it. My baby mostly finished all by this recipe.

After done for the baby food I always put the food into small electric lunch box to keep it warm. So when my kid wake up or hungry I'm not need waste my time to on my gas and reheat again. It very useful for me.

Part A:
Carrot, Pumpkin

Part B:
Fresh Mushroom,
Vegetable ,
Zucchini (yellow, green color),
Slice cheese

Milk, Black Pepper.

Steam pumpkin and carrot until soft. Next put the pumpkin and carrot into Tupperware cutter and make it until mud. If you don't have Tupperware so you can use what of the cutter that your had or use fork also can be done.  

Pour the half of the milk into the pumpkin and mix it well.

 Put some olive oil into pot and onion to fry it as well.

Next put fresh mushroom and vegetable fried together.

Fry until the grade become soft then can put zucchini into pot and fried together as well. 

Fry until the smell come out, so can be pour pumpkin milk into pot. Stir it well be done.
Going to finished then you can pour the left of the milk into the pot and mix well.

Off the gas and put the slice cheese and mix it well.

All mix and stir done, then put it into a small bowl.

Monday, 14 July 2014

Spinach Pancakes ✿ 菠菜煎饼

Picky eater on your hands? Try this spinach pancake recipe that your kids WILL eat. I promise.

Spinach is one of the foods that is rich in iron, a vitamin that is an essential part of your diet.But anyway, most of the kids just don't like it! 

So we got no choice but just tried to sneak the veggies into something else and tricking the child into consuming healthy greens. 

And today, we would like to introduce this lovely spinach pancakes to you, as your little ones won't even notice that you've bumped up the veg content with a handful of spinach.


Ingredient 材料:

Spinach Puree 菠菜泥 40-50g
Egg 鸡蛋 x 1
Water 清水 3TBSP/3大匙 
All Purpose Flour / Low Protein Flour  面粉/低筋面粉 3TBSP/3大匙 
[I tried with 2TBSP Low Protein Flour + 1 TBSP Wholemeal Flour]

In a blender, blend spinach until smooth.
In a separate bowl, whisk spinach puree together with egg and water.
Mix into the flour until just combined.
Lightly coat frying pan with oil.Spoon batter into frying pan once oil is hot.
Cook for 2-3 minutes per side, or until pancake is nicely browned. Done.

平底锅烧热,倒上一点油,转小火,将青菜面粉糊倒入锅中, 煎至两面略焦黄后即可

Ingredient above is for 2pcs diameter 15cm pancake and sure, you can make it smaller

sure you can make it into any lovely shapes that you like

p/s : this is plain flavor pancake, you can dip it with any favorite sauce [tomato, mayonnaise & etc}
p/s : 这个煎饼是属于没什么明显味道的一道小吃,你可以自行配上自己喜欢的酱料哦~

Friday, 11 July 2014

soft-serve style 1-ingredient ice cream ♪ 一种食材即可完成的十分简易版自制雪糕

Yes! This ice cream is so simple just 1 ingredient and no ice cream maker!
The texture is sooo creamy and delicious!
And, what is the ingredient that we need? Tada, just Banana! :)

Here's the very simple steps for guiding:

• Peel your bananas first.
• Cut them into small pieces.
• Freeze it [normally i will leave it overnight but you can just freeze it until harden will do]
• Blend it - scraping down the bowl when they stick. 


香蕉 [这是一个处置吃不完的香蕉的好方法]



Banana Blueberries Ice Cream ♪ 香蕉蓝梅雪糕

Ingredient 材料:
Banana Medium Size x 1 中型香蕉一个 切片
Blueberries x 2 TBSP      蓝梅  2大匙

Step 步骤:
Freeze both of the ingredient and then blend  将以上两个材料冷藏然后搅拌即可

simple ingredient 简单的材料

tada~~ super creamy and rich ice cream 口感超好的雪糕

here is 3 bananas + 6 TBSP blueberries 

Banana Avocado Ice Cream ♪ 香蕉牛油果雪糕

Ingredient 材料:
Banana Medium Size x 1 中型香蕉一个 切片
Banana Medium Size x 1    牛油果 一粒

Step 步骤:
Freeze banana, and add in avocado, then blend  将牛油果加入冷藏后的香蕉然后搅拌即可

Banana & Avocado

super healthy treat! 很适合小朋友的健康雪糕~

Banana Mango Ice Cream ♪ 香芒雪糕 [updated on 13-July]

Ingredient 材料:
Banana Medium Size x 1 中型香蕉一个 切片
Mango Cube x 2 TBSP      芒果粒 2大匙

Step 步骤:
Freeze both of the ingredient and then blend  将以上两个材料冷藏然后搅拌即可
Banana & Mango
