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Showing posts with label nuffnang. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nuffnang. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

> jatuh cinta sama kamu BlackBerry® Torch™ 9800 with Celcom Exec 50 Postpaid Plan !

memang dah tengah angau sekarang ni. makin parah! harap-harap saya ade jodoh dengan kamu.


apa la yang best sangat pasal BlackBerry® Torch™ 9800 ni kan?

kalau korang nak tahu, BlackBerry® Torch™ 9800 ni memang cantik, seksi dan mengiurkan. siapa tengok pasti tertawan.


BlackBerry® Torch™ 9800 ialah telefon pintar yang pertama menggunakan BlackBerry® keyboard dan full 3.2 inch touch screen dalam masa yang sama. boleh guna keyboard boleh guna touch screen. hebat bukan!

bukan tu je, BlackBerry® Torch™ 9800 ni jugak datang dengan ciri-ciri yang mempersona seperti:

Connectivity at your fingertips Maximized multimedia
Immerse yourself with 8 GB of memory, expandable up to 32GB with a microSD card, zoom effect by a pinch of your fingers and enhanced music player that allows you to view full album art and track listings in portrait or landscape.
Connectivity at your fingertips 5 MP camera
Comes with flash, continuous auto-focus and image stabilization, plus 11 photo modes and video recording to ease those spontaneous moments.
Connectivity at your fingertips Integrated social feeds
Now you can update multiple social networks such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Buzzd and much more with a single post or gather and filter all your social network and feeds in one view. It's that easy!
Connectivity at your fingertips Faster, richer browsing
Multi-tasks by managing multiple open websites with tabbed browsing as well as bookmark all your favourite sites with branded icons or customizable names right from the home screen.

macam mana? tertarik tak? jangan tunggu-tunggu lagi. jom dapatkan Blackberry Torch 9800 dengan plan Celcom Exec Postpaid dari Celcom yang menarik dan menguntungkan. semua pun sedia maklum Celcom is Malaysia’s No.1 Blackberry provider, with the best Blackberry smartphones and plans! kewibawaan celcom tak perlu dipertikaikan lagi. rangkaian bergerak paling pantas, jelas dan seluas-luasnya.


kalau korang amik plan Celcom Exec 50 Postpaid, korang cuma bayar serendah RM 50 sebulan. bukan itu aje, automatic dengan plan ni korang dapat diskaun sehingga 30% setiap bulan. sapa nak bagi. hanya celcom ok! dah la call rate 15 sen je untuk semua nombor. tak kira celcom ke celcom ke, celcom ke maxis ke, celcom ke digi ke. semua nombor ye. ha! ade lagi tau, dengan plan ni jugak korang boleh dapat Free celcom broadband basic plan selama sebulan dengan speeds 384Kbps. aduh! banyak sungguh keuntungan disitu.


nak tau lebih lanjut berkenaan Blackberry Torch with Celcom Postpaid plans sila klik sini ye.

Celcom juga akan melancarkan Blackberry Torch 9800 pada 29 Oktober 2010 ni. so, kalau korang nak jadi 100 pelanggan pertama yang memiliki Blackberry Torch 9800 dengan Celcom Exec hanya daftar di pre-register. saya pasti anda tidak akan menyesal kerana semasa launching tersebut akan ada banyak aktiviti-aktiviti yang seronok dan hadiah-hadiah yang percuma. bukan tu saja, semua yang kat bawah ni pun korang boleh dapat percuma jugak. berbaloi-baloi!

- Jabra Bluetooth Headset bernilai RM125
- 8GB Micro SD Card bernilai RM68
- Energizer Portable bernilai RM58

what are you waiting for! register now!

sebenarnya, entri ni khas sempena celcom dengan amatlah bermurah hati akan menghadiahkan 2 unit BlackBerry® Torch™ 9800 kepada blogger yang mengdaftar sebagai ahli nuffnang. tapi ade le syarat-syarat yang dikenakan. first2 sekali kena buat entry pasal BlackBerry® Torch™ 9800 ni. cepat-cepat, contest bermula 18 october 2010 sehingga 28 october 2010. ada beberapa hari saja lagi ni. nak tahu lebih lanjut pasal contest ni pergi kat webpage nuffnang.

fuh kiri, fuh kanan…

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

> walaupun tak seberapa tetap rezeki Allah

alhamdulillah, hari jumaat hari tu dapat 1st cek dari nuffnang. tq nuffang. amount cek tak payah cerita la kan. tak seberapa pun. tapi syukur, alhamdulillah…

masa mula2 aku berblog, aku tak tau ape pun pasal nuffnang. register pun saja suka-suka sebab tgk kat blog org lain semua ade nuffnang.

Picture 1351

Thursday, April 1, 2010

> amaran dari nuffnang

Dear Nuffnangers,

As you might already know, there are 2 different types of campaigns from Nuffnang: Metered (mCPM) Campaigns , which pay according to the number of visitors who see the ads; and Cost-Per-Click (CPC) campaigns, which pay bloggers based on the number of clicks generated on the ads.

It has come to our attention that certain groups have been committing click fraud, which is defined as clicking on CPC advertisements intentionally just to generate earnings for a blog's owner. Do note that this act is an abuse of our Terms & Conditions under Section 6.

Banner ads are only supposed to be clicked on if the viewer is interested to find out more about the advertising campaign, and not for the intention of earning extra money. Should this situation worsen, the frequency of ad campaigns might be significantly reduced as we'll only be able to sell ad spaces on blogs with no click fraud record.

Our system is capable of tracking these illegal actions which are documented and if necessary, be used as evidence for any legal purposes. In the past, Nuffnang has suspended and banned various individuals and groups for committing this offence. However, as the number of bloggers who commit this selfish act has been growing in an alarming rate within our community, we're forced to be more vigilant and will take necessary action to ensure our other members of the community who do not engage in such act to suffer in the long run.

If you are aware of any of your friends or anyone who have been engaging in such acts, we would appreciate it if you could kindly advise them to refrain from doing so, as bloggers who are caught engaging in click fraud activities will be punished severely, either by suspension or termination.

Thank you for your attention.

Blogger Relations Department
Nuffnang Sdn Bhd

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