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LOVE 愛的意義

看了短片,有何感受? How is the reflection of the clip? L - Listen 聆听 O - Obligate 感恩 V - Value 尊重 E - Excuse 原谅 你如何爱? How you love? 爱己爱人都是一样 Love self = love others 需要学 Have to learn

Having an Extraordinary Friend

First and foremost, I appreciated Shan Na for providing me a chance to feature my writing in UCSI University VOIZ (a newsletter talks about students). My writing isn't fantastic, but my writing is a way for me to express my gratitude toward my extraordinary friend, Charmaine. The theme of April 2010 issue is friendship. I grabbed this opportunity to talk about my special friend, so called buddy I got to know her since I involved in Best Buddies program. The friendship blossoms, and we maintain our friendship until now. Below is my writing regarding how I learn from her: Being the friend of an extraordinary friend does not mean that I am her superior. In fact, we are equals who are constantly learning from each other. Some people might assume that a friendship with a special friend might end with me being the caregiver. In actual fact, a buddy's role is just to be a friend, as simple as ABC. However, we need to be sensible in dealing with special friends. Here are a few tips in ...


今天,我在 One Fm 听到了一个很好笑的对话,本来昏昏欲睡的我,变得精神奕奕。带着耳机听广播的我,好像对着空气偷偷的笑,旁人不尽转过头,朝我的方向瞄。一刹那,我觉得我好像一个疯子。不过,不听使唤的嘴巴还是不管旁人的眼光,跟着广播的对话进入高潮。 对话如下: 广播员: Hello, 是 Sam 吗? Sam: 是啊 广播员: Hello, Sam, 你是做 skylift 的,是吗? Sam: 我是啊 广播员:我是 jimmy ar, 我从 production company 打来的,哦,你在 skylift 里面 ar ? Sam: 没有,没有,我在外面 广播员:还好你在外面,我怕你在里面,危险,不可以讲电话 Sam: 可以讲,可以讲 广播员:我跟你讲哦,我们公司啦,想开拍一部电影咯,科幻动作咯,大型的,想要在马六甲做,所以,想问你,可以给我们 skylift 吗? Sam: 没问题,你几时要? 广播员:不肯定咯,没有这样快啦。。想知道ho,你的skylift可以吊动物吗?  Sam:动物?没有吊过咯。什么动物? 广播员:大笨象咯 Sam:大笨象??不行,不行啦,我的skylift那里可以tahan? 广播员:没有拉,我给你小只的。。 Sam:这样啊? 小只的。。那么可以拉 广播员:你不是讲没有吊过动物吗? 真的可以吗?ermm..你有看过小飞象吗?你知道吗,我要这只象能够转圈圈咯,像小飞象里的情节。。要大动作的。。 Sam:没有吊过咯,try 咯。。阿?哪里可以拉?象会飞出去咯。。旁边的人很危险啦。。 广播员:放safety belt 啦,把大笨象绑起来。。可以的啦。。这样旁人就不会危险咯。。 Sam:这样啊?试一试咯。。aiyo, 这样我不是头晕? 广播员:不会 la 。。你尽量咯。。谢谢咯。你的skylift有radio吗?这样有听onefm吗?  Sam:有radio。。啊,onefm!! 谁给你我的资料的? 广播员:你的老婆咯。。 Sam:这样不是很好笑。。全部人听到了咯。。>. 哈哈哈哈。。。

读后语 《手心里的祝福》

假期绝对是让我 充实的日子。没得上网,就翻一翻橱柜,找出了我未读的励志故事书。空闲时,课业读物绝对放一边,或者那些死板的-我绝对没兴趣去看。我爱看励志书,因为它很故事性,从中也不忘得让读者了解人生的道理或生存之道。它的诠释,让我的情感也一起的沸腾。书能够让我爱不释手,就是因为我对故事结局的期待。这本,王志强的著作-手心里的祝福,让我想写下我的读后感。 为何叫做手心里的祝福呢?故事环绕着两个现况。一,讲述着这本书的主角-林亦杰被送入感化院之前的所作所为。二,讲述着林亦杰被感化的成果,这个成果化为一种原动力,这就是他被吩咐写信给一个不认识却患了血癌的小妹妹,并给与她鼓励。之间他们以信的交流,显示着对方都重见曙光与希望。 林亦杰,来之不温暖的家庭。爸爸忙着应酬,妈妈却沉迷于股票。他,有一个很要好的妹妹。受到物质上的满足的他,没有得到父母的关爱也无所谓。叛逆期的时段,有一次被流氓的欺压而渐渐变成了他们的死党。他,越陷越深-是因为他在他们身上看到了义气。有福同享,有难同当。他再也不害怕,不寂寞-因为他找到他的归属感。 这种的归属感,非良性。因为,他变得了暴力。他沉迷于烟酒。他非常的享受当别人叫他“杰哥”。他变成了流氓。他,不再感受自卑,反而认为他所做的一切是理所当然的。就算,他的父母要离婚,他也无所谓,因为他可以投靠他们。他,杀了人。一切,如梦初醒。。他,无法面对他的家人 在感化院里,他受到一个长官的爱护。为了让陌生妹妹能够积极的面对癌症,他以幽默的手法抖她开心。很喜欢一句话。有爱的心,就有希望。心理学可以医治很多人的心,医生就只能医治身体的病痛。所以,要好起来,有希望的心是非常重要的。 在爱的环境里,一个人的心智也不一样的。一个拥有神的爱的人,也会更加拥有爱的力量,想要去辅助别人。一个充满爱的人,就会想要分享爱。受到一个陌生人的爱,这个爱的魔力也比较的强。感受到神的爱的人,也对生命充满着希望。 每个人也许更本懂或不懂得爱,不过爱是由生俱来的。如何去爱,更本没有一个定点。用自己的方式去爱,才是最真实的。 诚恳地心,就不需要担心别人体会不到你的爱。回应的爱,是最珍贵的。失去了,才会去了解。 当你越认识一个人时,爱也会变困难了。因为,你爱的人或爱你的人也渐渐的对你对自己有要求。比较之前与现在,就会去衡量爱的有多深,多少。爱,可能变痛苦。因为,你不知道该给,或不给。给多,或给少。爱...

小故事分享:成为一个自己愉快,也能够给别人愉快的人 ^.^

一位十六歲的少年去拜訪一位年長的智者。 4 J Z+ w J: J' N0 _ 6 y- D9 {& X3 }0 r6 o麻坡|麻坡美食|麻坡论坛|麻坡旅游|时尚中文论坛社区| 他問:「我如何才能變成一個自己愉快、也能夠給別人愉快的人呢?」 * W+ b5 G- o; h: n/ v8 T5 FMUARTALKS 麻坡论坛 " O1 J/ z& o3 b: K" U2 } 智者笑著望著他說:「孩子,在你這個年齡有這樣的願望,已經是很難得了。很多比你年長很多的人,從他們問的問題本身就可以看出,不管給他們多少解釋,都不可能讓他們明白真正重要的道理,就只好讓他們那樣好了。」 # \* T+ U( r4 Y( U B7 \# Z & K+ z* p! q& [0 x( SMUARTALKS 麻坡论坛 少年滿懷虔誠地聽著,臉上沒有流露出絲毫得意之色。 % I0 e J$ Z! ~6 O/ Z& X2 9 q' H9 N% r# K6 F. E4 J C 智者接著說:「我送給你四句話。」 MUARTALKS 麻坡论坛5 e( M- q' E4 z& B( \+ l ) X- U( {- } j1 L 第一句話是:「 把自己當成別人 。」你能說說這句話的含義嗎? 3 ~, B4 Z* o% P# j: i- m% i麻坡,麻坡美食,麻坡论坛,麻坡旅游,时尚中文论坛社区,柔佛论坛,东甲论坛,昔加末论坛,新山论坛,插件 . p, S& l! f) X+ q. |3 X麻坡|麻坡美食|麻坡论坛|麻坡旅游|时尚中文论坛社区| 少年回答說:「是不是說,在我感到痛苦憂傷的時候,就把自己當成是別人,這樣痛苦就自然減輕了;當我欣喜若狂之時,把自己當成別人,那些狂喜也會變得平和中正一些?」 麻坡,麻坡美食,麻坡论坛,麻坡旅游,时尚中文论坛社区,柔佛论坛,东甲论坛,昔加末论坛,新山论坛,插件4 W, Y# d" l! v# E ! W& u1 ^5 Z7 @) ~. r1 |/ n5 { 智者微微點頭,接著說,第二句話:「 把別人當成自己 。」 7 ?& H' i9 A0 ~; B5 E麻坡|麻坡美食...

Science and God

"If someone doesn't express love, is it meant that the person doesn't love or care about the other party?" It relates to if we can't see God, is it meant that god does not exist? The passage below, I personally assumed that it is very insightful and meaningful. Share with you all. Science and God ‘Let me explain the problem science has with Jesus Christ.’ The atheist professor of philosophy pauses before his class and then asks one of his new students to stand. ‘You’re a Christian, aren’t you, son?’ ‘Yes sir,’ the student says. ‘So you believe in God?’ ‘Absolutely.’ ‘Is God good?’ ‘Sure! God’s good.’ ‘Is God all-powerful? Can God do anything?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Are you good or evil?’ ‘The Bible says I’m evil.’ The professor grins knowingly. ‘Aha! The Bible!’ He considers for a moment. ‘Here’s one for you. Let’s say there’s a sick person over here and you can cure him. You can do it. Would you help him? Would you try?’ ‘Yes sir, I would.’ ‘So you’re good…!’ ...

7 H

Today read a blog, it mentioned about 7 H. I found it very hehe.. 1. HEAD - A person who is balance in studies or career. If we always freak out due to our studies or career, we are lived in stress. Our brain is overload, and our mind is not functioning properly. Give a break for ourselves sometimes. Protect our head, is the way for us to be mature, and be more rational, and be more critical thinking. 2. Heart - A person who is ready to love. Love yourself, before you love other. Love yourself doesnt mean that you don't give any love to anyone. Be more open hearted, don't be so calculative when come to giving love. 3. Hands - A person who is ready to serve. If you have the ability, why not fully utilize it? If you know the theory, why can't you use it practically? Serve other with your ultimate effort, it might be a tough job. Your effort will be appreciated one day. You do it, people can see it. 4. Humour - A person who is accept humour (gives and receiv...


从前有一位 小天使 ,她 很喜欢 帮助人,用自己的法术来 满足 世人的 欲望 ,借此去感受她曾帮助过的人身上散发出的 幸福 气味。 * P- S0 h" i; S! R+ q( H5 Y m 麻坡|麻坡美食|麻坡论坛|麻坡旅游|时尚中文论坛社区|! o- Z2 o, Q( M 有一天,小天使遇见一位诗人,他年轻、英俊、有才华、富有还有一位很漂亮的妻子,可是他依然 不开心 ,要求小天使帮忙, 希望 小天使带点幸福给他。 . M6 M* W3 V. E , F1 ~2 g' X& w) a- K) S 小天使想了很久,想到一个办法去帮助这位诗人,你们知道是什么办法吗?其实小天使并没有带给他什么,而是将他所 拥有 的东西全部变走,半个月后,小天使去找那位诗人,他已经变得很潦倒,接着小天使把诗人原来拥有的东西变还给他,再过了半个月, / B' _5 b( } }: w) gMUARTALKS 麻坡论坛 麻坡|麻坡美食|麻坡论坛|麻坡旅游|时尚中文论坛社区|. R) w: [, C$ ?2 `$ D0 h; Q 小天使去看望那个诗人,诗人很感谢小天使带给他的幸福。 麻坡,麻坡美食,麻坡论坛,麻坡旅游,时尚中文论坛社区,柔佛论坛,东甲论坛,昔加末论坛,新山论坛,插件) c* f) Z F6 E* i% m, H3 I : S/ R" r* o. S$ w! pMUARTALKS 麻坡论坛 人其实很奇怪,往往要 失去 了才 懂得珍惜 ,其实幸福很多时候已经在眼前了,幸福根本就没有什么定义,往往在 生活中 的一些小事也会触动 你的心灵 ,幸不幸福其实主要是在乎你的心怎么去看待,想要拥有幸福就要懂得珍惜,珍惜眼前的一切…… ************************************************************************************ 珍惜与亲人相聚的每一分,每一秒。。(今天是公公的86岁生日,光阴似箭。。白发苍苍的他还很健壮的活着。。热闹的欢唱生日歌,让大家同聚一堂。。阿公,寿比南山) 珍惜别人的付出。。没有别人,也许就没有今天的你。。 珍惜每一次我受伤的机会,让我更加领悟人生。。。还有等等等。。。 这个部落格。。总是成为我发表感言的媒介。。用我的私人空间,告诉大家我要表达...

Bill Gates says ....

The Moment you are in Tension You will lose your Attention Then you are in total Confusion And you will feel Irritation Then you will spoil personal Relation Ultimately, you won't get Co - Operation Then you will make things Complication Then your blood pressure may raise Caution And you may have to take Medication Instead, understand the Situation And try to think about the Solution Many problems will be solved by Discussion This will work out better in your Profession Don't think it's my free Suggestion It's only for your Prevention If you understand my Intention You will never come again to Tension I like it .. so rhythmic and meaningful =D

Haha =D

有一天一个蚂蚁正在晒太阳, 突然看见大象慢悠悠的 走来 , 忙起身伸直前腿, 旁边的兔子忙问你在干吗呢? 蚂蚁说:“嘘~~~~~~~ 小声点 看我拌他一脚”

Common Sense ??

One day, someone went to the shopping mall to buy fruit. Out of blue moon, she decided to buy durian because she never try it before. She brought back home, and planned to eat immediately. She had a hard time to open the durian, finally she found a solution. Which is... She put the durian inside the wok, and tried to cook it.. hahaha.. A story shared by my friend..Although it is a common sense to use knife to open the durian, thus there is a person who doesnt know about it..The moral of the story is to NEVER ASSUME EVERYTHING IS COMMON SENSE, because the thing that we might know, but there is someone who doesnt know about it.