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Showing posts with the label 手工国度

Eduwis Ampang : Holiday Programme Jun 10 - Art Project

Holiday programme for June 2010 finally came to an end. A week had passed, and next week will be the holiday time for both students and teachers. This was 2nd holiday programmed for 2010, as the 1st fall on March 10. We did craft for March, what was up in June? I decided to teach them the concept of color and mixture of color. At the same time, I also taught them how to use scissor. Initially, I taught them step by step how to draw a garden, and finally applied color on it. They paid full attention, and seriously listened to my instruction. I was motivated by their innocent nature of appreciating beauty through their eye. After completing the beautiful garden, they got to cut their butterfly. Most of them weren't able to do it or else scared to hold it. I let them cut 1/3, then I completed the rest for them. I was amazed by the final result. Thus, I decided to shoot it. Let's enjoy their art piece =D

Art and Craft - Birthday Card for SL

A birthday card created for SL. She said "A card is more worthwhile" Indeed true. It is DIY, and also can keep for memory Happy Birthday Front Back

Eduwis Ampang : Art and Craft - Sports' Day Backdrop

My last production for Eduwis's Sports Day - backdrop. It costed me 1 week to complete, approximately 2hours per day. 4 kids - 2 boys and 2 girls wearing sports attire, cheering for their friends participating in the sports. Customization for Eduwis again I love these 4 kids very much xD The closeup of kids... Yeah, this is the whole backdrop :) Peeps, how is it?

Eduwis Ampang : Art and Craft - Score Chart

Finally, I remembered to take photo of my another "hardwork" Again, everything is customized for my centre, Eduwis. Main idea: A train carries 4 houses - red, yellow, blue and green. I will make train because kids love "dudu train". The 4 color heart definitely represent each house. As for the blank space, we are going to paste trophy - Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Brown Sorry for the low quality photo, because I took using my K850i camera

Eduwis Ampang : Poster for Sports' Day

A poster that I created for my centre's Sports' Day. The T-shirt is based on Eduwis kids Sports attire (Yellow and Orange) Wording " Welcome to Eduwis Bukit Antarabangsa 1st Annual Sports' Day" This was the small poster. I'm going to make a big 1. Wait patiently. More to come. Just for sharing, give me comment so that I can improve :)

Eduwis Ampang : Art and Craft - Boards for Cheering [Red, Yellow, Blue, Green]


Eduwis Ampang : Art and Craft - Clock [Red, Yellow, Blue, Green]

Recently, I had created 4 different colors of clocks. These clocks supposed to be used for upcoming Sports Day, however we failed to use it due to children are too young to read time. The theme is underwater world. 4 main colors - red, yellow, blue, green Blue with crabs Green with long fish Yellow with octopus Red with goldfish Do you love them? I am satisfied :)

Eduwis Ampang : Art and Craft (Holiday Programme)

Materials: egg carton and toilet roll Age group: 3-5 years old 1. Caterpillars " Caterpillar is coughing..c c c.." We sang this phonetic song during circle time. One of my students changed the song to "caterpillars are kissing..c c c.." (she moved her caterpillar facing another caterpillar, for kissing) *Smart and Creative* They mixed and matched color although I warned them to use only a color. I have to make a plastic apron for them next time, because they also painted their uniform. Students' work My creations below: 2. Robot Pen Holder & Rocket Reflection: I love them because they know what they like. They have their preference of color, short and simple. When we grow older, our preference always swinging, but they won't. I like the pureness and simplicity nature. I love craft, if my mood is good I love craft, if materials are abundant I love craft, if time is proficient I love craft, if the creation is satisfying I love craft, if someone appreciate...

Happy Birthday 26-02-10

生日并不需要宴请百座 生日不需要轰轰烈烈 生日不需要大肆周章 生日讲求心意 今年,我的生日 得到许多朋友的祝福 感动,远在英国的老朋友陪我聊天2个小时 今年,我的生日 少了某些人,某些事 有喜,有悲,有失望,有惊喜,有感触 谢谢大家记得我 有一个朋友 每一次都假装不记得我的生日 没有祝福我“生日快乐”的人 谢谢你,请我吃了一顿晚餐 我知道你的心意 今年,生日也很特别 我去了适耕庄 马来西亚出产米粮的地方 看着一片片的稻田 回到了大自然 看到特大的白香果 看到许多燕屋 享受着海鲜大餐 便宜又好吃 他说,生日没有蛋糕就不像是生日 我就开玩笑说“那我岂不是白活了10多年” 不过,我真的被你的用心感动 虽然,生日已经过了 你还是为我庆生 重点,是这张卡片 亲手制作加上暖暖的信息 我很喜欢 谢谢 一路陪我走过的任何一个人

Merry Christmas

Received a hand-made Christmas card from my niece, Allison ( card by my sister, but greeting is from her ) Allison, already 1 year old plus. She likes to smile :) She afraid of me nowadays. The reason is my sister always use my name when she wanted to stop Allison from doing something. My name has spoiled by her. I need to try harder to make her secure with me again T.T Thanks for the greeting. Very sweet and nice

Self-Growth Training Backdrop

I just wanna share the art-piece that Prisca and I created for Self Growth Training. I felt a sense of satisfaction whenever I looked at it especially the greenish land. We disliked at first, but when we matched with the flower and butterflies, it looked great and presentable. Butterflies represent growth. Butterfly grows step by step, from an ugly worm to a beautiful butterfly. Same as human, we are growing from infants till adults. There is a process. There is a change in size and maturity. Flower represent beauty. Each types of flowers have their own beauty. Some like rose, some like tulip, some like sunflower and more. What is your favorite flower, and what flower can represent you? Nature is the essence or element of beauty. It doesn't need to artificial make-up, it doesn't need to pretend, just as how God create it. Self Growth, just as flower and butterfly in the natural land =D

Handmade ART

Handmade is one of my interest since young. I love art which includes drawing, coloring, making cards and etc. I used to make cards for my friends during secondary school times. Now, I seldom did due to lack of time. It takes time to complete an art work. Thus, I only do when I am free. After reading other people blog, I felt like putting my handmade artwork in my blog..just want to reflect my memory.. Too bad, I did not take photos of my art piece last time. I only left 2 with me..So..have a look.. "Lion" - bookmark Underwater world