September 11, 2020

Davey Starts PreK at Sonlight

It's Davey’s turn to start preschool! He is enrolled at Sonlight, which is conveniently held at the Church of Christ in our neighborhood. Several members of our stake attend here and his teacher, Mrs. Andrea, is actually a friend of mine from another ward. He will go on Tuesdays and Thursday from 9-2 and I am looking forward to just having two kids in the house during that time. It won’t be quiet, but it will definitely be calmer than when everyone is home like they have been for the last 6 months!

He is so excited to finally get to wear a backpack and bring food in a lunchbox to school so he can be just like Sophie.

Teachers are wearing masks, but the preschoolers are not required to wear one - hooray!

He gets to sit by his friend Nolan in class, but we’ll see how long that lasts because those two boys like to be silly when they are next to each other. 

Some pictures of Davey in class sent by his teacher

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