April 12, 2012

Some Reasons to Celebrate!

Today we've had some exciting things to celebrate! (Next week looks to be pretty eventful too, so stay tuned...)

We got our taxes done with only 3 days to spare! Procrastination? Yes, but last year we wrapped everything up right on the 15th, so this year was actually an improvement. Woo hoo!

A not-so-subtle hint the Easter Bunny left for Dave on Sunday

More big news - today Dave gave his acceptance to the University of Utah, David Eccles School of Business PhD Program! Who ever thought we'd be going over to the dark side?? Just kidding :) Although we are BYU fans at heart, we are excited about this opportunity and are really looking forward to the next 5 years!

And last, but not least, my sister Amy had her baby! Richard "William" Hindman arrived early this morning and is a handsome guy. We are excited Amy and her family will be in Utah with us for another year - we hope to spend a lot of time with little Will!

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