Showing posts with label Multiculturalism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Multiculturalism. Show all posts

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Reminder: Liberal Multi-Culturalism Is (Still) A Fraud

All true, and doncha just know that this guy was one of them that waxes lyrical about how vibrant and exciting these Third World hell holes are. So much more lifey than dullsville Britain!

But only if you don't have to deal with the realities of life in an Islamicaly-challenged hole. Obviously.

In other words, these guys love of multiculuralism rests on the idea that the rest of the world is just a more exotic version of Guildford. They're not actually open to other cultures at all, they're open to their own culture but in a different accent. Meanwhile, us judgemental right wing nuts at least give foreigners the courtesy of dealing with them on their own terms, instead of treating them like Guardian readers with a taste for flamboyant rhetoric.

It remind me of one of those 'Commencement Addresses' that was bouncing round the internet a few years ago, the one where the speakers tells the kids 'of course your parents are boring, they didn't used to be that way, but then they had to take care of you'. Britain is boring too, and that's why we have things like have actual ambulances.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Rich Aren't Enriched

Who'd have thunk it? The Celebutrash have abandoned our nation's vibrant capital for the boringly monochorme countryside. What can it all mean?

Monday, April 04, 2011

Goldilocks Goes Fascist

Seems like only last week liberal artistocrats were whining and yammering about The Diversity!

Hang on... it was last week.

But a week's a long time in politics the completely non-partisan pursuit of truth and beauty, and so now they're shocked - shocked! - anyone could accuse them of being obsessed with The Diversity!

So for those of you keeping score at home, the Tories are bad for diverting money from the arts to dealing with real issues, but Queen Liz blowing the budget on hiring m'learned friends to harass journalists is just good sense.

But anyway, it turns out that the artistocrats pay neither too much or too little attention to diversity, they pay just the right amount, and you better believe it or else.

All of which shows why 'Respectable Conservatism' is such a waste of time. Last week liberals were sliming conservatives for not buying into their jibber-jabber about diversity, now they're attacking conservatives for calling their sliming what it is. In other words, if conservatives refuse to let liberals smear them as really huge raycists, then that proves they're even more raycist. There's literally no right answer.

As long as conservatives accept the right of liberals to set the terms of debate, there's no way to win. As it is, even a snooty uber-squelch like Letts has managed a more full throated condemnation of these liberal parasites than almost anyone in the Tory Party has managed for years.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Steyn D'Jour

The Great Steyn returns to an important point:
"Diversity" is one of those words designed to absolve you of the need to think. Likewise, a belief in "multiculturalism" doesn't require you to know anything at all about other cultures, just to feel generally warm and fluffy about them. Heading out from my hotel room the other day, I caught a glimpse of that 7-Eleven video showing Major Hasan wearing "Muslim" garb to buy a coffee on the morning of his murderous rampage. And it wasn't until I was in the taxi cab that something odd struck me: He is an American of Arab descent. But he was wearing Pakistani dress – that's to say, a "Punjabi suit," as they call it in Britain, or the "shalwar kameez," to give it its South Asian name. For all the hundreds of talking heads droning on about "diversity" across the TV networks, it was only Tarek Fatah, writing in The Ottawa Citizen, who pointed out that no Arab males wear this get-up – with one exception: Those Arab men who got the jihad fever and went to Afghanistan to sign on with the Taliban and al-Qaida. In other words, Maj. Hasan's outfit symbolized the embrace of an explicit political identity entirely unconnected with his ethnic heritage.
Actually, I'd go further: multiculturalism actively requires ignorance of other cultures. In so far as liberals blindly assume that Islamofascists are basically Guardian readers with a penchant for florid rhetoric, it's the left that is truly ethnocentric.

Liberals are incapable of seeing the rest of the world as anything other than the West's culture wars writ large. Consider Senator Patty Murray's claim that Bin Laden helped to build day care centres in Afghanistan, presumably to help out all those working mothers juggling work and career under the Taliban. To the point: Senator Murray's claim is so self-evidently ludicrous that it speaks to a profound ignorance about the nature of Islam.

All of which is by way of saying that, as ever, the supposedly enlightened liberal position only stands up providing you don't know anything the subject concerned. Hence why liberals are obsessed with the idea of suppressing 'hate speech' and the like: liberal ideas don't stand up well when people are allowed to discuss them.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Liberal Multiculturalism Is A Fraud

If it's the right that's supposedly full of idiots, how come it's always liberals who come out with stuff like this?
A judge lambasted a rapist for claiming his victim was a liar - then commended him for becoming a muslim.

Judge Anthony Goldstaub QC sentenced Stuart Wood for seven years for the attack, then told him: 'You have turned to Islam and this promises well for your future, particularly as you are now an adherent of a religion which respects women and self-discipline.'
Say what? You could pick ten names out of the phone book and find five people who were better informed about Islamic doctrine that this guy. But that's the thing. It's the modern left who are the real little Englanders. They're incapable of seeing the world in any but the most parochial terms, with everyone else in the world being just like them, but with a penchant for funny hats and over-heated rhetoric.

Note that this doesn't even come under 'the enemy of my enemy....'. This loon isn't suggesting that Islam is a fabulous philosophy overall, even if they do have some odd ideas about chicks. Nope, he's actually praising the treatment of women, even after being slapped in the face by reality:
Speaking at Chelmsford Crown Court, Judge Goldstaub strongly criticised Wood, 34, for pleading not guilty at his trial which meant his victim was put through the ordeal of having to tell 12 strangers 'the most intimate details'.

'This she did with dignity and courage,' said Judge Goldstaub. 'You, through your counsel, called her a liar and suggested she had invented rape.
Not that respectful then.

The idea of Islam as being a complete world view and doctrine of its own - very definitely separate and distinct from that of liberalism - is alien to the British left. Doesn't everyone dream of becoming a chattering class douchebag?

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Actually, The West Is Superior

Of course, when it comes to liberals defending depravity, one cause fires them up more than any other. Listening to liberals try to work their moral equivalences mojo on this is going to be special!
In the Islamic Republic it is illegal to execute a young woman, regardless of her crime, if she is a virgin, he explained. Therefore a "wedding" ceremony is conducted the night before the execution: The young girl is forced to have sexual intercourse with a prison guard - essentially raped by her "husband."
Of course, many working women in Britain have trouble finding affordable child care so who are we to condemn?

This is why I keep saying liberal multiculturalism is a fraud. Liberal tolerance for other cultures is predicated on the idea that, say, Islamofascist lunatics are just like Guardian readers but with stupid beards and bad personal hygiene... no, wait, that's exactly like Guardian readers.

Iran isn't just like Islington, but with a wacky dress code. Islam is a complete ideology that dictates every aspect of life to its adherents. In so far as words have meaning, it is perfectly valid to discuss Islamic ideology. But no: libs are busily sticking their fingers in their ears and singing 'Imagine' loudly.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Social Workers: Not Agenda-Driven In Any Way

Well, I guess all this debunks any charges that social workers soft-pedal child abuse where dealing with it would damage the leftist agenda.

I guess beating Junior senseless is just one more of those wacky cultural quirks that do so much to enrich British life.

Anyway, the left prefers to engage with the RoP. Hey, how's that working out?
The Mosques and Imams National Advisory Board (Minab) - a government approved organisation established in 2006 - has set up a minimum standard for mosques which includes guidelines to safeguard child welfare. However, membership is purely voluntary and Minab has yet to recruit a single mosque.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Liberal Multiculturalism Is A Fraud

Liberals might wax lyrical about the wonders of non-western cultures, yet they're blindingly ignorant about them. That's why we keep getting headlines like this. For all their allegedly evil assumptions of cultural superiority, at least the nasty old Victorians were aware that there were, in fact, other cultures out there - liberals prefer to just assume that the world is full of folks just like them and all that stuff about killing Infidels is just a rhetorical flourish.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Friday, August 15, 2008

Sunday, February 17, 2008


Mark Steyn points out the essentially bogus nature of liberal tolerance. The left's support for multiculturalism is predicated on the idea that everyone else in the world is just like them, but with funny hats.

As Steyn says, our supposedly crude and imperialist ancestors at least did the locals the courtesy of learning about their actual culture. Meanwhile, liberals can only understand those pesky foreigners through the prism of their own preconceptions - which is how we end up with Senator Patty Murray praising Bin Laden's sterling work building day care centres for all those women busy juggling family and career under the Taliban.

In other words, liberal multiculturalism is actually kind of monocultural. Liberals simply can't analyse the outside world as anything other than an extension of their own parochial obsessions - as perfectly exemplified by Michael Moore's peevish complaint that the Sep 11 hijackers attacked blue states instead of red ones. Moore really can't see the war with Islamofascists as anything other than America's internal struggles writ large. Besides, who even believes in all that 'religion' stuff these days anyway ?

Friday, November 23, 2007

I'll See Your Polly, And Raise You A Patty

Ross points out that libs still manage to regard Sweden as a lefty Nirvana despite the country being at pretty much 180' to mainstream liberalism in several important respects. This is true, but it still doesn't beat the left's craziest multi-culti moment. Here's Senator Patty Murray talking soon after Sep 11:
[Bin Laden has been] out in these countries for decades, building schools, building roads, building infrastructure, building day care facilities, building health care facilities, and the people are extremely grateful.
Yep, Osama was busy building day care facilities for all those women juggling a career and raising kids under the Taliban.

Somehow, 'ignorance' doesn't quite cover it. Liberal multi-culturalism doesn't actually stretch to knowing anything about other cultures. For libs, the rest of the world serves merely as a useful 'Other' to be compared favourably to Britain. That's why libs see no tension between praising both ultra-libertine Holland and repressive hell holes like Pakistan. Coherency isn't their thing - they hate Britain that's all you need to know.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


The Château Generals of WWI make good hate figures, but plenty of young aristocrats died leading platoons and companies. Things are a little different nowadays. Would you believe it, most the folks yammering about the joys of multiculturalism just never get the chance to partake of the benefits themselves ? Fortunately, Stan is the Man with a Plan to let our elite get the full benefits of their labours.