Showing posts with label Culture War. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Culture War. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

The Pitch Is Grass, The Campaign Is Astroturf

I'm so old I remember when the left was outragously outraged by undeclared political donations and secret backroom deals - but that was then and this is now. 

This is just proof that if you want to know what the left is up to, look at what they claim the right is doing, then double it. They've spent years claiming the right is secretly piling up the roubles, meanwhile they're secretly using licence payer's cash to fund a phony-baloney campaign fronted by a multi-millionaire. 

This - this - is what they want to make 80 year old widows pay for. 

How about advancing the cause of social justice by making millionaires pay for their own publicity? Or at least ask him if he'll donate any future endorsement or sponsorship deals to charity? 

Meanwhile, the BBC is claiming to be reporting impartially on a campaign their own people have helped push. Conflict of interest doesn't really cover it.... but if you doubt the political motivation of it all recall this: Markey-Mark was born in 1997. In other words, his years of hunger were under Nu Labour. By the time the Evil Tories came in, he was already embedded in the academy system as a youth player.  

Now when was the last time they mentioned that? 

Thursday, August 06, 2020

Hey, Did Someone Say 'Culture War'?

Crikey! Even the squishes are Guido Fawkes are talking about C****** W**. Yep, they've finally noticed that the average university campus is like that line from The Blues Brothers - they have both types of ideology: Blairite and Corbynista.

I'd give them a John McClane style 'welcome to the party, pal' but if you want to know the real reason why  Respectable Conservatives have suddenly decided to start referencing the huge gray thing in the room, take a look at what they posted later in the day.

Yes, indeed. Confidence in scientific advice is collapsing for some reason. We're just lucky that there are no big issues requiring scientific input in this country right now.

Meanwhile, back in the real world, normal people are starting to wonder if there's some kind of connection between the bias in Academia and the terrible quality of its output.

Consider our nation's (apparent) modeler in chief, Neil Ferguson. Looking at his track record, I'm not sure he could predict an uptick in the death rate for members of the avian community in December. More to the point though, his track record is not just bad, it's consistently bad. Basically, he's doing science, but not the sort you can use to predict things or where you need to update your theories if reality keeps letting you down.

You know, that type of science.

Needless to say, I think most of us had worked out the secret of his success even before we got introduced to his bit on the side, Helga von Wokenheit, Head of Globalism at the Global Institute for Globalism.

The point is not just that bias on campus leads to jobs for life for the suitably woke (though it does), or even that bright up and coming conservative academics need to either take a vow of silence or change careers (that's true too), it's that you can't have a healthy intellectual environment where everyone has to carefully walk the tightrope of approved ideology. It's hard to be innovative when out of the box can mean out of a job.

All this just leads to a bigger issue. The genius set at Tory HQ have refused to tackle issues like this on the grounds that they're too dangerous politically. Better just to kick the can down the road.

Hey, how's that working out for you guys?

As Trotsky would say - and he would know - you may not be interested in culture war, but culture war is interested in you. There are real world consequences to letting lunatics take over vital sectors of the country. Never mind whether or not taking on Professor Snootlington is really that high risk politically anyway, the choice is either to face the political risks of meaningful reform or face the political risks of dealing with the inevitable results of a dysfunctional and corrupted system.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Remoaners: Not Getting It Since 2016

House of Dumb Rule One: Liberals always - always - overdo it.

Take the Dominic Cummings situation. The left and the MSM - but I repeat myself - claim he should be sacked because he may possibly has broken the law to ensure he safety of his mentally handicapped four year old son.

That's an attack line with 'win' all over it: dad was excessively concerned with junior's safety.

Does anyone outside the bubble find this remotely compelling? But no: the usual suspects are piling in and by doing so, they're pretty much reminding us why people voted conservative in the first place. Consider this: Sky News featured a lovely chat about all this between Adam Boulton and Alistair Campbell.


Can you think of two better representatives of what the public rejected in December than these two disgusting, arrogant pigs? The whole reason Boris Johnson got elected was because he won the votes of everyone who refused to accept the presence of scumbags like this in public life as a permanent feature of British politics. The MSM isn't worried about the specifics of Cumming's road trip, they're worried that he might threaten their ability to treat public life as a member's only club. 

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Boris Johnson Is Your PM And Solo Lost Money

Now that we've got that whole 'election' thing out of the way, it's time to move on to the really important issue, namely the release of Star Wars 9: The Rise of Skywalker.

Hey, I'm only half joking. Politics really is down-stream of culture, and - as extensively documented by Itchybacca here - Disney Lucasfilm have never made any secret of their desire to use these latest movies to push a social justice agenda (hence the two alternative names suggested: Ruse of Soywalker and Star Wars Nein).

Consider the history of Disney Star Wars since they bought out George Lucas. The first film, The Force Awakens, was a mostly inoffensive remake of A New Hope, albeit the decision to portray Han Solo as a deadbeat dad should have tipped us off. Ditto, stand alone movie Rogue One was a good entry to the series.... but then came The Last Jedi...

This is the movie where one of the characters says 'let the past die, kill it if you have to' - as fine a statement of SJW philosophy as you'll find. The trouble was, as it always is with these guys, that the film established that Disney Lucasfilm  really, really hated Star Wars, but also that they had no idea what to replace it with. They made Luke Skywalker a bitter loser and a coward (really) but couldn't create a single memorable character to replace him with - or at least memorable for the right reasons. Absurd super women rubbed shoulders with borderline moronic male characters while spewing out sub-Titania McGrath talking points, but none of them came within a country mile of an actual plot. The movie opened big but then set the record for the biggest drop off from week one to week two once word got around. Ditto, merchandising - always a big factor for Star Wars - was a disaster zone.

And that's how Solo lost money! $70 million lost on a Star Wars movie - who'd have believed that even five years ago? True, Solo was relatively woke-free, if you ignore the coolest character in the Star Wars universe getting continuously chumped by women, but The Last Jedi had already killed the golden goose, plucked it, then set fire to it and thrown the ashes in the river by the time Solo came around.

Now it all comes down to Rise of Skywalker to make or break a franchise Disney paid $4.05 billion for. Hence why the people who wanted to kill the past have suddenly decided to make the Big Bad Emperor Palpatine - aka the guy who got killed in 1983s Return of the Jedi.

And then there's the desperate attempts to cram in footage of the late, great, Carrie Fisher, left over from The Force Awakens (leading some to call the movie Star Wars Plan 9 From Outer Space). Consider what it says about these people that, even dead, Carrie Fisher still has more charisma than the dullsville wokeling drones they've inserted in the new movies.

The irony is that Disney Lucasfilm have succeeded in pushing a political message, just the opposite of the one they were hoping to push. They tried to ditch actual Star Wars in favour of woke nonsense that only vaguely resembled the world George Lucas created, smearing anyone who objected as a racist, misogynist, homophobic Nazi. All they succeeded in doing was ditching existing fans in pursuit of a new, woke fanbase that may or may not exist.

Of course, this new movie might still make a shedload of cash - it is the biggest franchise in the world after all - but the desperate attempts to row back on the uber woke Last Jedi, even to the point of virtual necromancy, already speak to the failure of Lucasfilm's New Girl Order. The more they trashed Star Wars, the more it emphasised how much better the original films were than their PC garbage.

All of which brings us back to the wider political point. Disney Lucasfilm justified trashing their own franchise with the claim that it was [current year] yo! They didn't need old white guys like Luke Skywalker when they could replace them with cool new, sexually ambiguous, characters of various ethnicties like.... you know, that one, the one who did that thing...

SJWs always dismiss their critics as squaresville losers but it's them who always seem to struggle with getting normal people through the door. Consider the latest entries to the ledger entitled Get Woke, Go Broke:

Ghostbusters 2016
Terminator: Dark Fate
Dark Phoenix
Charlies Angels 2019
Black Christmas 2019

All of them were attempts to 'reimagine' (i.e. rip off) older, more successful movies/franchises, but with more wokeness, and all of them imploded.

In so far as we can judge from what real people spend their money on, it's not conservatives that are out of touch with the public.

Tuesday, August 06, 2019

This Is Why The Left Is Winning The Culture War

Speaking personally, I'm loving the latest twist in the current series of 'Not True At All Detective' - no wonder it's Britain's favourite unreality TV show.

Yep, it turns out that not only was 'The Establishment' not protecting 'Tory pedophiles' it was actually conspiring to carry out bogus investigations into innocent men at the behest of an actual pedophile.

Shocked? I was so astonished I passed out for a fortnight! Hence why I missed all the condemnation of the police by civil liberties lawyers, Liberty and all the rest of umanrites clown show....

At least I assume that's the reason I've heard nothing from them.

And all that's before we revisit Tom Watson acting like a fussy diner, telling the waiter 'this investigations underdone, take it back to the kitchen and try again'.

A politician ordering the police to keep re-investigating his opponents until they get the right result?

Nope, no civil liberties issues there, you guys.

You can't even get these people to investigate serial armed robberies in broad daylight but apparently Labour's approach to law enforcement is just like their approach to school places - equality for all, just as soon as they've finished taking what they want.

And all this with Labour out of power? Can you imagine what they'd have done if they had been in government? Meanwhile, the Tories are actually in power and they've responded to the lawless persecution of a D-Day veteran by.....

Yep, exactly. Next to the modern Tory Party, Neville Chamberlain looks like Henry V. 

This is the point about Professional Conservatives: they're treacherous as allies and harmless as enemies. Bent cops were faced with either doing their jobs, and facing the wrath of the left, or breaking the law and facing off against the right. Forget the moral questions, who could doubt they made the right move tactically?

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Cucks 4 A Caste System

If you want a barometer of how worthless Licensed Conservatives are, just look at how they all jumped to defend muh free speech when it was Jo Brand, but went MIA - or even piled on - when it was Count Dankula.

Or Sargon.

Or... well, anyone actually - just as long as they're outside Snoot Club.

The theory seems to be that by penning 10,000 word essays praising their own nobility in not condemning Fatso McAcidface, the left will be shamed into seeing the inherent hypocrisy of their position and take up the cause of free speech.

Ah huh.

Basically, it's a demand for unilateral disarmament in the culture wars.

As HD says, how's that working out for the right?

Liberals don't worry about being exposed as hypocrites. They get off on making us follow rules they have no intention of abiding by. It's the whole point of the exercise. When the cucks defend Jo Brand they're implicitly accepting this premise. They're accepting that there's a de facto caste system in Britain. There's the common rabble, constantly harried by a zillion hate speech laws, and then there's the Brahmin caste who can not only say whatever they want, but expect us to admire their courage in so doing.

Jo Brand, huh? So daring. So courageous. How does she get away with it!

Hey, I'm thinking the cucks continuously babbling about muh sacred principles probably help.

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Doctor Who The Hell Is Still Watching This Garbage?

Spoiler Alert: the next episode of Doctor Who will feature The Doctor investigating the disappearance of large numbers of people - specifically the audience.

Mind you, judging by the public review scores on Rotten Tomatoes, the less people who get to see it the better as far as the BBC's reputation goes.

Meanwhile, MSM reviewers have eaten this up with a shovel. Or, to put it another way, people whose job it is to tell the public what programs are likely to be worth watching have been caught lying like rugs. I mean, they may all just be tasteless morons, but I can't help noticing that this only ever seems to happen to shows that push the liberal agenda. Equally, if there's no underlying political agenda here, how come they're so sure all the people who hate Doctor Woke are, like, total Nazis

Aside from anything else, this proves we really need a snappy word or phrase to describe the huge, great difference in review scores between woker-than-thou MSM drones and actual, normal people in these cases. How about Wokorrection Factor? Shills Gap? Scorechasm?

At this point, Respectable Conservatives usually roll their eyes and explain how it's just a kids show and conservatives should be concentrating on real issues, like tax breaks for megacorps and concreting over Britain. 

Well, back at you snoots: if it's just a kids show why have the left circled wagons round it? There are plenty of awful shows out there, why defend this one?

If the rise of Jeremy Corbyn proves anything at all, it's that politics is downstream of culture. You can't let kids spend hours a week watching liberal heroes take on a bunch of evil conservative caricatures, then expect to win them over at age eighteen with a few facebook ads. The left gets this in a way that too many allegedly brilliant professional conservatives don't.

Equally, it's a perfect example of who the MSM are. There are many complex issues in the world, this show is not one of them: it's just awful. All they had to do was review a TV show fairly but even nominally conservative outlets like the Daily Mail drank the kool aid. When you see how cravenly the MSM pushed this dumpster fire, you have the perfect metric of how much they have sold out their journalistic integrity for woke points.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Diversity: This Is What It ALWAYS Means

Don't be shocked everyone, but it appears that contrary to the spin from the MSM Eunuch Army, even Disney aren't convinced that the public is crying out for a bold new era of SJWised Star Wars. Otherwise, why so slippery about what it is that the 'Lucasfilm Story Group' actually does?

The always interesting Itchybacca at DSWID rounds up the many - many -  different explanations given for this group's role, and pieces together what they really do. 

Yep, Disney shareholders are paying for a deranged SJW version of Saudi Arabia's Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice

That would be bad enough but as Itchybacca points out, this isn't a group of unusually PC movie people, this is a bunch of PC clowns who are barely qualified to make YouTube videos. They're obsessed with ramming politics into Star Wars because ideological purity is literally the only thing they're bringing to the table.

And that's how they lost $80 million on a Star Wars movie....

Monday, May 28, 2018

Princess Leia > Princess MeAgain

It's not all bad news! At least now we have an actual SJW Princess no one can deny the true nature of Social Justice Warriors. She's a princess, but then they're *all* princesses. They're pampered brats sneering at the lower orders for their crude ways. Back in the day, these people sneered at folks who didn't know what knife to use, now they sneer at people who don't know the correct term for a transsexual sex worker from Bangkok. Either way, it's all about the supposedly enlightened, and definitely privileged, mocking the unenlightened masses.

As Aussie writer Tim Blair said about Michale Moore, they're not standing up for the little guy, they're standing up *to* the little guy.

 For further evidence, consider that Social Justice Warriors have now decided to throw their hand in with the perfect example of a Bad Corporation. Hey, has anyone noticed that the US extends copyright law every time Mickey Mouse gets close to going out of copyright? Better question: has anyone not noticed? It turns out that having Congress acting as a fluffer for a big corporation is exactly what 'sticking it to the man' means.

 Unfortunately, back in Realville, it turns out that calling everyone in the world 'Nazis' turns out to be no way to get them through the door. Apparently, people who go to 'Star Wars' movies want to see a 'Star Wars' movie not an SJW nightmare where familiar characters wander in just long enough to hand off the story to empowered super girrls.

Monday, April 30, 2018

Another Certified Super Genius Bites The Dust....

The only thing that the sinking of Amber Rudd truly demonstrates is the old rule that in politics you can get away with being a moron, and you can get away with being arrogant, but being an arrogant moron will sooner or later prove fatal.

Yes, yes, I know the MSM has been anxious to convince us that Rudd is a modern Elizabeth I (but smarter), but who can name a single memorable thing she ever said, let alone done? 

What is the sound of one hand clapping? The public responding to an Amber Rudd policy statement. 

That's one reason why I'm relaxed about the open borders lobby claiming another scalp. Here's the next: they've had to out themselves. They keep pretending that they're totes in favour of secure borders, providing that doesn't involve actual border security. Now suddenly they're outraged that the department responsible for dealing with illegal immigrants has a quota for dealing with illegal immigrants, and people are starting to notice.

Apparently, some guys being wrongly deported means deportation is bad, m'kay, but epidemic levels of non-disclosure in rape trials proves nothing, you guys.You can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs, then deleting all references to the eggs from the witness statements.

That's the other thing. As the attempts to seemingly indict every guy at Durham University proves, Amber Rudd was a fully paid up Metropolitan liberal drone, but that still wasn't enough to save her once she accidentally found herself committing heresy against the sacred Order of the Open Border. She hoped to bamboozle the chumps by talking tough and doing absolutely nothing but it turns out that playing it safe wasn't so safe after all.

That's not to say Amber Rudd would necessarily still have her job if she'd said 'hell yes we've got a target for deporting illegal immigrants: every single one of 'em' but at least she'd have some support in the country ('some' meaning 'a lot' I'd say)! As it is, she's the chump, she's the idiot who thought swallowing the liberal agenda whole would protect when all it made her was just another utterly disposable drone.

Sunday, January 07, 2018

The Difference Between Barnes Wallis And Disney

When Barnes Wallis made a bomb, at least it bounced. Disney: not so much. 

Yes, $464 million is serious money - although that's the gross and it has to be compared to the $4.2 billion they paid for the rights in the first place - but under performance of $187 million is a lot to pay for virtue signalling. Assuming a similar percentage drop off in DVD sales and merchandising, it looks like Disney have just paid a self-inflicted SJW tax of $200 million, or enough to make a whole other movie.

All of which is by way of saying that when the Smart Set tell us that 'people' are too sophisticated to want the supposedly simplistic narratives of the original Star Wars trilogy, they actually mean a very specific sub-set of people, namely themselves. 

Meanwhile, normal people just want to see a decent movie, same as they ever did. Hence why one of the few non-disastrous DC movies was helmed by a woman who explicitly rejected the kind of smirking cynicism exemplified by 'The Last Jedi'.

The point is not only that movie journalists turned out to be hideously out of touch with the public, but in so far as politics is downstream of culture, the implosion of Star Wars might shed some light on another failing franchise, namely the Tory Party.

Just like 'The Last Jedi', the Tory Party has embraced empty virtue signalling combined with a sneering attitude to actual virtue and it's having about as much success in terms of garnering support from normal people. It turns out that, MSM to the contrary,  the jaded hipster demographic isn't actually a barometer of where the country is going after all. 

Monday, December 18, 2017

The MSM: Speaking Truth From Power

It's not 'technology' or 'unfair competition from fake news' that's killing the MSM. If you want to know the real reason why the MSM is dying, consider the latest scores for 'The Last Jedi' on Rotten Tomatoes:

Critics: 93%

Real people: 56%

Naturally, such a huge chasm between the MSM's collective opinion and actual, normal people has caused a lot of soul-searching amongst the folks in the media who like to claim they're the voice of the people.

No, not really!

Instead, they've doubled down. It's all a conspiracy I tells you!

It's probably those Macedonia content farmers again. There is no better proof of the bogus nature of the left's anti-establishment posturing than that we now have the MSM circling the wagons round a huge corporation. They're not standing up for the little guy, they're standing up to the little guy, slapping him about the chops shouting 'you will like this garbage'.

Yes, it's only a movie. On the other hand, it's only a movie, yet even here the MSM can't resist the temptation to push its deary, nihilistic agenda. If they're like this with a film, who could possibly trust them to deal honestly with serious issues?

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Crocodile Feeding Expedition Ends Much As Expected

This sounds awful!

They should write to their MPs.

Hey, I'd be more sympathetic, but the clue is in the question: if MPs can be victimised with impunity, what does that say about how less well-connected people on the right are likely to be treated by law enforcement, or the likely career prospects of openly conservative police officers?

It's the same in the rest of the public sector. As it happens, there are 316 Conservative MPs right now, so that's about 300 more than there are conservative professors in the whole of academia. How about schools? Even the Guardian (!) is worried they're too much of a monoculture. And so on.

Enough with the sob sister stuff, what do they want to do to actually drain the swamp?

Ah yes, that is the root of the problem. If Theresa May is known for anything at all - aside from blowing dead cert elections - it's her stupid 'nasty party' speech in which she threw the conservative base under the bus, parroting every libel the left has ever come up with against grass roots conservatives. The Nu Tories have spent years giving a winking, smirking endorsement to violence against supposed right-wing extremists. I mean, they're Literally Hitler anyway, right?

All that's changed now is that the chickens have come home to roost. The Tories forget the one iron rule of politics: a Nazi is just a conservative winning an argument with a liberal. 

Wednesday, June 07, 2017

So Now We Know Who Clicks On Those 'Get Ripped In 6 Weeks' Ads On YouTube...

I'm sensing a real frustration amongst Respectable Conservatives right about now. They're wondering how Jeremy Corbyn can still be in the race with all his baggage. If you are one of those guys, I have some good news: I can show you how to find one of the guilty parties right now. Just go into your bathroom and look at the mirror. There he is!

They're wondering how people can vote for an out and proud Marxist. Well, why not? What does the average person know about the Holodomor, the Great Leap Forward or the Year Zero? Nada. Not only have Respectable Conservatives allowed the left to whitewash their role in 100 million deaths, some of them have even tried to score extra Respectable points by joining the left in dismissing critics of Marxism as a bunch of paranoid hicks stuck in 1985.

Ditto, on terrorism. Yes, Corbyn's record has been despicable, but the Tories aren't much better. Apparently, Labour wants to hire 20,000 police officers to track down people who appear on national TV talking about jihad. But what can the Tories really say? We've had three terror attacks one after the other, all involving 'known wolves', but the police know who the real enemy are.

Respectable Conservatives are shocked that a guy who clearly hates Britain could be elected PM, but they've been as guilty as anyone in creating a culture where joining a hostile foreign army is just an alternative lifestyle choice. Say what you like about Corbyn, he only supports ISIS, he didn't actually join them. Meanwhile, actual ISIS members are welcomed back into the country and given directions to the 'all you can eat' welfare buffet.

To the point: being a Professional Conservative must be the best paid job in the world, at least in terms of the hourly rate. These guys are in hibernation most of the time, then they wake up each election campaign and complain that they have trouble making headway in a culture that the left spends 365 days a year poisoning.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

On Second Thoughts....

That Opening Ceremony, huh?

A filthy rich liberal takes a bunch of cash off of ordinary people and uses it to tell them they suck, and the left want to fire anyone who points that out.

Actually, that sounds like a pretty good representation of modern Britain. All it needed to seal the deal was a helicopter to fly in at the end and whisk the celebs off to the Heathrow and the next flight to LA.

Socialism: The Hate That Dare Not Speak Its Name

Liberals are enragedly enraged! that some folks on the right aren't thrilled about an Olympic opening ceremony worthy of Team America's Kim Jong Il.

Why you got be such a square-oh!

Hmmm... let's wind the tape back a month or so.

Ah yes.

Back then, not being swept up in a national celebration, even as meticulously an unpolitical one as the Jubilee, was a perfectly valid position to take. It's only now that the left has decided that the true meaning of Britishness is mindless obedience to authority.

All of which neatly brings me on to His Magnificence Sultan Dave. We're supposed to be shocked that he's set the dogs on an MP that's come out against the left's hijacking of the Olympics ceremony. And?

It's the perfect summation of what two years of Cameronism has wrought. Which is to say nothing. They 'cut too far, and too fast' except socialist weasels like Danny Boyle are still using public money to celebrate their hatred of this country. In so far as the opening ceremony was a clunkingly obvious celebration of collectivism, the only real winner of the whole farce is Nigel Farage.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

That Depends What The Meaning of 'Elite' is....

I certainly agree with the wider point Ed West is making here, but seriously... David Cameron as the poster boy for the benefits of elitism? It was guys like Cast Iron Dave who sunk that boat in the first place.

No doubt about it, Cameron is a member is good standing of the elite, but much good that's done any of us. The more we're reminded of his credentials, the more we notice how little he's actually achieved. And no, he's not just a victim of bad luck. Never mine the implementation, he's barely capable of putting together a coherent policy in the first place. Consider this: no matter how often we're reminded that The Dave is the World's Smartest Man and the Greatest Orator Evah! I defy anyone to quote a single memorable line from him.

Well, OK, there was that whole 'Hug A Hoodie' thing, but the Cameroonatics don't like to talk about that.

That's the point right there: Dave's elite, but there are guys driving taxis who could mount a more coherent defence of conservative values than Prince Dave.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Quote of the Day

Andrew Breibart describes a common experience:
I just started to see trends in my personal experiences that ran so contrary to what the media narratives were. At first I was flummoxed by it and then I just started to listen to certain people on the radio who were more clear-thinking than the professors that I had in college.

I remember thinking when I was in college that a lot of these known Chomsky-like, verbose high lefty thinkers made absolutely no sense, but I thought that was my problem.
Liberalism's big ace in the hole is that they've managed to persuade people that if they can't make sense out of liberal ideology, that's just becuase their brain doesn't work properly. Equally, I'm thinking most conservatives have been through that one point in their life when they suddenly realise that, yes, liberalism is an incoherent mess of prejudice and degeneracy after all.

Actually, the whole interviews good - Breibart's big thing is that he realises that politics is just a subset of the wider culture war. We could do with a guy like him over here.

Monday, April 04, 2011

Goldilocks Goes Fascist

Seems like only last week liberal artistocrats were whining and yammering about The Diversity!

Hang on... it was last week.

But a week's a long time in politics the completely non-partisan pursuit of truth and beauty, and so now they're shocked - shocked! - anyone could accuse them of being obsessed with The Diversity!

So for those of you keeping score at home, the Tories are bad for diverting money from the arts to dealing with real issues, but Queen Liz blowing the budget on hiring m'learned friends to harass journalists is just good sense.

But anyway, it turns out that the artistocrats pay neither too much or too little attention to diversity, they pay just the right amount, and you better believe it or else.

All of which shows why 'Respectable Conservatism' is such a waste of time. Last week liberals were sliming conservatives for not buying into their jibber-jabber about diversity, now they're attacking conservatives for calling their sliming what it is. In other words, if conservatives refuse to let liberals smear them as really huge raycists, then that proves they're even more raycist. There's literally no right answer.

As long as conservatives accept the right of liberals to set the terms of debate, there's no way to win. As it is, even a snooty uber-squelch like Letts has managed a more full throated condemnation of these liberal parasites than almost anyone in the Tory Party has managed for years.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

(Culture) War Is The Answer

There is no better example of the eclipse of the traditional left by liberalism than the sight of Labour councils slashing services to protect non-jobs for their cronies.

If nothing else, it certainly undermines anything Special Ed may say about the supposed greed of the right. But don't except The Dave to make that point. In fact, don't expect him to say anything much at all. It's noticeable that pretty much all the running on exposing labour sleaze has been made by people outside the Tory Party.

No doubt the usual suspects will claim that this was all part of The Dave's brilliant plan, but they won't be able to explain just how this all fits in with Cameronism in the first place. After all, Dave was hailed as a Certified Super Genius for throwing ideology under the bus in favour of touchy-feely, bipartisan consensus. Conviction politics was out, to be replaced by a bold new era of European-style politics where the public had the choice of a left of right of centre party and a right of left of centre one.

Now it turns out that - in a twist obvious to everyone except Professional Conservatives - the left's definition of 'bipartisan' means conservatives agreeing with everything they say. Otherwise all bets are off, hence why Labour councils are passing scorched earth budgets and leftists are explaining that rioting is just a particularly vigorous form of debate.

It turns out that the World's Smartest Man bought a bottle of mineral water to a gun fight. What middle ground are we meant to find exactly with people who deliberately slash services to the vulnerable in an attempt to protect six figure salaries for bureaucrats? Or who claim trying to kill a police officer is just youthful exuberance?

These are the people the conservative movement is meant to be taking on. If they weren't upset, that'd be a real problem. Meanwhile, our allegedly conservative PM is still enraged that somewhere in Britain there are people who don't think the EU is all that.