Showing posts with label homeschool. Show all posts
Showing posts with label homeschool. Show all posts

Monday, January 4, 2010

New Student!

Fun Stuff...American History!

A bit nearsighted by the looks of things.

She is getting along well with the other

What a fun week we are having!


Saturday, August 22, 2009

Coming Up...

Sunday Afternoon I
Sunday Afternoon I

We are preparing for a
very busy time
at Hospitality Lane.

Coming up we have:

Jonathan's four impacted
wisdom teeth removal.

Mikey's Parent Dinner
in the Founder's Room
to conclude the Summer

My Aunt and Uncle's visit
from Ohio.

Our Annual Trip
to the Mountains.

Black Bears I
Black Bears I

Grandma Georgia leaves for
her Mission Trip out West
to the Native Americans.

Grandma Ruth and Mikey
leave for El Salvador.

An 1884 Kate Greenaway Calendar
An 1884 Kate Greenaway Calendar

House/Dog/Cat sitting for
three houses over a three
week period.

Our Fundraising Yard Sale
and Bake Sale for Mikey's
El Salvador expenses.

An 1884 Calendar by Kate Greenaway
An 1884 Calendar by Kate Greenaway

A candle fundraiser for
a young lady's mission

Various Doctor appointments
and medical tests.

The beginning of the Senior
year for two special boys.
We kicked that off with an
ice cream social last night.
They met many of their fellow
graduates. It was fun!

Our Homeschool Co-op will begin
mid September.

Busy Day Perpetual Calendar
Busy Day Perpetual Calendar

...And all of the regular
commitments to home, school
and church. you can see, we will
be heading into this new school
year running full blast.

If I get a bit scarce around here
you'll know why.
Although, I hope to never give up
my early morning hour here.

It is my little bit of quiet time.
Hearing how the Lord is working in
your lives and letting Him speak
to me as I compose.

It is a blessing.
You are a blessing.

A few verses relating to Plans:

Psalm 16:2-4
All a man's ways seem innocent to him,
but motives are weighed by the LORD.
Commit to the LORD whatever you do,
and your plans will succeed.
The LORD works out everything for his own ends—
even the wicked for a day of disaster.

Proverbs 16:9
In his heart a man plans his course,
but the LORD determines his steps.

Poverbs 9:21
Many are the plans in a man's heart,
but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails.

So...although we think we have carefully figured out
the next few months of our lives, it is all contingent
on the Lord's plans. His ways are far better than ours.

...Even if it doesn't feel that way sometimes.

Trying to stay open
to the plans
of the Lord!

Words to Live By: Faith
Words to Live By: Faith


All photos from Allposters.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Things are busy around here.

Chelsea and I just returned from
dropping Mikey at a landscaping
job. It will be a challenge for
him but I believe it is just the
right size for him to start on.

It is in the city so it is a
relatively confined space.
It was all I could do to pull myself
away because it looked like a
lot of fun!

Anyway, after dropping Mikey
off Chelsea and I stopped at
our Amish friend's house and
picked up five boxes of glassware
to make into candles.

There are orders for three
households included in the
five boxes. Funny thing is...
I was not going to make any more
candles this season.
I'm such a softie!

What can I say?

Then my sweet daughter and I
enjoyed breakfast at her favorite
breakfast spot in Quarryville on
our way home. She twists my
arm so well. It was great to
talk about our next four years of
school. Since she is entering the
high school years we needed to discuss
her general direction.

It is not a surprise to hear her say
she wants her primary focus to be
on writing. This is her passion.
She writes chapter after chapter
for fun. So, we will make a very
diligent effort to perfect her writing
skills and enter many writing contests,
submit things for publication and
attempt to build up a nice portfolio
over these next four years.

She will also become even more
proficient with multiple word
processing systems.
It is going to be so fun!

If you could have seen her face when
I told her that it was "her highschool"
and she gets to set the focus.

Of course, there was that moment when
she realized she still has to do math...
but hey, that is not so bad!

She will do a business/accounting
math track and will learn Excel
through and through.

I will learn it with her. I use it in
a very surface way but want to be able to
do more.

A huge plus to homeschooling.
Moms learn so very much!

Each of these things will benefit her greatly as she
moves into the next phase of her life.
It is so good to have the options of building
a program around her future interests.

I even think she will like the organization
of accounting. After all, she is
my little organizer.

So...that is about it up until now...
our day.

Unless you know of a remedy for getting
fluid out of one's ear canals.
I have tried everything recommended to
me so far with no success. It is about
to make me go mad! lol

♥♥Becky K.♥♥

Thursday, November 20, 2008

I Think I Know Where My Camera Is....

I searched this house high and low all day yesterday....

I ran to the church to see if it was there...
actually I went twice,
the first time I did not have the key...Arggghhhhh!

The second time,
no camera.

I came home and made myself remember Saturday.
Frankly this weekend was a blur.
After the concert, I was just so tired that
I could not remember.

Then it struck me!
The Saturday Evening Concert with Greater Vision.
I took the camera with the car...
but it was raining when we got there and we had
to park at the far end of the lot so I walked in
quickly without the camera.

Mom's car is the last place I remember seeing my
dear, sweet, faithful, creative camera.

This should be an easy thing to check on, wouldn't
you think?
Mom is is South Carolina and her car is sitting in an
airport parking lot.
She comes home today so there is hope that we will be camera and me.

Alas, I have become terribly attached to that little
piece of equipment. I have thought of many things that
I wish to photograph while it has been missing.

On the upside?

Everywhere I looked for the camera some small
cleaning and sorting took place. I now have
a lot less piles of junk mail and old projects
than were here this time last week.

Ahem...silver lining????

Well, today is our last day of Homeschool
Co-op for this semester and I am dreaming up
a fun ending for my silly 4-6th graders.

Or should I say silly ending for my
fun 4-6th graders.

Oh my....

Becky K.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Panel Discussion


Last evening some Moms from our Homeschool
Co-op came out to spend some time in a
question and answer session.

Mrs. Rabe, our friend Susan, and Myself made
up the Panel. That was scary. Actually we have
done this every year for a while now so it wasn't
bad. All of the ladies are so sincere and so sweet.

Having the range of children that I have and am homeschooling
in our home, from willing but challenged, to unwilling but more
than capable, all the way to great involved student....I've
actually built a bit of experience.

Sometimes you have to think about it to realize that.

I get so insecure sometimes in what I know and how I am
going to get that information to the kids.

Will they know enough when they graduate....and all of that.

But, in helping the other ladies last night it became very
obvious that our "homeschool plan" is working and is a
good one. We are taking each child's strengths and weaknesses
into consideration and working within that.

So....while the purpose of the discussion was to help others...
I walked away encouraged as well. Hope they

I am trying to do much better about posting on Homeschooling at
Hospitality Lane
. For the most part, I don't talk about our day
to day studies here...But, if you are interested you can pop in
over there. Perhaps there will be a little goody that will inspire
an idea or two.

Gotta run...I am off for more Continuing Ed for my Financial
Services Job. Never ending learning....never ending....

Thanks for stopping by....

Becky K.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Keeping all of the Balls in the Air...

So far, I have nearly dropped
several of the balls I am attempting
to keep juggling in this thing called
life. If I can just hang in there through
this week, and next, some major things will
be accomplished...

Jonathan and Chelsea will be done working...
this brings much relief. I enjoy the drive
but don't need that added stress of wondering
about their schedule...will it change...must check
the computer...etc.

The Fall Concert will be done as of Next Friday,
the 14th!

Getting these two things done and behind me will
free up several gigabytes in my brain.

Oh, Warren would be proud of that analogy.

But seriously, every waking moment I have thoughts
just swirling and doubts about how it will all be accomplished. will be accomplished and it will be fine!

I even had a nightmare about the concert that one young boy
stood up to sing and could not do it. Couldn't remember how
the song went so I stumbled to the piano and I fumbled over
the keys in an attempt to help him and just made things worse.
I know this won't happen because there are no young men singing

Just a stage to set, music levels and sound to work out, teenage
girls who are afraid to sing out during their solo parts...little
stuff like that. will pass.

I must get back to my candle factory... in the kitchen. I have
several orders to finish up for delivery today.

I hope you have a great day.

I'll be popping in to read here and there.

Don't forget to join my Followers, if you are so inclined.
It is fun to see those who read here. It gives me another
quick way to get to your blog and for others to discover you.

Becky K.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Disappointed but Not Surprised

America has spoken,
Come January we will call
Senator Obama, President Obama.

Is is the end of the world?

Will things change?
Most likely.

My biggest concern through this
is to help my children to understand
that this is not a time for fear or
hate. They were so involved in the
process this time. We studied historical
cases of those whose political bents were
the same as President-Elect Obama's so they
are aware of what could happen,
if taken to the extreme.

The job now is to remind them that God is in
control of all things. He will not leave us
or forsake us. Even if laws are passed that
we disagree with morally, or if our rights are
eroded, we serve a great God! HE will be our
help and our strength.

Now on to prettier things...
or should I say...
Regular Programming!

I took this as I stood in our front yard looking
across the street. I just love the colors.
I hope they are half as brilliant for you as they
were for me this couple of days ago.

I closed out one Fundraiser this week and picked
up the candles this woman had as her inventory...
Last night my Mother-in-law talked to some people
and now I have a new one to begin on Saturday.
Whew! Fun!
I am so glad I have that inventory to use as a base
since they are planning to set up a display at a
church for two weeks.

Today I have to complete my, every two years, investment
continuing education. It is a boring, boring time
but is relatively easy. It is a monitored computerized
program. I am allowed three hours to
process the information and pass tests. Often, I am
out of there in just about an hour. I read quickly.
I am thankful for that. Hope this one is speedy too.
It seems like last time there was a lot more reading
and the computer wouldn't go as fast as I was used to.
I love my job...I don't always like all of the requirements
for keeping the licenses.
But who does like absolutely
everything about their employment? Never met anyone yet
who didn't have something that made them crazy.

The kids have a lot of school work to catch up on after
these last couple of weeks. They worked a lot.
If I am correct this is their last week of work for the
season and then they will have to "buckle down".

Makes me look forward to a long snowy winter so that
we can snuggle on the couch with math and reading.

We are currently reading a Mrs. Pollifax book.
She makes me laugh. As a retired widow this
woman was looking for adventure. Her doctor recommended
she pursue something that she has always wanted to do but
was never able to. This, for her, was spying. She wanted
to be a spy. She becomes one. It is so funny. There are
quite a few books in the series.

One of the biggest benefits from reading aloud to the kids,
even at their advanced ages, is their appreciation for new literature.

It pleases me so to see them get into these books and want
more. Mikey has even been reading some on his own. He has
finished one sizable novel and is part way through another.
Finally...after many years of "hating" to read although
when tested he was always on grade level, he just thought
it was boring...well we are changing that one page at a time!

Have a blessed day,
Serve the One who made you.

Becky K.

Friday, August 22, 2008

School Begins Monday

It is official.

We begin our homeschool year on Monday.

This means that today I need to spend
some time setting up computers with
French lessons and math programs.

Chelsea and Jonathan enjoyed time in
Central PA with their Grandma Ruth this week
and took in the PA Military Museum as a
Field Trip. They both enjoyed it.

I was surprised that Chelsea thought
much of it, while I knew that Jonathan
would enjoy the weapons. He knows and loves
all weaponry...why?
I have no idea!

While they were there they also had the
opportunity to spend most of a day on a
pontoon boat owned by some very dear friends.
They fished, had a picnic,
Chelsea rode in an inner tube pulled behind the
boat. They had a great time!
Thanks George and Sheila!!!!

I should mention that Chelsea caught 13 fish!

Boy, do I wish I had pictures.

Jonathan and George each got about 4...ahem!

Then, as I mentioned yesterday, there was the trip to
Hershey Park to wrap up the summer fun.

Everyone is appropriately exhausted now so
I think we can start the New School Year.

Field Trips of the past!

Pictures from a prior year's Field Trip to a Museum in
Virginia...look like the kids are out growing the turtle shell.

They have also changed over the many years we have gone to Williamsburg, VA:

It used to be a stretch just to reach the arm holes.
Not anymore. These were taken last fall.
Time flies, people.
It truly does!

I have plans if the weather is good to spend
some time in our first couple of weeks of school
at some gardens. There is a local one that
specializes in heirloom seeds. Mikey will
benefit from many garden tours as he continues
on his quest to becoming a garden designer.

There are a couple of gardens in the Philadelphia
area to look at.

This is the boys' next to last year of high
school. I am amazed and thankful that we
have made it this far and that both boys finally
have some direction for their futures.

It could change again, it often does for kids
this age, but I am glad that they are thinking beyond

Well, I had better get started on today's agenda.
Much to do and my energy supply has been running low.

Have a wonderful day.

Becky K.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

New Posts....

At Homeschooling at Hospitality Lane.

Hop by if you have the time...
Get encouraged to start your new school year.

Becky K.

Friday, August 1, 2008

The End of a Three Year Commitment

When you commit to a three year volunteer assignment how you will feel at the end of those years rarely crosses your mind.

Will you be happy?

Well, that is where I find myself today.

With mixed emotions we chaired our last Homeschool Board Meeting last evening. A new couple came who are considering taking that big leap and becoming three year volunteers. I could not help but feel excited and a bit "maternal" for them, as their eyes got bigger and bigger the longer the evening went on. They are a lovely couple and will do fine. It is just a bit overwhelming at first.

The people in the above photo are now lifelong friends, even though some of them were strangers to us just two years ago. Bonds have formed. We have prayed together for many concerns, we have shared meals, met at least monthly...Relationships are developed. This is what we will miss most. This picture was taken a couple of months ago at Hershey Farm Restaurant as we enjoyed sweet fellowship.

There have been so many changes on the Board since we joined. So much more responsibility has been taken on by these dedicated people that it is my prayer that God will continue to bring the volunteer members who truly have a heart for the homeschoolers in this County. It is an almost invisible job...serving on this Board...but it is important! Warren and I will certainly always be thankful for our time there.

As I handed over the responsibilities that have become a natural part of my day there was, admittedly, some relief. However, I know that even as I won't have that responsibility, doors have opened on the "Church Front" to be able to encourage, support and share information. There is never a lack of opportunity to serve. Of course, within our own homeschool co-op I will be kept quite busy teaching music to 46 4-6th graders, a high school choir and a high school class on comedy...keeping it light! There is a Thanksgiving Program to plan and coordinate for the entire Co-op. I love doing this!!!

So I guess this post is about myself, telling myself, that it will be ok.
Reminding myself to be thankful for that season in our lives.

We are now within two years of the boys schooling at home being completed...unless we do college at home...doubtful...
and Chelsea is so independent she will not need much from me after they are done. I'll bug her to let me teach her something anyway...cause I love it!

Phases of life.

So quickly they pass.

Hope you are enjoying the phase you are in today.

It will pass.

Love Ya!

Thanks for "listening".

Becky K.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Matilda Retires!

Warren got in safely from Missouri yesterday afternoon while the kids and I were at Co-op. He was able to get onto an earlier flight since there was a big winter storm headed that way. It was good that he did that and was able to get a little bit of rest before the family descended on him.

I realized how much I had missed him when I saw him. I think that we can block out certain emotions for a period of time when they are too hard. So, I kept busy while he was gone for nearly two weeks and am so thankful for his return.

While Warren was gone his mother, Georgia, was on a cruise through the Panama Canal. She will be home today and just called from Florida to say they have safely returned. We had heard nothing while she was gone. It is good to know that she is safe and happy.

Co-op was crazy yesterday! The kids were dumbstruck by my costume. Some boys actually said I was scary. My helper, Bev, played her part so well and we had fun!
There were pictures taken by the yearbook editor...they had better not show up in the yearbook! I looked absolutely terrible. Sooo much makeup and my big pink robe!
Since the class was on Opera and classical singing, I closed the class by singing "The Lord's Prayer" Acapella. It must have been hard to take me seriously in all of that makeup because bless their hearts some of the boys up front were really laughing and I could tell they wanted to least a couple of them were trying to stop.

My other helper asked if we were going to continue this next week and I emphatically told her, "No!". One week of Matilda was enough. To figure out what I am talking about see the previous post called Thank You. That was enough of that craziness for now.

I had another Dr. appointment this morning. This time with my regular family doc. He is very thorough and I feel he has a good idea of what is causing this pain. Apparently that cyst is sizable but I have also pulled some ligaments or muscles near my hip in all of my climbing around to paint the bathroom, etc. Oh, well. We will see how it heals over this month.
He also understands that I cannot take the anti-inflammatories that the other doctor recommended so has kept me on the tylenol. It is good to know these things about your health for yourself because sometimes well intentioned Docs don't know your whole history and can get you into deeper problems. I am very glad that I did not come home and start taking ibuprofen. It would have really messed me up!

Well, we are off to study Airships. We love the two books by Kenneth Oppel...Airborn and Skybreaker. There are study guides available on line and it has been a great experience to work on these as a class of four...I count me because I enjoy it too. One note: I am reading these aloud and there have been a few edits on my part so far due to Language and situations relating to the romance between Matt and Kate.
We got a video on Airships from the Library and will watch it on this rainy, icy day.

Small group is at our house tonight so life continues to be one thing to the next!

Blessings on your day!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


I'll be very scarce today as I need to:
1. Make a candle order.
2. Teach the children.
3. Drop Mikey at work.
4. Go Bowling.
5. Make dinner - or pull it from crock pot.
6. Be my "official self" at the county-wide Grad meeting tonight.
7. Crash into bed-- and sleep!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

A Week of Many Projects....

This is an incredibly full week that follows a very full weekend. Here are, in no particular order, the things that need to be accomplished this week:

1. Make Valentine Candles for two fundraisers.Done for One!
2. Paint the bathroom. This is started!
3. Clean out our Master Bedroom of the accumulated papers and "stuff" that just
keeps finding its way into the room. Make room for the Scrapbook Organizer.
4. Teach 5, Now 4,Now 3, days of school to my favorite kids on the planet.
5. Be at the hospital with a friend while her husband undergoes a medical procedure.Done! Joe made out just fine...
6. Take two dogs to the of which gets extremely car sick. Done!
7. Go Bowling with the co-op friends.Done
8. A shopping trip to Reading with my Mom - because we want to!
9. Co-op afternoon - teach 4-6th grade music.
10. A Co-op planning meeting.Done!
11. Prepare bulletins for Church on Sunday.
12. Host the Youth Group to dinner on Friday.
13. Dogsit for our neighbor friends one more day. Done!
14. Blog for the fun of it!I must! I am addicted!
15. Catsit for my Mother-in-law.Currently...
16. Work in my part time job and see to client needs there.Daily
We will see what else comes up. There will be very little down time...but if all of these things get done, I will be doing a "happy dance" and relaxing next week.

IF I happen to be a little bit scarce this week...this would be why!

Have a wonderful day today!

Your Friend,

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Attention Homeschoolers!!!

Check out my new Blog just for us...or anyone curious about the Homeschool World...
at Homeschooling at Hospitality Lane.

Mrs. Rabe, from Creekside Cottage will be contributing ideas and articles directly onto this blog, as well.

We understand that we are a strange bunch, those who desire to keep their children at home and take full responsibility for their education. It is not easy and we can use all of the support and ideas we can get. I am thankful for the Co-op we attend. For the friendships, courses and encouragement found there.

I am thankful for those teachers and principals out there who do their jobs in the public and private schools with a passion... for not all families are called to Homeschool. Thank you for the job that you do every day for the children.

Blessings on your day and I hope that you are enjoying this Christmas Season wherever you may be...

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

I am getting nervous!

It is hitting me now...tomorrow is our concert. The kids in the two choirs I direct are the sweetest kids on this planet. Yes, they are!

The nerves are beginning to set in, for me! You see, I am not a professional musician. I have sung forever! It was as natural as breathing for my Dad and myself. We harmonized together at the dinner table, or in the car or just at home for no good reason. Then as a teen and young adult I sang in a group that traveled to Churches to perform concerts. This was a very good experience, but did not teach me to "direct" a choir. It did introduce me to my husband, however. He was our "Sound Man". He made me sound good, so I snagged him to have with me always. Tee-hee.

For the first couple of years we attended our Co-op I was the helper in the choirs with Cindy, a certified music instructor. She taught those kids with a firm hand and they learned the songs to a technical "T". Then she got up on concert night and directed with flair. Turning to bow to the audience at just the right times and all of that. Cindy moved to Nebraska. I am not Cindy!

I am the one that wants the music to be fun! To instill a love of it. I hope that the end results are nearly as good. I have tried to remember what was technically important to Cindy and have hopefully gotten that across. But, here is my dilemma.
I am a pacer!
Because the 4-6th grade choir is so big they were quite spread out in the room we have been meeting in. I have gotten into a terrible habit of walking back and forth to listen and make eye contact, encourage, etc. I am terrified that during the concert I will revert to this pacing instead of holding my proper place. One of my friends after hearing this concern assures me that some directors are very entertaining....NO, that is not what I want. I want to be invisible! I do not want to be entertaining! So, I am seriously hoping that my brain tells my feet to stand still tomorrow evening.

There is one girl in my 7-up choir that loves to tell me..."You can't talk out loud to us during the concert" or "You better not stomp your foot like that during the concert". She is in a County choir and seems to be constantly comparing this experience to that. All I can say is she'd better get over it...that is that experience and this is another one altogether! But does she really have that little confidence in me to think that I would do those things??? Yikes!

Oh well, I have enjoyed this year immensely. After tomorrow evening it will be over and all will be well. I know the kids are ready and the parents and grandparents will absolutely love them. I will stay in my spot and be cool as a cucumber...on the outside. Only you, dear friends, will know the fear and trepidation with which I enter this concert.

Keep me in your prayers, will you?

Friday, November 16, 2007

Might as well Laugh!

Yesterday was one of those days! You know the kind where the harder you try to get ahead the farther behind you fall? Usually on Thursdays we are slower paced in the morning and kind of gear up for Co-op. Our morning started out that way and then took a crazy turn.
We had planned to go look at a potential building for our church but before that I wanted to stop at Georgia's to drop something off and had told her the night before to expect me. She lives next door!
It was absolutely pouring rain so I decided that rather than run across the yards like normal I would just pull in as we left.
Anyway...about a half hour before we needed to leave, Chelsea came to me and said that she couldn't find her bag of Scrapbooking supplies for her class. She was very upset because the teacher had said at one point, "If you don't bring your supplies, don't bother coming to class." Sounds harsh? I know this teacher, she wouldn't hurt a flea...but the kids got the message loud and strong and Chelsea was terribly upset. We began the search for her scrapbooking supplies and I expected to go to the piano and pick up my music book.
Not There! Not in the living room bookcase! Not in the Family Room! Not in the office by the computer! Not anywhere!
So, the scrapbooking supplies were missing and my music, including background track!, were gone! GONE! My wheels start turning. Hmmm...what did we do last week after co-op. We waited for some friends and then went bowling. We checked the car and van....a couple of times. Nope, not there.
By now it was too late to stop at Georgia's and I had to call pastor Mike and tell him I would meet him ten minutes late and call Georgia and tell her I don't have time to "run next door"!
We were forced to leave without our supplies.
I was thinking and thinking about what we could have done with it. My best hope was that when we were waiting at the Church the week before that we had set it all down and left without it.
With my mind churning hard enough to make butter, we pulled out of the driveway and turned the wrong way! Being strong willed as I am, we kept going the wrong way even though it took us longer to go that way. I wonder why I didn't just turn around? Is it admission of defeat to turn around? What was that?!? Well, I'll have to analyze that another day.
We pulled in to meet Mike about 10 minutes late and it was still pouring. Folks down south, I do not mean to complain about the rain. I know how much you need it but it does seriously factor into this story. Long story short, this building was too small and the owner had a crew there putting walls up to make each space even smaller. No go. So...we stood in the rain a couple of minutes, Mike talked and said that while he was out the evening before his glass shower door had exploded into a million pieces and that was how he found it when returning home. Had he started talking about the weather or even this building I would have felt very comfortable pointing out that it was raining and I am a girl and don't want to go to Co-op looking like a drowned rat...but his shower door "Blew up!" Now this is something that just doesn't happen every day and how was he going to explain to his landlord..."I was out for the evening at friends, watching a show about ghosts, and when I returned my shower door was in pieces." So, I stood in the rain and empathized, really I is terrible!, and got really wet. After the appropriate amount of empathy I hopped into the car and headed...the wrong way! Not my choice. This is another reason not to want this building. It is on a divided highway with no access in the front of the building to the other side of the road.
Feel my blood pressure rising? We have no scrapbooking supplies and I have no music for my two classes. I decide that even though we will be an hour early we will go to the church and see if it is there.
We arrive. It is still pouring so I get a fabulous parking spot near the door. This lot is usually reserved for the gym classes...but they won't be using them on this day. We run into the building and with trepidation I check the lost and found area. Nothing. I go down the stairs to the Moms' Room. Nope, not lying around in there. Our wonderful Moms' Room Coordinator shows up. I ask, with much hope in my voice if she has found a bag of Scrapbooking supplies....YES! She has. They are in the closet. I look to see if they are ours? YES! There is Chelsea's bag. Now to see if I placed my music in the bag... NOPE! Not there.
Up to the music room, no music...well there is lots of music in there, but none of it was mine...down the hall to find the kids. Back down the stairs. Oh, here are the kids. I tell them that we are going to run home and look again for my half hour each way! They plead with me to be allowed to stay so they won't be late for class. I agree to do this if I can find a mom willing to oversee them. One agrees and off I go.
The rain and wind are now at an all time high. It was unbelievable. I am slipping an sliding because of the water on the road.
Meanwhile...back at Co-op. The fire alarm goes off and all of the people in the building are forced out into the downpour. Wouldn't you know, the ONE time I leave my children there this happens! The fire trucks was chaos. I am oblivious to this, however, and am hurtling myself through major water lying on the roadways and being blown around, thinking about the price of gas, and how upset Warren would be at me for making this extra trip. I am a grown up and should know where my things are! Isn't this what we tell our children..all the time????
I arrive at home and search all of the places already searched. Nothing. So, I did what all addicted bloggers would do. I came down to check my inbox. New comments to the blog! Yeah! So, I guess that calmed my head enough that I thought to check just one more place...the garage, in a bin, under another bin. There it was! Apparently, I had done a quick car clean out and then this bin got placed on top of the one ....oh you get the drift.
Back in the car I go and fly up to Co-op. Everything appears to be normal so I have no clue about the fire alarm and the near drowning of my children. At least that is how they saw it.
I pause at Chelsea's scrapbooking class and her teacher says, teasingly, "Chelsea pulled the fire alarm." I laugh with her and think that this is a weird thing to think of as a joke...right then. Then they tell me that the fire alarm did go off and they were all outside for more than a half hour! Thankfully some friends pulled in and allowed my kids into their car while they waited at some point during the evacuation.
It turns out that the rain leaked through the roof of the church and shorted the fire alarm causing it to go off. Now, this cause was a major relief to us on the co-op committee because one year a student pulled the alarm and it caused us some grief with our host church.
My classes went on, with interruption. The Yearbook editor came and took pictures of the girls in the ensemble. They had to fix hair and makeup...time lost...they sang "flat", the room was HOT! It just was not a good day.
The 4-6th graders were not at their best, either. Here we are with 2 more practices and everyone is falling apart! Oh well, it must have been the day. Lets just hope that on concert day it is not raining and I know where my music is.
Might as well laugh! No sense in raising the blood pressure!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

World War II Day

My friend, Kandi, organized a World War II conference for Homeschoolers yesterday. It was so good! Three gentlemen spoke in the morning session. Two were infantrymen and one Medic. I loved hearing their personal stories.
My favorite got off to a slow start, he blamed it on his postnasal drip, but when he got to talking he was so interesting! He shared about building an underground log cabin. He was told that he could not build one above ground because either the Germans would see it or the officers would steal it. So, he and his buddies used their little shovels and dug out a 12 by 16 foot hole and laid a wood floor. They cut logs and made walls then used canvas for a roof, covered with dirt and then snow so that the German search planes could not see it and the officers would not know it was there. They built bunks into it and then needed a door. He laughed so genuinely as he said that they snuck behind enemy lines and stole one. Then laughed harder when he told about getting a woodstove the same way. You could just imagine these young guys having the "adventure" of their lives. The guys would take turns having one in the fox hole and the rest in the cabin until either Germans or Officers would appear. They had rigged up a communication system and all of the rest would pour out of the cabin and into the fox holes as if they had always been there. Three days after the cabin was completed, Dr. Victor was transferred to another unit!!!! Can you believe it!
He also told us about "liberating" three cows. He chuckled as he said that it wasn't just the French they liberated. One of the cows became food on a rare day off. He said they ate beef all of that day until they couldn't eat it anymore. Warm food, let alone, meat was a very rare treat. That evening for some unknown reason that group was treated to a warm steak dinner by their commanders. They couldn't eat a bite! They were so stuffed from that day's enjoyment.

The afternoon session was very good, also. There was a gentleman from the Tuskegee Airmen speaking. He did a very good job of explaining the racial climate of the time and showing the radical determination and dream of the very first black pilot. He talked about the "Red Tails" and how they were the most requested of the planes to protect the bombers. It was great to hear these words from the men "in the know!" This man, Dr. Richardson, graduated from the Tuskegee Air School just in time for the war to be over. He figures Hitler heard he was coming. lol
There was a lot of technical information for those who are into such things. It was a good day for all. We took Warren's Grandfather's Navy uniform and dog tags along for others to see. Kandi had her granfather's WWII era gun.
Living history...ahhhh. The sad thing is that WWII vets are dying at a rate of 1,000 per day. We are losing this important source of information. So often, we think we know what happened because of movies or TV but some is misinformation. I hope that if you get a chance to speak with a vet of this time period that you will soak in all that they are willing to share. I know some won't share. The memories are just too painful. After many times of sharing their stories these men still choked up on some things.

One of the infantrymen holding a natzi flag taken from a fort. He was getting help folding it up and mentioned that it is definitely not given the respect of the American Flags folding. He said, "We just kind of bunch it up". It gives me weird feelings just to see this flag and know all that it represents.
This gentleman shared that he and his wife were in the Holocaust Museum in DC and stepped of the elevator on the top floor (where you are to begin your tour) when both of them stopped dead in their tracks. On the wall in front of them was a huge mural picture of soldiers looking at corpses at one of the death camps. On that mural was his brother, who was one of the first into the death camps. What an amazing experience. The museum had not identified that soldier so they now know, but the brother is so unwilling to talk about it that he will not officially confirm it with the museum. When shown the picture, though, he correctly identified, by name, the man standing next to him as his buddy. WOW! When he went to Europe later and they arrived at that camp this man remained on the bus. The memories were just too horrible for him to face again. So, we must be sensitive. These men have faced things we cannot even imagine!

If you have read this far, thank you!
Blessings on your day!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Homeschooling is not for Cowards

Yesterday's homeschool hit a major pot hole. As I told you in my post I was not feeling well anyway and then part way into history the boys started making smart comments and I decided not to go any further because I could feel my blood pressure rising. I put my book down, somewhat forcefully, and informed them that they could begin writing a report on disrespect. I sent Chelsea on to do her regular assignments of math, french and typing because she had done nothing to offend me.
I then headed for the computer for some time to have a pity party. You know, the one where you think, "I have sacrificed so much for them and I deserve respect and even appreciation!" Grrr...well, if you are a homeschooler, you must know by now that those thoughts are not of a whole lot of value. We are not likely to be appreciated for this sacrifice for many years to come and it is of no use to expect it now. Having said that, I still feel that having the boys write was a valuable exercise because it brought out some important points and was basically a mid term review of the history materials we are studying. The boys are bored with it. I understand why. The book we are using is designed for all age groups and is not challenging enough for them. So...with this knowledge in hand, this momma is going to up the ante. They are going to be challenged to find something they really don't have a clue about and learn, learn, learn!
Remember, that we were talking about History...Mikey forgot that we were talking about that specifically and let it out that he wants to learn about new technology. Gold nugget!!!! So what if it is about if we contrast old machinery to today's and future technology for those machines?
Jonathan is convinced that there is nothing about the history in this curriculum that he either doesn't already know...he did peruse the book...or doesn't need to know but he is interested in England's origins and history. O.k. that was coming up later in the year...we will jump ahead. Why stifle that interest relearning or dumbing down learning for them? It will mean more work for both boys but I have a feeling they will be up for it if it is of interest.
So, I guess yesterday's outburst happened for a reason.
I was so frustrated with these children that when I dropped Mikey at work I took the other two and left them at the Library for some research and reading time while I went off and had "hair-apy". Yep! I got my hair cut! It looks pretty good. Maybe, I'll show you later.
Just a reminder that homeschooling is not easy! It is a sacrifice! But, if this is what you are called to do you will be given the tools and strength to make it through.
Blessings on your day and hoping for a better one here...

Saturday, October 27, 2007

The Pottery Experience and Home Decor

We are studying ancient history this year so I wanted the kids to do something "hands on" that would help them to remember our lessons. I found a great new pottery shop that lets you come in and make something of your own design or to paint a previously fired piece.

Chelsea chose to paint an existing piece while the boys were assigned to make a mask from clay. It is so interesting to see how the same clay becomes such different things...oh, I could launch into a sermon here about how people are created so differently and about our Creator...Who shaped us...but I won't!

Jen, the owner of Jen's Pottery Den was wonderful. She had books for the boys to look at for ideas and spent time gathering materials for their use in molding and shaping the masks.

Here you can see Jonathan's mask as it is in process.

I thought Chelsea's design was quite interesting. She learned how to "swirl" the paint into the inside of the pitcher so that it is sealed all the way and is actually able to be used if we so choose.

For now, Chelsea's pitcher is living up on my kitchen hutch since the colors go so nicely with the country decor. I imagine one day, this will be headed with my dear girl as she sets up her own home.
We were at a furniture store yesterday with my mother-in-law who was in need of a dining room table. While we were there Chelsea was planning what she would one day like in a home of her own. I was delighted and saddened at the same know? Just hard to believe that time has gone this quickly and my baby is twelve. I am thrilled at her interests in homemaking and decorating, though. Hmmm... wonder where she got that?!?
Ohhhh...speaking of decorating and such! I finally got paint for my bathroom. It is the only room in the house that was not painted since we moved in...except Jonathan's...and I have been searching for just the right color for a while.
I have taken some before pictures. I'll post more later but for now here is one sneak peek.
Just know that this is just a face lift, for now, not a total re-do (which I so much desire). This was the reason we had not painted until now. I wanted to do the whole thing but time and money are not allowing that at this moment... so paint will have to help it look better. We are dealing with that powder blue tile, blue linoleum and blue one piece shower/tub. Shudder! The counter top is that horrible fake marble stuff! Oh dear, I got started on this and that is not what this post was even about...reminds me of being on the phone with an old friend and the conversation just kind of meanders...

Anyhoooooo...Chelsea has many ideas for a home of her own and I am excited for her...she'll get to experience that in about 40 years! Ha!
Back to the pottery, the boys are currently painting their masks which came back to us white after being fired. Mikey's broke at the jaw so we are going to attempt to wire it and make it cool. Maybe, I'll remember to show you the finished product. No guarantees. I'm experiencing the effects of scattered brain cells these days, as this post so neatly demonstrates!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Mom's Tea

Last evening found me at Mrs. Rabe's home (Creekside Cottage). It is beautiful all decorated up for fall. I wish you could all see it. She had these two pumpkins each with one of her house numbers carved in them beside the driveway...candles lit to display the welcome her guests. The teacups and the scones screamed welcome. The guests were welcomed to enjoy any of the several seating areas prepared throughout the home...we all enjoyed each other's company in the living room, chatting away. Oh, I plead with you, Mrs. Rabe to post some lovely pictures of that chandelier and some of your other lovelies. It was so nice! Thanks for being the great hostess you are. It is much appreciated!

While I am on this subject I must compliment Mrs. Rabe's daughters on their hospitality and helpfulness. Linsy and Emily are young women who see things that need to be done and truly serve. Several times I think I saw Emily refilling cookie plates and "fluffing" the table. I was blessed by the time spent with them last evening, as well. Thanks Linsy, for showing me the 11 puppies. They are so precious!

I woke this morning with a Christmas song in my head. I know it is early but I am directing the 4-6th grade choir at Co-op and the 7-up girl's ensemble. This means that we are working on Christmas music and when I least expect it one of those songs comes to me. So...this morning it was...Ring the Bells! Ring the Bells! Let the Whole world know...Christ was born in Bethlehem...many years ago! There are 38 4-6th graders and they really enjoy this song. I wish you could hear them bellowing these words. I used that word on purpose because that is exactly what some of the boys do...they bellow! We will be working on that as soon as they have the words memorized. But their enthusiasm is fun! Their second song is an arrangement of The Most Wonderful Time of the Year. Too cute! Now, as long as we can get all of the details pulled together in the next 4 weeks or so....
The 7-up girls are singing a Puerto Rican Folk Hymn called Come to Set us Free. It is really fun and the girls are getting it now. Thirteen beautiful girls and thier voices. No bellowing here. I am hoping to find a little more "bellow" for them to share so that they will be heard and enjoyed. It will come. They are also singing a great arrangement of Joyful, Joyful to the World. This is such a neat arrangement of Joy to the World and Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee. Some of the words to Joyful, Joyful have been modified for Christmas.
So, anyway, this morning my creative juices were flowing as I thought of new ways to get the 4-6th graders loving this class. So far the parent feedback is good. The boys are singing these songs at home during the week...that makes my week! Even better, the boys that are excited are some of the least music loving boys in the class...according to them. So, Praise God, it would seem that they are getting it.
I love our Co-op! It is so vital to have the community of other families to share our experiences with. After the Tea last evening I came back to my home with two other Moms whose daughters had stayed here to hang out with Chelsea and we enjoyed more fellowship for a while. We talked with the girls about the things that they are exposed to in their music and games and even TV. It was a very valuable time. So natural. A captured moment. I pray that the friendships made now will be examples of the kinds of relationships these girls seek in life. It would be even better if these friendships were lifelong...but only the Lord knows how that will go.

Well, I have rambled long enough. Have a truly blessed day and rejoice that
HE Came to Set us Free! If you don't have a clue what I am writing about...the Freedom that comes from the me. I'll share what HE has done in my life and why I am so grateful!