Showing posts with label candle making. Show all posts
Showing posts with label candle making. Show all posts

Friday, July 15, 2011

I Have Homemaker ADD Today....

It started at 5:30  this morning when the 
chickens were going absolutely bonkers 
out there.
I was convinced that the resident fox was 
tormenting them again and got up and 
ran out to give him the "what for!".

However, there was no fox.
It was an empty waterer
that had their feathers all in a 
fluff.  Good Grief!
Well, actually I am thankful that they 
tell us such things.
Sometimes they go through it so quickly....
and it has been hot lately.
My funny girl, Mabel, came into the 
box and chattered away at me....
pointing out the empty waterer.
Love that hen.

By the way, 
we have five chicks in the nursery.
We removed a hen and set her up
to raise them until they are big enough
to stand up to the rooster.
That rooster is a bugger!
I've seen him intentionally step on 
the more, big guy!!
No more!

I decided, since it was early, to 
peek out the front window and see
who might be playing in the field across 
the street.
There were five or six deer out there.
Some fawns and Mommas.
The fawns were playing together...
chasing each other and bounding about.
So fun!

Well, anyway so the hens
had me awake and the dogs 
were up early. 
Up and out with belly aches.
Someone....(me)....had given them
too much table food.
I've been cleaning up messes
over the past 18 hours so when they were 
eager to get outside and then were quite
busy with making themselves feel better 
I started weeding my perennial bed.
Now I thought I would just pull a few weeds.
Then one thing led to another and I did the whole bed.
Wow!  Did it need it!
I also took out most of the mallow as the 
Japanese beetles were attacking it and it 
was looking rather ugly.
While I was out there pulling weeds I saw that 
they launched two hot air balloons today.
I'm going to show some of Chelsea's Photos soon.

But for this post I have included pictures I took 
yesterday at Longwood Gardens.  We took a 
quick trip over there yesterday afternoon.
It was nice to be there again.
It had been too long.

I came inside and decided to pay the bills.
Got that done....
Decided to start some wash....
Started that....
Found some coupons for Costco....
Cut those out.

It is 8:11 am and I am trying to decide which 
direction to head in next.
I have a whole host of things on my 
"to do" list for today.
Good thing I got a head start!

Here's the tentative list:

Four loads of laundry
Scrub bathroom and kitchen floors.
Get groceries
Make 5 hot chocolate mugs
Make 2 new bowl candles

What are you up to today?

Hopefully you are able to focus......

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


I'll be very scarce today as I need to:
1. Make a candle order.
2. Teach the children.
3. Drop Mikey at work.
4. Go Bowling.
5. Make dinner - or pull it from crock pot.
6. Be my "official self" at the county-wide Grad meeting tonight.
7. Crash into bed-- and sleep!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Candle Making...

I have been MIA in the kitchen making Valentine Themed Candles. Oh, is this fun!
My goal is to create products that are frilly and pretty.

This is what I have come up with so far...

Peach Colored Victorian Rose Scented votive inside this pretty vase. I have two of these and I can just see them on my seller's table. They will be so pretty.

Then there is this:

It is so much prettier and cuter in person. An Apple Cinnamon Soy candle in Gorham Cut Crystal Votive. Then this is tucked into a precious little cardboard bag and finished off with a handwritten tag and raffia bow.

Peachy Victorian Rose appears again here:

And an Apple Cinnamon in an Apple jar with lid:

There are more...but I guess I have spent enough time here..if I intend to get these completed and to my seller this evening.

Blessings on you and yours today.