Cartoonized Baby Rocket Dog & Hootie

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Friday, May 27, 2011

What Is This??

Oh the horror. Oh the embarassment. Why would our mommy take a photo like this? Am I meerly something to be toyed with for her own sick amusement? Where is the rest of my body?! Out of like the last 100 pictures she has taken lately of flowers and trees and shadows and other dogs...THIS is the only picture she takes of me? Really?? This weekend there better be a LOT of proper photos taken of me. Or else...

WelshieHugs and kisses,


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Critters @ A Montana Auction

Mommy went to the Amish school auction in Montana on Saturday and left us home. She rode along with some neighbors, so said that is why we couldn't go with her. She snapped these photos of a few 4-leggeds that she saw at the auction so we could see what we missed. That little malti-poo was a real cutie. Very photogenic. Sure wish we had gone along. Oh well. Later!

Smooches from pooches,

BabyRocketDog and Hootie

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

We're Clean ~ But There's A Fungus AmoungUs!!

Just a quick note. We both went to our vet, Dr. Hall, today and got our yearly shots and check up. He said my (BRD) teeth are perfect with NO tarter!! Hootie had a little on his 2 back teeth and Doc got rid of it. Then Mommy asked a strange request of him: Would you make sure they don't have ringworm? He got out his black light and checked us out thoroughly. Also gave a good visual. No ringworm here. No ringworm there. Then Mom surprised us by telling him she thinks she has that fungus on a spot on her belly!! (Her Dr. appt. is on Thursday.) Image our shock and dismay. We sure hope she doesn't pass that on to us. Sheesh! If you really wanna be grossed out, go online and google ringworm...Our mom is a paranoid freakaziod after reading all that stuff. More later cats and jammers!

Smooches from pooches,
BabyRocketDog & Hootie

Monday, May 9, 2011

Look Who We Visited For Mother's Day...

The lady in these pictures is our mommy's favorite person, Ilse. We drove to Montana to visit Miss Ilse and her little pooch, Tica2, for Mother's Day. We had the best time visiting with them. Miss Ilse is from The Rheinland of Germany originally, but has been a US citizen for many years. Mommy and she went out for a fine luncheon buffet AND they didn't take us!! Sheesh. At least we got to get treats and play with Tica2 after they returned to Ilse's cottage. The last picture is of me (Hootie) after Mommy, BabyRocketDog and I returned to our hotel in Kalispell. It was a bit chilly, so I got to wear my jammies that Sowena the Lakie's mommy sewed for me. That little Tica2 (a Malti-Poo) is SO much fun to play with, and as you can see, she wore me out!!



Friday, May 6, 2011

Hootie's Loft Spot for Sleeping At Night...

Last Summer Mommy bought this odd, folding chair at Staples for Hootie. She keeps it in the folk's loft bedroom so he can sleep there instead of their bed at night. All she needs to say is,"Hootie, chair!" and he jumps in his chair and curls up. Only problem is it isn't slip covered, and can't be thrown in the wash machine. So, a washable throw now acts as a cover. Doesn't he look comfy?? Have a great weekend and week ahead!


Baby Rocket Dog

Help Sell Pip's House!!

HEY EVERYBUDDY... let's help Pip get his house sold.. I hope you liked this surprise PIP!!! THIS is what furends are fur!!! Jazzi got the ball rollin with her grrrrrreat post... and then Puddles had the idea fur the Badge... and we decided to send out sneaky emails to everybuddy... except fur YOU. BaWaaah Hope this helps... and that it Cheers you Up!!! Here is the link to PIP's blog PeeS.... he is gonna have a grrrreat Super Hero Contest so you will want to go to his post from WEDNESDAY to see about that.AND PeePeeS... Sarge is havin a contest too be sure to go to SARGE SPEAKS OUT to learn more about THAT One.

The above was from our buddy, Frankie Furter's blog. We got an email from Miss Asta to give us the heads up. Mommy has become so lazy that she can't even find her own words. Bad mommy. Oh well, at least we got her to post today. Hope you all have a great weekend!

Smooches from pooches,

Baby Rocket Dog & Hootie