Monday, December 25, 2017



    HEY... it's ME  Frankie Furter...     here today to tell you about MY Christmas...  from MY beloved   ABBY T. LAB...      
   She sent a pressie fur our Mom.
      It is a Leash Bag...  fur when we go on walkies and to special events and stuffs...   it has a plastic liner so She can put Snacks in there fur us... and she can use it fur holding our poop bags...   as long as they are EMPTY...  Just sayin.    Now you can tell that it is NOT fur US beclaws of that "SQUIRREL" on the front.      Butt MOM says it is a grrrrreat thingy... it has a nice clip on it... so it will hang easily from a leash.      I just care that it is big enough to hold Plenty of SNACKS.     

Now Abby thinks of EVERYTHINGY...  she sent ME a REALLY REALLY Special stuffie Toy.       I love it....    I actually think it is JUST DUCKY in fact... and Abby KNOWS that I have some experience with DUCKS..

SO....   check it out....   Abby had This  DUCKY STUFFIE made JUST FUR ME...

Isn't it WONDERFUL ?        A Duck that I can actually PLAY with...   INSIDE the HOUSE...   I don't allow the Jaws of DOOM  Ernie NEAR my Ducky Duck...   fur Obvious reasons.
     Abby is SO thoughtful.    
  She even Sent a Pressie fur ERNIE...
     Check this out...
          Ernie gotted a .... Stuffie...     C A T.

I don't know WHY... butt So Far Ernie The Enormous has not Deaded and Shredded his Stuffie.     Y E T   that is.   

Thank you Abby...   everythingy is wonderful.   

BUTT WAIT.....  There's MORE....     WE gotted a pressie package from our Sweet Wonderful furend...  PHEENY...      
    Check this out...    Coloring Stuffs fur MOM....     THOSE are DACHSHUND Crayons...  and a BOOK of Super Pictures fur her to use them on...    once she decides if she wants to rub their Noses on the paper or Scoot their Butts over the pictures.    Baaaaaaaa Waaah...      She Can't WAIT fur her Coloring fur the Elderly group to see these...       They are gonna LOVE Em.   Just like Mom does. 
 Now these are pictures of us playing with what Pheeny sent to US...
 You can TELL how much we like them... by how fast our TAILS are Waggin'.
Mom used the (SHIVER)  Snow Freak Scissors to cut the tags Off of our CANDY CANE Squeaker Stuffies...            We are havin a blast with them...      Thank You  Pheeny...   YOU are SO THOUGHTFUL.
We are gonna TRY to be back MUCH MORE OFTEN...     

MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR to Each and Every One of YOU.   
          Frankie and Ernie


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Franki, that duck is simply superb (as is Ernie's cat) and those candy squeaks are the bizz... you sure did well out of the postman!!! Aren't Abby and DP furbulous shoppers? Have heaps of fun today; much Love, hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

easyweimaraner said...

what a fab christmouse you have... ducks andd cats... what pawsome additions to da pawfect christmas pawty ;O)

My GBGV Life said...

Merry Christmas to you boys and your family! Always happy to see you!

Sheltie Times said...

Merry Christmas boys and to your family.

Duke said...

Such wonderful gifts from wonderful friends! Merry Christmas!

Little Miss Titch said...

Pawsome gifts,Merry Christmas to you all,xx Speedy

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What pawsome pressies from Abby and Phenny!!!
A Very Merry Christmas from our pack to yours!
Jakey, Arty & Rosy

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Cool pressies, Frankie. Your friends treated you so very well.

• ★ Merry ★* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★ Christmas 。* 。
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Wooing up wishes for a very Merry and Blessed Christmas Day from our home to yours!

Merry Woos from The OP Pack and Mom

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Fabulous pressies from Abby, Frankie. Wish I could help Ernie shred and dead that cat stuffie. But just giving it the occasional death shake would be fun, too! We can see that you had a wonderful Christmas.

My Mind's Eye said...

Meowy Happy Christmas to you Frankie and Ernie and to your peeps.
Hugs madi your bfff and mom
PS we caught up on your post we have missed you two

Robin + Christmas said...

OMD have a pawsome Christmas!

Kismet said...

I hope you got a new set of law books-you must have lost the old ones.

LBJ said...

I just loved ALL the toys and treats that you sent, as well as the box of goodies from Sarge and the Crabbyy Girls. Mom took pictures to do a post tomorrow. I'm having SO much fun. You are the BEST Frankie!

Abby Lab

The Army of Four said...

Merry Christmas, boys! To your peeps, too!
Cammie and Mags

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Abby is a great shopper. Merry Christmas dear friends.

C.L.W.STEP said...

We're so glad you had a great Christmas!

Murphy said...

What thoughtful friends! Merry Christmas!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Idaho PugRanch said...

Wonderful gifts!!
Merry Christmas!
Hazel & Mabel

Ruby said...

You boys are some lucky duckies!!!! Those pressies are just FABulous! That Abby sure does know how to take care of a fella!!!
I hopes you are having a very Merry Christmas!!!
Ruby ♥

WFT Nobby said...

You have such great friends and what wonderful presents. (Thank goodness the treat bag was big enough).
Toodle pip!

Millie and Walter said...

Those are all such great pressie packages. We know you'll have lots of fun playing with all that. We hope your mom's Coloring fur the Elderly group likes her new coloring book and crayons. BOL!

Amy, Xena and Lucy said...

How cool you have live ducks, Frankie. And now a stuffie duck that you can deadie. Just don't try that on the live ones!

Morrie Major said...

Wow what amazing presents!!!
I got a really great card from Abby Lab! That was the best!!
Lots of licks, your new friend Morrie :)

M. K. Clinton said...

Those toys are wagnificent! That was very sweet. We hope to see you around more often. You always make us smile.

Mara said...

Those toys are fantastic. I love the cat and the duck. Very cute. And oh my word, those tails are going at supersonic speed! That must have been a super gift.

Mara from Norway

Sweet William The Scot said...

“Tomorrow, is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Let us pray our world writes a good one.”
Happy Healthy New Year Frankie & Ernie & Family
Sweet William The Scot

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello frankie and ernie its dennis the vizsla dog hay it shoor luks like yoo guys did verry wel with loot this yeer!!! yoo must definitly be on the nice list!!! happy noo yeer to all of yoo!!! ok bye