Showing posts with label Marjory Collins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marjory Collins. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Marjory Collins

 New York, New York. Italian-American children buying stamps and bonds at Public School eight on King Street from mothers who volunteer to guard doorways and. December 1942
 New York, New York. Merchant seamen's Christmas party at the Andrew Feruseth Club on Christmas Day. Dancing with hostesses. December 1942
 New York, New York. Orchestra in a Turkish nightclub on Allen Street. 
The girl plays a tambourine between dances. December 1942
 New York, New York. R. H. Macy and Company department store 
during the week before Christmas. December 1942
 New York, New York. Shoeshine parlor on East Forty-Second Street. Customers in the foreground are waiting while their shoes are repaired. September 1942
New York. New York. Class in citizenship and English for Italians given free of charge at the Hudson Park library on Seventh Avenue near Bleeker Street. January 1943

Monday, March 28, 2016

Marjory Collins

 New York, New York. Blowing horns on 
Bleeker Street on New Year's Day, January 1943
 New York, New York. Class in Public School Eight on King Street, discussing a book entitled "We love America," brought to school by one of the pupils. January 1943
 New York, New York. Class in Public School Eight on King Street, discussing a book entitled "We love America," brought to school by one of the pupils. January 1943
 New York, New York. Customers in a grocery store on Mulberry Street. 
Italian, Jewish and Chinese people live in this neighborhood. January 1943
 New York, New York. Dr. and Mrs. Winn [or Wynn], Janet and Marie, a Czech-American family, playing Chinese checkers while their grandmother knits. October 1942
 New York, New York. Gypsy woman who is habitue of Marconi's Restaurant on Mulberry Street. She dropped in for a bite to eat New Year's Eve, and did a spontaneous dance. November 1942
New York, New York. New Year's Eve in Marconi's Restaurant on Mulberry Street. 
This Gypsy woman is a habitue of the place. November 1942

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Marjory Collins

Ms. Collins took these photos in Oswego, New York in June 1943.

A citizen showing his wife vegetables from his 
victory garden as she starts on her way to church
A hayride for the United Nations heroes and Oswego girls during United Nations week
A street
 Ames Ironworks float, drawn by horses because of the 
gas rationing, in the United Nations week parade
Belgian sailor leads singing on a hayride for the United Nations 
heroes and Oswego girls during United Nations week
 Boys recruited to work on the farms during the summer 
waiting to be picked up by the farmers at 7:30 am
 Diamond Match Company unit in the United Nations week parade
Greek sailor and his friends at the carnival during United Nations week
Belgian and Greek sailors talking with a Negro worker 
at the carnival during United Nations week

Monday, August 19, 2013

Marjory Collins

 Washington, D.C. Salvage drive, Victory Program. "Cleaning" metal 
 by hammering off parts to separate kinds of metal, 1942
 Washington, D.C. Scrap salvage campaign, Victory Program. 
Children bringing their weekly contribution of scrap paper to school, 1942
 Washington, D.C. Scrap salvage campaign, Victory Program. 
Children bringing their weekly contribution of scrap paper to school, 1942
 Washington, D.C. Scrap salvage campaign, Victory Program. People bring 
their junk to a retail junk yard in everything from a pushcart to a limousine, 1942
 Washington, D.C. Scrap salvage campaign, Victory Program. Schoolchildren bring their scrap paper from their classrooms into the cellar, where it is picked up by paper company truck, 1942
 Washington, D.C. Scrap salvage campaign, Victory Program. This wagon 
has been used to collect scrap. It is parked outside a retail junk yard, 1942
 Washington, D.C. Scrap salvage campaign, Victory Program. Washington schoolchild 
brings a load of scrap paper to school once a week, 1942
 Washington, D.C. Sunbathers in East Potomac Park on Sunday, 1942
 Washington, D.C. Sunday swimmers at the municipal swimming pool, 1942
 Washington, D.C. Taking snapshots on Sunday in Rock Creek Park, 1942
Washington, D.C. Watermelon vendor at the farmers' market, 1942

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Marjory Collins

 St. Mary's County, Maryland. Sunday school picnic on the edge of the Patuxent River, 1942
 St. Mary's County, Maryland. Sunday school picnic on the edge of the Patuxent River, 1942
 Washington, D.C. A Sunday picnic in Rock Creek Park, 1942
 Washington, D.C. Audience of wives watching their husbands play amateur baseball on a diamond near Lincoln Memorial on Sunday. Woman in the rear left is keeping score, 1942
 Washington, D.C. Government workers lunch outside the 
U.S. Department of Agriculture in Washington Monument park, 1942
 Washington, D.C. Government workers lunch outside the 
U.S. Department of Agriculture in Washington Monument park, 1942
 Washington, D.C. Municipal swimming pool on Sunday, 1942
 Washington, D.C. On Sunday people wait as long 
as one hour to get into the municipal swimming pool, 1942
 Washington, D.C. Picnickers in East Potomac Park, 1942
 Washington, D.C. Relaxing on the edge of the municipal swimming pool on Sunday, 1942
But what's this...?

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Marjory Collins

 At 7 a.m. on June 21, 1942, the day before stricter gas rationing was enforced, 
cars were pouring into this gas station on upper Wisconsin Avenue
 New York. Janet and Marie Wynn (lower left), Czech-American children, 
climbing on monkey bars in Central Park playground, 1942

 New York. Mall fountain in Central Park on Sunday, 1942
 New York. Manicurist at Francois de Paris, a hairdresser on Eighth Street, 1942
 New York. O'Reilly's bar on Third Avenue in the Fifties, 1942
 New York. O'Reilly's bar on Third Avenue in the Fifties, 1942
 New York. The mall restaurant in Central Park on Sunday, 1942
New York. Train gate at the Pennsylvania railroad station, 1942
 New York. Waiting for trains at the Pennsylvania railroad station, 1942
 New York. Waiting room at the Pennsylvania railroad station, 1942
 Residents of one of Washington's best residential sections 
apply for sugar ration cards at Adams School, 1942