Showing posts with label Korean War. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Korean War. Show all posts

Monday, April 17, 2017

Korean War

A little Korean Miss piggy-backs her young brother while Driver G C Cashion, of Christchurch, prepares for war by camouflaging his "B" platoon truck, 6 October 1953
 Papasan and his two kiddies carry on with the rice harvest 
while the trucks of "B" platoon camouflage into the hillside for 
the practice operation in case of air raids by enemy planes, 1953
Gun crew of Easy 4, 163 Battery still looking fresh after 
a strenuous nights work on the gun, 17 July 1952
Korean funeral procession, 31 December 1953
Korean houseboy sitting talking to New Zealand gunners at the 16th Field R H Q with a puppy in his arms, has seen a lot more action than most people. Cho Too Hyuns, one time High Executioner to a Japanese Division, 21 May 1953
Laying of a sandbagged test point for the Divisional 
Signals telephone circuit, Korea, 1 September 1952
Men from Charlie troop, Royal NZ Signals Regiment, 
laying telephone cable in Korea, 3 September 1952
Courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Inger Schulstad

 Dr. Schulstad with envoys from the US Air Force Medical Department, 1952
[Archive reference: Tor.H49.B01.B1054]
 Dr. Yang and group from Seoul City Hospital with Dr. Schulstad, 1952
[Archive reference: Tor.H49.B01.B1020]
 Helmets on! On the way to the front. Dr. Schulstad on right, 1952
[Archive reference: Tor.H49.B01.B1043]
 House for three, Korea, 1952
[Archive reference: Tor.H49.B01.B1023]
Korean house, 1952
[Archive reference: Tor.H49.B01.B1077]

Monday, May 2, 2016

Inger Schulstad

Dr. Schulstad visiting an American MASH, 1952
[Archive reference: Tor.H49.B01.B1067]
Dr. Schulstad with personnel from Indian Parachute Field Ambulance, 1952
[Archive reference: Tor.H49.B01.B1061]
 NORMASH Liaison, 1952
[Archive reference: Tor.H49.B01.B1070]
 NORMASH personnel, 1952
[Archive reference: Tor.H49.B01.B1066]
Tossing chaff, 1952
[Archive reference: Tor.H49.B01.B1039]

Friday, December 11, 2015

Inger Schulstad

Here's another set from our Norwegian MASH doctor.

Dr. Schulstad with American soldiers, 1952
[Archive reference: Tor.H49.B01.B1052]
Dr. Schulstad with children at NORMASH, 1952
[Archive reference: Tor.H49.B01.B1063]
Evacuation by helicopter for 7 patients, 1952
 [Archive reference: Tor.H49.B01.B1009]
Food for post-op, 1952
 [Archive reference: Tor.H49.B01.B1013]
Helicopter arrives at NORMASH with two patients, 1952
[Archive reference: Tor.H49.B01.B1002]

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Inger Schulstad

Inger Schulstad was a Norwegian doctor who served in the Korean War at NORMASH - Norwegian Mobile Army Surgical Hospital. (Wonder if she ever visited the folks at the 4077?) The photos are from the Trondheim Archives, and all date from 1952.

Capitol Records Jazz Concert - Dr. Schulstad in Tokyo
[Archive reference: Tor.H49.B01.B1112]
Captain Berninger at 3rd Battalion Aid Station
[Archive reference: Tor.H49.B01.B1044]
Children at Camp NORMASH
[Archive reference: Tor.H49.B01.B1024]
Children looking through trash
[Archive reference: Tor.H49.B01.B1026]
Doing laundry in a helmet
[Archive reference: Tor.H49.B01.B1019]

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Ian Mackley

Mr. Mackley photographed New Zealand troops in the Korean War.

5 pounders of 162 Battery, 16th NZ Field Regiment, 
in action in Korea, 8 November 1951
Australian and New Zealand troops at concert by 
band of US 1st Cavalry Division, Korea, 25 July 1952
Australian and NZ personnel alongside their notice outside 
Anzac Park, a new playing field they have built alongside forward 
defensive positions. Rugby, soccer, athletics and other sports October 1951
Gun crew in action, Korea, 1 April 1952
Kiwis at 10 Coy RNZASC gather around their 
Xmas tree at Coy HQ, December 1951
New Zealand gunners sitting around a 
space heater, Korea, 6 October 1951
New Zealand sappers having a beer outside their hut, Korea, 1951-52
Sergeant J M Bragg, Gunner D J Humphries and Gunner D J Kelly operating a 25 pounder during the first major offensive of the 1st British Commonwealth Division, Korea, October 1951
Courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Korean War

These photos of the Korean War were taken by New Zealand photographers.

 Crowd at Aotea Quay, Wellington, as K-Force troops 
leave for Korea on the Ormonde, December 1950
 WAAC officers and sergeants, prior to departure for Korea, August 1951
 163 Battery personnel outside the mess tent after Christmas dinner, December 1951
 Lance Corporal J Calincos and Driver J Cummings serving 
lunch to men of the Composite Platoon, Korea, October 1951
Explanation in English by Sig. J G Coleman, of Feilding, clears up the point for two KATCOM signalmen, Han Yong Su and Kim Do Yuin, as they share a copy of The Soldier on a sunny Korean hillside, 17 May 1953
Courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand