
Daisypath Anniversary tickers


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Showing posts with label us. Show all posts

Sunday, October 28, 2012

My first anniversary

Just a very simple mini celebration..mega celebration tak tau lah bila sebab saya kejar deadline thesis..

Kiwi and strawberi homemade juice..hihih and love shot!!!hahaha
Yang penting meaningfull for both of us..;)

Happy 1st anniversary love...I love you always....;)

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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

How do you know?

Pernah tengok cerita Enchanted?
pernah tak dengar lagu 'That's how you know?'
I love the song sooo much!!
and lirik yang paling disukai ialah

You've got to show her you need her
Don't treat her like a mind reader
Each day do something to need her
To believe you love her

More lyrics: http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/e/enchanted/#share
Yup, we are not supposed to treat or spouse like they are the mind reader..
please lah cakap..

Everything or anything i want, i'll voice it out to my husband..
tak secara direct, secara kiasan..but i'll keep telling him kalau dia tak paham atau buat-buat tak paham..hihihi
if apa yang i nak tu tak dapat, he'll explain why and im okay jer..
tak ler mengada tak dapat nak jugak kan..but please tell..

I always expect him to do the same..tapi my husband macam tak dak apa yang dia nak..
jarang ler..hihihi so now i cakap kat dia i nak ler dia btau apa yang dia nak jugak..
and i start berleter bla bla bla..

seriously kan, we are not mind readers, just voice out what we want..
or else, sampai bila pun tak tau..
and bila dah start cakap apa yang nak ni, banyak keluar benda-benda yang funny..hahahah

Almost a year kahwin, there are still a lot of secrets..hahahah


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

bila masak dengan penuh kasih sayang

Last week punya cerita..
When husbands cooked baked macaroni cheese...
italian dish with a bit malay taste alteration..

step 1

step 2

step 3

step 4 ni cheese letak sebelah jer..im not a fan of cheese
so beliau bahagi 2 bahagian..hihi

step 5

step 6

step 7

step 8, again yang banyak cheese to his part..mine yang sikit tu..hihih

The result!!!

and what i cooked ..hahahaha

ourr dinner....nyum2!!

Me: complicatednyer la hai...
Husband: ni lah masak dengan penuh kasih sayang

Sedap giler you olls..Subhanallah..hihihi
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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Not so wordless Wednesday again

I miss this little girl so much..
nama dia Irsa..
last peluk cium dia masa gempa ritu..hahah
budak besar-besar ni best ler gomoi and peluk..
dah umur 3 tahun banyak cakap nanti malas dah nak layan..

and yeah..
spontaneous celebration yang tak plan..
2 slices of cake and horlick for 6 months and 4 days wedding anniversary..
tak payah beria..
makan sebab teringin..boleh?:p

p/s: the blouse made from saree material is up!!
do check out my blogshop or on FB..
thank you!!:D