" One ring to rule them all, One ring to find them, One ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them."
Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα Rohan. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων
Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα Rohan. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων
Σάββατο 28 Ιανουαρίου 2012
Κυριακή 18 Δεκεμβρίου 2011
My first tournament...
Today I went to my first tournament for Lord of the Rings...
My armies were the following:
Good army
The tower of Eclethion
Faramir, captain of Gondor with heavy armour and horse 85p.
5 Knights of Minas tirith with shields 70p.
11 Warriors of Minas tirith with shields 88p.
16 Warriors of Minas tirith with spears and shields 144p.
11 Warriors of Minas tirith with bows 88p.
Allies The grey company
Ranger of the north 25p.
Total 500 points, 45 models, Bow limit 11/43 26%
Evil army
The Isengard raiders
Vrasku 60p.
8 Uruk-hai scouts 64p.
8 Uruk-hai scouts with shields 72p.
8 Uruk-hai scouts with bows 72p.
Allies Moria
Goblin captain with shield 40p.
7 Moria goblins with shields 35p.
8 Moria goblins with spears 40p.
6 Moria goblins with bows 30p.
Cave troll with troll chain 85p.
Total 498 points, 48 models, Bow limit 8/24 33% and 6/22 28%
At my first battle I faced Ladril the Moonchild...
I took my evil army and he the good forces...
He had a Rohan army list...
Eomer with horse throwing spears and shield
Eowyn with armour
8 Rohan warriors with shields
5 Rohan warriors with throwing spears and shields
8 Rohan warriors with bows
4 Rohan riders with shields
4 Rohan riders with throwing spears
4 Rohan riders with bows
Vrasku travelling far in the desert came across a rohan force led by the royal family and it's general... They wanted also to rest at the oasis...
The scenario was Meeting Engagement...
We put the terrain and deployed our forces on opposite sides... From the right I put the goblins and the troll and on the left the Uruk-hai. He put the riders at the right and the infatry at the left.
We started and I split my army into two forces... I sent the troll with the Uruk-hai withs shields along the goblins with spears to the east to face the riders and the rest of my warriors to face his main army.
We moved for some turns... I moved Vrasku and the archers towards the lake while the goblin archers went towards the hill. From the enemy's arrows Vrasku was left with no fate... At turn 4 the first charge was made... The riders came and attacked the troll and my forces nearby...
The riders crushed my forces and only the troll and a lucky arrow killed in total four riders... I know as I had no cavalry I would have a disadvantage and that I got priority in only two of the seven turns didn't help me at all...

By the first turn we moved our forces... He captured the tree behind the wall with a spearman while I with my goblins captured the tree behind the great statue-mountain... His citadel guards moved on the hill...
What I learned:
- Cavarly is much more important than I had imagined
- Shielding which I never have used before is very useful
- Check very good Lome before play
And so their village was ruined and they got hunted, they led their people towards the north to the cold places to escape their raiders and find a new place to live... And as they left the warrior who led them, Ite turned around and whispered to the sky: " Shadow lord, I hate you more than everything..."
My armies were the following:
Good army
The tower of Eclethion
Faramir, captain of Gondor with heavy armour and horse 85p.
5 Knights of Minas tirith with shields 70p.
11 Warriors of Minas tirith with shields 88p.
16 Warriors of Minas tirith with spears and shields 144p.
11 Warriors of Minas tirith with bows 88p.
Allies The grey company
Ranger of the north 25p.
Total 500 points, 45 models, Bow limit 11/43 26%
Evil army
The Isengard raiders
Vrasku 60p.
8 Uruk-hai scouts 64p.
8 Uruk-hai scouts with shields 72p.
8 Uruk-hai scouts with bows 72p.
Allies Moria
Goblin captain with shield 40p.
7 Moria goblins with shields 35p.
8 Moria goblins with spears 40p.
6 Moria goblins with bows 30p.
Cave troll with troll chain 85p.
Total 498 points, 48 models, Bow limit 8/24 33% and 6/22 28%
At my first battle I faced Ladril the Moonchild...
I took my evil army and he the good forces...
He had a Rohan army list...
Eomer with horse throwing spears and shield
Eowyn with armour
8 Rohan warriors with shields
5 Rohan warriors with throwing spears and shields
8 Rohan warriors with bows
4 Rohan riders with shields
4 Rohan riders with throwing spears
4 Rohan riders with bows
Vrasku travelling far in the desert came across a rohan force led by the royal family and it's general... They wanted also to rest at the oasis...
The scenario was Meeting Engagement...
We put the terrain and deployed our forces on opposite sides... From the right I put the goblins and the troll and on the left the Uruk-hai. He put the riders at the right and the infatry at the left.
We started and I split my army into two forces... I sent the troll with the Uruk-hai withs shields along the goblins with spears to the east to face the riders and the rest of my warriors to face his main army.
We moved for some turns... I moved Vrasku and the archers towards the lake while the goblin archers went towards the hill. From the enemy's arrows Vrasku was left with no fate... At turn 4 the first charge was made... The riders came and attacked the troll and my forces nearby...
The riders crushed my forces and only the troll and a lucky arrow killed in total four riders... I know as I had no cavalry I would have a disadvantage and that I got priority in only two of the seven turns didn't help me at all...
At least at the same turn I cause damage at Gamling leaving him with 1 wound and also I attacked the main force of rohan warriors...
It was obvious that I was going to lose...
And so by turn five the riders left to attack my archers and Vrasku... I managed to kill Gamling at that turn... By next turn my force got broken and I lost many warriors... Before I suffer my major loss at the end of turn 7 I managed to break Rohan...
Vrasku left the desert oasis and went northern regrouping forces... Rohan may have won but he mourned about his lost warriors... 17 men of Rohan and Gamling were lying dead...
2nd battle
This time I played against Korlash... He had a gondor force:
Minas tirith captain with shield
8 citadel guards with longbows
5 knights of Minas tirith
8 warriors of minas tirith with shieldsm
8 warriors of minas tirith with spear and shields
Saruman as ally
Vrasku after regrouping went north to Gondor... There where four great trees of gret importance... The gondorians got out to protect their treasures and Saruman joined them to get the precious fruits... Vrasku had turned against his master but would he be victorious?
We played Domination...
As the story says the objectives were some trees...Between the ruins the forces marched against each other...
I deployed at my right the archers and Vrasku to get the most right tree, Near them where the Uruk-hai scouts, the unshielded on the right,the shielded on the left and the goblins with the spears in the middle along the troll and the captain. On the far west where my archers and my goblins with shields...
Saruman along the captain and the infatry deployed near the ruined wall where one of the trees was... The knights marched from the middle while the citadel guards archers were behind a hill on the northwest corner near another tree...
By turn 3 Saruman had began his sorceous blastes... My archers captured another tree bringing us to 2-1...
The enemeies were getting closer... and after two turns various battle had began around the middle of the field...
Althought I managed to get advance then in the middle pf the board my troll died by bows and my force got broken... I began to lose... Vrasku died, many warriors left and at turn 10 my last uruk-hai scout fought against many enemies and fell... Korlash got a major victory by eliminating me and I got a major lose again... Actually we forgot that when a force brokes if you roll 1-2 the game ends and so maybe I would get a draw or a minor win but it's enought I enjoyed it...
Vrasku was slain and on the battlefield bodies of the dead were scattered almost everywhere... The men of Gondor has protected the trees and Saruman got some of the fruits for his plans...
Far away at another village of Gondor, the bronze village, evil men raids are usual... Men
from far lands come to this very village... The men and women are hidden and the warriors rush, rush to defend the village and give them time to escape...
3rd battle
This time I played against Legolas6 and I used my good force...
His evil army was:
Shadow lord
Easterling war priest
5 Easterlings kataphrakts
8 Easterlings with shields and spears
7 Easterlings with shields and swords
Mahud chieftain on camel
We played take and hold and we had to capture the well in the middle of the Bronze village(which led to the peasants).
So little by little my warrior and enemies walked in... Here is what happened by the first turn:The first small battles began by turn two:
More and more warriors joined the battle with 3 remaining from my force and none from the enemy... The forces moved towards the well:
The next turn left only one warrior out of battle while the other warriors were fighting, Faramir died but at least I left the War priest with one wound...
By next turn every model was on the field(well expect the dead ones) and I managed to kill the war priest
and the center was full of warriors:
and the center was full of warriors:
After two turns the things were as this:
At the 8th turn no knight remained, neither of Minas tirith nor Kataphrakt... I killed the camel of the Mahud chief and at the very last battle of the 8th turn I reduced my enemy to half models of his starting number... And just then Ladril The Moonchild announced to us all that the game ends because the shop is gonna close... And he had 8 warriors near the well and I six... So a minor loss... If only I had some more time, even a turn I believe I could do a minor win or even a major one(but never say never)... So two major loses and one minor lose is my first results... I came 9th(last place) at the tournament which included: expect me and the players I played against, many players which had goblins as their evil army and many players which had elves as a good army... What I learned:
- Cavarly is much more important than I had imagined
- Shielding which I never have used before is very useful
- Check very good Lome before play
And so their village was ruined and they got hunted, they led their people towards the north to the cold places to escape their raiders and find a new place to live... And as they left the warrior who led them, Ite turned around and whispered to the sky: " Shadow lord, I hate you more than everything..."
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