Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα Mordor. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων
Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα Mordor. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων

Τρίτη 31 Ιανουαρίου 2012

Lord of the rings SBG 2012 collection

Green:Painted Red:Unpainted Purple:In progrees
Kingdoms of Men
3 Rangers of the North
3 Rangers of the North with spears
Minas tirith
Boromir of the white tower
Faramir Ft & Mt
6 Knights of Minas tirith with shields
16 Warriors of Minas tirith with shields
16 Warriors of Minas tirith with spears and shields
8 Warriors of Minas tirith with bows
8 Citadel guards with longbows
15 Rangers of Gondor
5 Rangers of Gondor with spears

The Free Peoples
Eregion and Rivendell
Glorfindel Ft & Mt
Lothlorien and Mirkwood
16 Galadhrim warriors with elven blades
16 Galadhrim warriors with shields and spears
16 Galadhrim warriors with elven bows
8 Wood elves with elven blades
8 Wood elves with spears
8 Wood elves with elven bows
The Fellowship

Witch-king of Angmar
Dark Marshal Ft & Mt
9 Ringwraiths
Mounted Ringwraith
2 Orc captains
Orc banner bearer
6 Orcs with shields
6 Orcs with Two-handed weapons
10 Orcs with spears
7 Orcs with orc bows
Warg rider with shield
2 Warg riders with spears
2 Warg riders with orc bows
Mordor troll

The Fallen Realms
Harad and Umbar
11 Haradhrim warriors with spears
9 Haradhrim warriors with bows
Haradhrim raider banner bearer
3 Haradhrim raiders with spears
3 Haradhrim raiders with bows
Uruk-hai captain
Uruk-hai banner bearer
8 Uruk-hai scouts
8 Uruk-hai scouts with shields
8 Uruk-hai scouts with orc bows
10 Uruk-hai with shields
10 Uruk-hai with pikes
4 Uruk-hai berserkers
8 Uruk-hai with crossbows
The Eastern Kingdoms
Easterling captain
Easterling banner bearer
8 Easterlings with shields
4 Easterlings with pikes and shields
8 Easterlings with bows
5 Easterlings Kataphrakts

Moria and Angmar
7 Moria goblins with shields
8 Moria goblins with spears
8 Moria goblins with bows
Cave troll

Painted 248/361 68% In Progress 28/114 26%

Τετάρτη 28 Δεκεμβρίου 2011

Take the castle version 4 part 2

Turn 16
I took priority and my banner fled but orcs on the right wall didn't. In this turn I managed to circle Halbarad and kill him.Thanks to Uruk-hai with the pikes Faramir died this turn.
Turn 17
I got priority for another time. Everyone passed his tests expect Grishnakh for me and Merry and Pippin for my brother. To ger rid of Glorfindel I used a black dart and killed his horse.
Turn 18
Got priority again but nothing important.
Turn 19
This turn I took priority again., My Uruk-hai captain left  as did my orcs on the right wall. Witch king managed to kill Boromir with his black darts and so my warriors were safe now.
On the south my rangers killed many of the rangers before the cavalry come. Glorfindel got circled and died.

Turn 20
This turn my brother got priority. Only one Dunedain and one ranger of the north left. As for me one ranger of the north died. My cavalry attacked the remaining rangers of the north while in the pre-road the battles had no stop. 

Turn 21
Sadly a Ringwraith left this turn althought another one along few warriors got on the left wall.

The battles before the right wall and the pre-road continued.
Turn 22
My warriors led by a ringwraith got on the right wall. My raiders marched towards the gte while the cave troll started to kill.

Turn 23
I took priority again, another Ringwraith left but I manage to kill a ranger of the north.
Turn 24
My brother got priority and took an advantage at the pre-road. I killed another ranger of the north.

Turn 25
Another ranger of the north died, the last one. Only one ranger was left alive.  At the same time the troll killed many warriors. Until now I had 60 warriors remaining while my brother 39.

Turn 26
All of the rangers were lying dead but the troll got killed this turn because of Gimli joining the combat.

Turn 27
This turn I got priority and used Saruman. Spending four of his will plus the free one and three might he managed to throw down most warriors and so my army charged them. Sam left afraid while on the left wall it's last defender, a heroic wood elf died.

Turn 28
The ringwraith on the right managed to get down, my archers got ready to fire at Frodo. Saruman used all of his will and sent  down Gimli again before my warriors attack him.

Turn 29

I got priority, I set my archers to fire Galadriel and Frodo. Many warriors of my brother left because Gimli being in a fight.

Turn 30
Last turn, nothing too important expect that another Nazgul managed to get down.
Points for killing heroes(Count also those who  left because of break)
All heroes(19) of my brother expect Galadriel and Gimli not alive or at the board
17 point for me
Two Nazgul, the four captains, Grishnakh and Vrasku have left or died
8 points for my brother
Most warriors outside: Me 12- Brother 0
More warriors on each wall:
Right wall: Me 18- Brother 0
Left wall: Me 11- Brother 0
More warriors inside the castle
Me 9 Brother 7(The only survivors)
Again the good survivors were only 7.
Galadriel(Again!), Gimli(Instead of Legolas), three Minas tirith warriors with sword and shield, two galadhrim elves with spears and shields.

By HilbertGR productions