
Showing posts with the label profile

Happy Friday!

Did you watch any of the Royal Wedding? A little too early for me but I hope to see some of it in reruns; I have seen many of the pictures, though. Kate’s dress is beeeyoooteeful! Perfect for her. And perfect for a royal wedding! Seeing her reminded me how I always wanted to be a princess. Well, a queen actually but then I thought it might be too much responsibility so I’d settle for princess. :) ~ It’s a good thing I wasn’t invited (believe me, I looked for that invite – must’ve gotten lost in the mail) because what sort of wedding gift do you give a royal couple??? I mean, seriously. This weekend for us will be pretty busy as we’ve got some big garden happenings tomorrow (time to get everything ready for planting and weather is supposed to be great - yay!) and maybe, just maybe , a trip to the zoo for YS2’s birthday, which isn’t until Tuesday. If not, then soon! He will *love* it there! But I’ve got other things I need to pick up for his b-day. We already got his “big” gift ...