Sunday, November 28, 2010

Baby it's cold outside

Today was cold and windy... well cold for California. But the weather wasn't going to stop us from taking our Sunday walk. So we bundled up and when I saw that Haws and James were sort of matching I had to take some pictures.

I love this picture. James looks all smiley and cute and Haws looks like he is on drugs.

All ready to go!


K+C=M+K said...

It's been frighteningly cold out, huh?!! I love James! I can't to see him and hold and squeeze him! It amazes me how much babies change their look as they get older! He is such a doll:) And I love the comment about how Haws looks like he's on drugs- that's how I feel Kirk looks like in so many of my pictures! It's like pulling teeth to get him to pose for the camera sometimes!

Brooke said...

the smiley picture of James is adorable!

Cal said...

Cutest boy ever! Love that you guys do sunday walks! How much fun. Miss you guys!