Friday, November 5, 2010

4 months

Our baby is 4 months and I feel like he is getting so big!
I knew he had a growth spurt this last month and is now measuring almost 27 inches and weighing in at 14 lbs and 8 oz. He is now in the 90th percentile for height and 50th percentile for weight. He grew and slimmed out a little although he still looks like a chunk in these pics. His body is actually pretty long and lean. He looks like he may have mommy's long torso and shorted legs. He wears a smaller size pants than tops. But he is pretty proportional. In fact... we might just say he is perfect :)

This months highlights:
  • SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT! This is a big one for all of us! He still sometimes wakes at night, but that is more of a rare thing like when he rolls onto his tummy. He hates being there for too long because he hasn't mastered rolling right back over.
  • He laughs all the time
  • James is a big talker and now he has learned to squeal. It is loud, but a very happy sound. He probably gets that from me too... loud and happy :)
  • We still are not sure about the hair color. There is sometimes a red look to it, but I think he will be a darker strawberry blonde. That is just my guess.
  • He is finally taking a pacifier. He still doesn't love it and usually takes it just to sleep. He would much rather have his mouth free to talk and put things in it.
  • He grabs my hair now. It could be a combo of me growing it out and him grabbing everything... but this one is kind of a pain.
  • Still spits up a ton
  • Talks in different tones and is starting to make sounds like ba and ga
  • Loves to roll onto his side and sleep that way too
  • Brooke got us the best toy that straps across the car seat so he has something to entertain him while we are driving. This has made car rides much more pleasurable.

That's all I can think of right now. Since my baby brain has totally set in, I am impressed I can remember this much! We love our little Baby James.


Cal said...

He's just the cutest little thing! Look at that darling little face of his!!

trueblue said...

i'm starting to see haws a little now. maybe in the eyes?

liz said...

He is so cute! I totally get the post-baby brain too. I seriously need to think for a few seconds before I can answer the question "how old are your kids?". I wish I could say it will get better, but I am not so sure that it does :)

Holls said...

He is TOO cute!!

sara said...

holy moly! I can't believe how he's growing. I won't be out until Christmas but you are deintaly on my list of people I want to see. I want to hug and kiss that cute baby of yours too!!!

mandy said...

He's the cutest!