Thursday, January 21, 2010

Luke's 5th Birthday

Well, it's official. We have a 5-year old. He is growing up and he knows it. When we got in the car on his birthday, the first thing he asked was, "where do I sit now that I'm 5?" Sorry, buddy. It's the booster for a while.

Luke wanted a pirate birthday, so I made a pirate ship cake, we had a treasure hunt, and he got to watch a pirate movie. Kristin, Cuba, Travis, Miles and I took Luke to McDonalds and then the park. We all went to laser tag later that evening, while G-pa and Miles hung out at the bowling alley (Miles loves to watch people bowl). It was so fun to have everyone around for his birthday!


Highlight of the night: Giggle Goggles. And I thought Miles's eyes couldn't get any bigger...


Some fun things about Mr. five-year-old...

"Dad, I have a present for you from inside my body...I love you!"

Someone asked for a bite of something on his plate and he said, "Sure. And don't be afraid of the carrots." (this is extra sweet because is a phrase my Grandmother always said, and it reminded me of her).

He wants to go on his honeymoon to London.

This year Luke asked me everyday for a month straight if he could have a pie in his face. One morning during breakfast, Travis surprised him with a whip cream pie in the face. All he could say was, "Oh, geez. oh, geez."

Luke is amazing at Wii bowling. He has the craziest form I've ever seen, involving a complete 360 degree turn while letting go of the ball.


Rachelle said...

That has to be the coolest cake I've ever seen. Luke's one lucky little man! Where are you these days???

Unknown said...

We love that Luke. Kade was just talking about his "teenage friend" Luke the other day while playing with the racing helmet that Luke loves.
Happy birthday Luke!!

john said...

love that kid. bring him back to utah please.

kate said...
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kate said...

so love that kid! and tell all your selfish Utah friends that we Californians only get him for a small percentage of the year.

had a fun morning today with you guys...thanks!

p.s. love your san francisco pics...what an eye!

p.p.s. deleted original comment due to poor proofreading...