Well, it's official. We have a 5-year old. He is growing up and he knows it. When we got in the car on his birthday, the first thing he asked was, "where do I sit now that I'm 5?" Sorry, buddy. It's the booster for a while.
Luke wanted a pirate birthday, so I made a pirate ship cake, we had a treasure hunt, and he got to watch a pirate movie. Kristin, Cuba, Travis, Miles and I took Luke to McDonalds and then the park. We all went to laser tag later that evening, while G-pa and Miles hung out at the bowling alley (Miles loves to watch people bowl). It was so fun to have everyone around for his birthday!

Highlight of the night: Giggle Goggles. And I thought Miles's eyes couldn't get any bigger...

Some fun things about Mr. five-year-old...
"Dad, I have a present for you from inside my body...I love you!"
Someone asked for a bite of something on his plate and he said, "Sure. And don't be afraid of the carrots." (this is extra sweet because is a phrase my Grandmother always said, and it reminded me of her).
He wants to go on his honeymoon to London.
This year Luke asked me everyday for a month straight if he could have a pie in his face. One morning during breakfast, Travis surprised him with a whip cream pie in the face. All he could say was, "Oh, geez. oh, geez."
Luke is amazing at Wii bowling. He has the craziest form I've ever seen, involving a complete 360 degree turn while letting go of the ball.