Friday, March 11, 2011

Science and Art

Love this. What a great blend of science and graphic art.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

Here you go mom and dad. Merry Christmas from the Utah Crew!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

California Trip

Here's a video from our California trip in October. Even though we missed the South American Crew, we still managed to have a great time.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Dear Mom

Dear Mom,
Here is the video I told you I would post on my blog. It's a repeat. Nothing to get too excited about. But at least you don't have to squint to see the one on facebook. there will be more to come.

PS- I have a sudden craving for Peruvian food...

Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Thanksgiving 2010 did not disappoint. It included zumba, Luke's homemade Indian costume, a pie feast, ham and turkey, picture taking, and music time.


Friday, September 17, 2010


Copying Travis's brilliant idea, here is my SOC (stream of consciousness) blog.

Luke started school. He loves it. He picked out a Star Wars backpack that looks a little too big for him (I like it because it reminds me that he is still little). Miles love it too, since he gets solo time with mom and dad for 3 hours.

Triathlon and RRR season is done! Break out the Martinellis! So glad everything went well and so grateful for everyone's help. Got to know some amazing athletes and good people. On the other hand, some people can be so high strung, but then again, where would we get all our "material" (as whitney likes to say) for the year? Making fun of self-important ego maniacs provide months of entertainment in those long winter months.

I went to Swiss Days. Swiss tacos are good. So is pie and ice cream, caramel apples, gourmet pizza, frozen yogurt, and cheesecake. Never thought a craft fair could be so much like a football game. It was fun playing quarterback.

If I ever had a little girl, I would dress her like this. And then I would look for the same outfits in my size.

Luke and Miles are obsessed with the Kraken.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

TRI posters

Here's one of my projects for the day. This is the fun part about putting on triathlons. Really wish I was fast enough to win one of these posters fair and square.


Thursday, July 22, 2010

I wish...

Wish I was doing this right now instead of doing dishes.
*PS - Does anyone want to start a Bike Gang with me? Seriously...

Monday, July 12, 2010

Random Things...

Random Things...
So, apparently the guy that used to live here before we did raised messenger pigeons. When we came back from California, there were just 2, and now we have a collection of 5 filthy birds that sit on our roof, right next to our bedroom window. Our backyard is starting to feel like a weird version of a Harry Potter Owlry. Can I send anyone a message?

In the car after a long day at Disneyland, I had a headache. Luke was firing off questions, like usual. H: "Luke, no more questions right now, OK? I have a headache." slight pause. L: "Why do you have a headache?" H: "I don't really want to talk about it right now. No more questions, OK?" L: "But mom, I just want to know EVERYTHING. That way people will say to me, 'hey, you're brilliant' " (as he shoots his cool guy pointer finger at me).

Miles love to pretend to die in combat. Luke will get him with a sword and then begins a dramatic 2 minute presentation, complete with stumbling, a few pained groans, eyes closed, and finally ending up with him spread out on the floor with a slight smirk on his face, just waiting for someone to come revive him.

A couple nights before my parents left on their mission to Peru, we were speaking a little Spanglish and Luke said, "Companeros. That means: 'what's new at Costco.' "

Once again, Luke did not disappoint while playing in the fountains at the Gateway. Just an older version of the crazy 2-year-old in Kansas City. Miles, on the other hand, should be a minesweeper. That kid walked back and forth through the fountains so many times and never got wet. Not even a drop!




Saturday, June 26, 2010

Birthday Run

I turned the big 3-0 this year and I wanted it to be memorable. So, I hired the best race director in the state and he put on a fantastic race just for me. (this isn't the first time this has happened, and I wouldn't be surprised if something bigger came of it...). I digress. My dad dropped me and Trav off in Malibu at Pepperdine and we had quite an adventure. I ran down highway one, running right by the ocean and hundreds of Range Rovers and Priuses (Priusi? would that be plural?). Then we wound our way through the back residential neighborhoods of Santa Monica, passed 3 American Apparel stores, ran through homeless row and Muscle Beach in Venice, under the planes taking off at LAX, past Hermosa Pier, and ended at 28th street for a surprise finish line and lunch at Marthas. I got my favorite - portobello mushroom sandwich with goat cheese and fries. He mapped out the perfect course. Kate, my cross country coach sister-in-law, wrote messages for me in chalk along the strand to keep me going. Kind of wish I was turning 28 instead of 30, but a little help from Rage Against the Machine got me through it. Travis invited lots of friends and family to be at the finish line. It was one of the best "races" I have ever run. Thanks Travis and crew for making 30 so great!


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Miles turned 2!

Our sweet little Miles turned 2 a few weeks ago. We were in California and had a fantastic birthday luau complete with a hula contest, the limbo, a magic show and frog-eye salad. I finally finished his birthday video and a VERY short 2nd birthday photo session. We love this little guy and all the excitement, love and spunk he brings to our family.


Friday, April 9, 2010

Arhcitecture Week

Theme weeks have a new look. My attempt at a journal for the kids. I am happily taking suggestions for future theme week ideas.


Friday, April 2, 2010


We have a new tradition of baked GOODs FRIDAY. Miles loves to help clean up. Feel free to pass along any of your favorite baked good recipes. I'm always looking for new ones, especially pies. My little 2-year-old nephew knows this. When you ask him what a cow says, he answers, "moooo". When you ask him what Heidi says, he answers, "I like pie".


Saturday, March 20, 2010

Friday, February 19, 2010

NRPL Trip Video

Had way too much fun. Already trying to figure out how to get back...

New York City was a blur. Even though we took a red-eye flight out of LA, just the fact that we didn't have to tote around diaper bags and strollers gave us a burst of energy better than a 44oz Mtn Dew - needless to say, we saw most of the major sights and had a great time. I loved riding the subway. Definitely not as scary, dirty or scummy as I pictured.

Our favorite city was Rome. We both threw coins in the Trevi fountain to insure we'd come back. The Vatican was crazy! So big, so beautiful (and also slightly creepy). On the last day there, we went on a run with our tourist map just so we could see everything one last time. The highlight of the run was stretching out at St. Peter's square as the sun came up, with absolutely no one there. We even saw the Pope's light on in his study. Very cool.

The French food was amazing - pastries, fondue boeuf bourguignon, chocolate mousse, and gyros! The Louvre is ridiculously giant. Seriously. That is one crazy palace. I knew it was big, but after 5 hours in that place, I thought I was going to loose my mind. The Orsay and Rodin museums were much more enjoyable. Call me uncultured, but I have about a 2 hour museum limit before the ADHD sets in.

London was fantastic. Any city where you can find a Cadburry vending machine in the tube stations is my kind of place. And when Her Majesty's royal marching band started playing the Magnum PI theme song at the changing of the guard, I knew it couldn't get much better than this. Loved, loved, loved the Lion King, and the Beefeater tour at the Tower of London was worth every pound (ahem... not the ones I put on from eating all those pastries, chocolates, desserts, etc).

Sunday, January 31, 2010


(Pronounced NER-Pull)
Leaving on a jetplane. Can't wait! All you world travelers, I would love some eating suggestions...

Monday, January 25, 2010


Hooray! They are building a temple in Payson!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Luke's 5th Birthday

Well, it's official. We have a 5-year old. He is growing up and he knows it. When we got in the car on his birthday, the first thing he asked was, "where do I sit now that I'm 5?" Sorry, buddy. It's the booster for a while.

Luke wanted a pirate birthday, so I made a pirate ship cake, we had a treasure hunt, and he got to watch a pirate movie. Kristin, Cuba, Travis, Miles and I took Luke to McDonalds and then the park. We all went to laser tag later that evening, while G-pa and Miles hung out at the bowling alley (Miles loves to watch people bowl). It was so fun to have everyone around for his birthday!


Highlight of the night: Giggle Goggles. And I thought Miles's eyes couldn't get any bigger...


Some fun things about Mr. five-year-old...

"Dad, I have a present for you from inside my body...I love you!"

Someone asked for a bite of something on his plate and he said, "Sure. And don't be afraid of the carrots." (this is extra sweet because is a phrase my Grandmother always said, and it reminded me of her).

He wants to go on his honeymoon to London.

This year Luke asked me everyday for a month straight if he could have a pie in his face. One morning during breakfast, Travis surprised him with a whip cream pie in the face. All he could say was, "Oh, geez. oh, geez."

Luke is amazing at Wii bowling. He has the craziest form I've ever seen, involving a complete 360 degree turn while letting go of the ball.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Half Marathon Ladies

Last Saturday my mom and I and all the ladies rocked the Southern California half marathon. Such a fun running group, with a fantastic coach!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Happy Holidays

This is a total regurgitation of a post on my other blog, but I'm getting tired of looking at Halloween pictures. This year I feel more like the grinch - we have been so busy with family events that I haven't had time to do anything Christmas-y. With our gypsy lifestyle, 2 family vacations, a suprise 50th birthday party for my mom, a wedding, and an open house, I had decided not to do Christmas cards this year. But card after adorable card kept coming to my parents' house, and with how fast my kiddos are growing, I felt like we had to do something. With about 10 minutes of warning, I told Travis the new plan, wiped the dirt from their faces, put on a necklace and some lip gloss, and we did a 3 minute photo shoot. My grinch heart has grown 3 sizes as I finally broke out the Christmas tunes and spent the day making a palate of caramel apples. Hopefully next year it won't take me until 4 days before Christmas before I get excited about the season.

